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ed a hope; while the avowedly impenitent never regret in their last moments that they have not considered themselves heirs of future bliss. Now, shall we say that the opponents of Universalisım, being thoroughly conscientious in the objections they urge against that doctrine, will of course contend, from the circumstance just mentioned, that 'a prospect of one's eternal torment never occasions distress in a dying hour; but a hope of one's salvation frequently leads to the most distressing apprehensions on a death-bed,' and therefore that people ought never in this life to indulge a hope of God's mercy? Let them at any rate be consistent. Whatever rule they adopt, let them but apply it to their own followers as well as to Universalists, and they will see the necessity either of urging this plea equally against both, or of laying it aside altogeth


What shall we say to the accusation that Universalism does not reclaim from a life of sin, and that its converts are generally distinguished for vicious habits? We have rooin only to suggest the propriety of judging froin the known character of the denomination at large, as it actually exists, compared with that of other sects. Still we admit that if it fall short of the proper standard of excellence, it is very desirable that it should be visited with rebuke; though it must be confessed that we do not so readily feel the force of the admonition as aimed against our sentiments, when it comes from the advocates of a doctrine which for several centuries filled the world with bloodshed and the most loathsome debauchery, and which is still suspected of much finesse and political ambition.

We would not conclude without observing that, in point of temper and decorum, Mr. Parker's Lectures are one of the most respectable performances of the kind which have lately appeared. He calls Universalists by no harsh or opprobrious names, and so far as direct language is concerned, he treats them with civility-with the civility however of a saint towards sinners, for such is the relation that is implied throughout, between them and the preacher.

H. B. 2d.

Ант. ХІІ.

Notice of Recent Publications.

1.-Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern, in Four Books, much corrected, enlarged and improved, from the primary authorities. By John Lawrence von Mosheim, D. D. Chancellor of the University of Gottingen. A new and literal Translation from the original Latin, with copious additional notes, original and selected. By James Murdock, D. D. In three volumes. 8vo. New Haven, 1832.-Price from $8, to $9,00 in boards.

MOSHEIM'S is by far the best general Ecclesiastical History that we have in our language, notwithstanding its minute analytical divisions, together with its arbitrary arrangement by centuries, render it for the most part merely an assorted collection of facts, and not a continuous narrative. Dr. Priestley's was written with his usual haste, and with what still more impairs its authority, a constant solicitude to bring to light every possible vestige in which his own sentiments might be traced. Milner's is properly a compound of history and homily, and in its very plan and aim a polemic work, the most suspicious of all kinds of historical composition. Mosheim's greatly surpasses both of these in the completeness of its materials, critical estimation and faithful use of them; and, generally speaking, it is impartial to an extraordinary degree, especially in the earlier parts. It was soon translated from the original Latin into several European languages, in which it has been received as a standard compendium. In 1764, Dr. Maclaine published an English translation which has hitherto supplied the British and American public, and which is well known to many of our readers.

But Dr. Maclaine is said to have taken unwarrantable liberties in rendering the original, often obscuring and sometimes perverting its sense. This among other considerations induced Dr. Murdock to make a new translation, the title of which we have given. It professes to be ' a close, literal version, containing neither more nor less than the original, and presenting the exact thoughts of the author in the same direct, artless and lucid manner, with as much similarity in the phraseology and modes of expression as the idioms of the two languages would admit.' Of its general fidelity the translator's word is with us a sufficient guaranty, though we can judge on no other grounds, having never compared it with the original. Its style is simple, concise, and yet agreable. It should be observed, however, that the translation was but a small part of Dr. Murdock's labor. He has also added numerous and extensive notes from European editors and from his own stores, giving the biography of most of the christian fathers, with catalogues of the ecclesiastical writers in each century whose names were omitted by Mosheim, and correcting some of his mistakes as well as supplying some of his deficiences. These notes add much to the matter of the work, and considerable to its value. They are distinguished by the names of their respective authors.

