the life and adventures of robinson crusoe


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Page 478 - Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.
Page 203 - ... not very easy to describe. His face was round and plump; his nose small, not flat like the Negroes', a very good mouth, thin lips, and his fine teeth well set, and white as ivory.
Page 63 - I saw abundance of fowls, but knew not their kinds, neither when I killed them could I tell what was fit for food, and what not; at my coming back, I shot at a great bird which I saw sitting upon a tree on the side of a great wood. I believe it was the first gun that had been fired there since the creation of the world...
Page 201 - I beckoned him again to come to me, and gave him all the signs of encouragement that I could think of; and he came nearer and nearer, kneeling down every ten or twelve steps, in token of acknowledgment for my saving his life.
Page 65 - I aloud, what art thou good for, Thou art not worth to me, no not the taking off of the Ground, one of those Knives is worth all this Heap, I have no Manner of use for thee, e'en remain where thou art, and go to the Bottom as a Creature whose Life is not worth saving.
Page 54 - I may say, wrapt up in the contemplation of my deliverance, making a thousand gestures and motions which I cannot describe, reflecting upon all my comrades that were drowned, and that there should not be one soul saved but myself; for, as for them, I never saw them afterwards, or any sign of them, except three of their hats, one cap, and two shoes that were not fellows.
Page 232 - My island was now peopled, and I thought myself very rich in subjects ; and it was a merry reflection, which I frequently made, how like a king I looked.
Page 303 - ... and the men of labour spent their strength in daily struggling for bread to maintain the vital strength they laboured with : so living in a daily circulation of sorrow, living but to work, and working but to live, as if daily bread were the only end of wearisome life, and a wearisome life the only occasion of daily bread.
Page 75 - So I went to work ; and here I must needs observe, that as reason is the substance and original of the mathematics, so, by stating and squaring everything by reason, and by making the most rational judgment of things, every man may be in time master of every mechanic art.
Page 159 - I slept none that night. The farther I was from the occasion of my fright, the greater my apprehensions were— which is something contrary to the nature of such things and especially to the usual practice of all creatures in fear. But I was so...

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