As some may hesitate at the cost, who yet wish to procure Mosheim's work in some form, we give notice that a new edition of the old translation, (Dr. Maclaine's,) was published at Baltimore, 1832, in two volumes, 8vo. small type, price $5,00 bound. It is increased as to the quantity of matter, with a Dissertation on the Primitive State of the Church, by Rev. Dr. George Gleig, and a continuation of the history to the present time, by Charles Coote, LL. D. The Dissertation is of little value; the continuation we have not read.

2.-Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible, as published by the late Mr. Charles Taylor, vlor, with the fragments incorporated. The whole condensed and arranged i in Alphabetical order. American edition. Revised, with large additions, by Edward Robinson, Professor Extraordinary of Sacred Literature in the Theological Seminary, Andover. Illustrated with Maps and Engravings on wood. Boston, 1832. Royal 8vo. pp. 1003.-Price, $4,00 boards; $4,50 bound.

There is probably no other single work, within the same compass and price, which contains so much information as we find in this volume on the subjects of Scripture history, natural and civil, Scripture geography, and Scripture antiquities, consisting of ancient politics, manners and customs, arts and sciences, all set forth under the supervision of one of the best Biblical scholars in our country. In several respects this abridged and very cheap edition is preferable to the voluminous and expensive work hitherto circulated among us under the name of Calmet. Its arrangement is more convenient; much crude and unimportant matter has been retrenched; much that is valuable, especially in the geographical articles, has been inserted; and its criticisms, though not always such as Universalists would adopt, are generally improved from the latest acknowledged authorities, and composed with more caution than some of those in the large copies. The greatest defect in comparison, appears to us to lie in the small number of its engravings illustrative of ancient objects and usages. Of these we could have wished a more full exhibition, even at the expense of a little increase in the price.

3. A new Greek and English Lexicon; principally on the plan of the Greek and German Lexicon of Schneider: the words alphabetically arranged; distinguishing such as are poetical, of dialectic variety, or peculiar to certain writers or classes of writers; with examples literally translated, selected from the classical writers. By James Donnegan, M. D. First American, from the second London edition, revised and enlarged, by R. B. Patton. Boston. 1832. 8vo. pp. 1413.-Price $5,50,


We give notice of this recent work for the sake of those who wish to study the original language of the New Testament. It is the fullest Greek Lexicon which has appeared in English. We pretend not to the qualifications to judge critically of its merits; but its reputation at present is such that it is expected to supersede all others of the kind. The late American translation of Schrevelius, attributed to the Hon. J. Pickering, has been highly esteemed; but it is said, that although nearly or quite out of the market it will not be republished, on account of the superiority of the present work. It is printed on small but clear type, three columns in a page; and notwithstanding its great extent, which may be judged of by the number of its pages, it is wholly Greek and English, having no English and Greek part, which indeed would be of little service to most students. To the several words are affixed the customary signs of declension, conjugation, &c.; and at the proper places in the alphabetical course, the oblique forms of irregular words are inserted with the references necessary to point out the derivation to beginners.

A cheap abridgment (not of this edition, but of a London edition) of Donnegan was published, 1832, at Philadelphia, 'for the use of schools and junior classes in colleges;' and for learners we suppose it will answer well enough, though its execution is said to be in some respects faulty, and it wants the Greek accents throughout. It is in the 12mo. form, of 838 pages, three columns on a page, in very sınall but clear letter. Like the original, it is wholly Greek and English, and contains the signs of declension, conjugation, &c., and the oblique forms of irregular words. It may be called for by the popular name of Cairns' Abridgement of Donnegan's Greek Lexicon.-Price $2,50 bound.

H. B. 2d.


The Saviour.

In bright array a shining host, at night, appeared on high,

And swelling anthems loudly pealed along the Syrian sky;
Thro' Bethlehem's soft and peaceful vales the strain re-echoed round,
And Judah's shepherds, from their watch, were startled at the sound-
Deep, deep and solemnly it fell upon the listening ear,
Until each manly heart around grew sick with mortal fear;
When, lo! a thousand voices sung, as passed that host away,
'Peace, peace on earth-good will to men-a Saviour 's born to-day!'

A Saviour!-was he to redeem a nation from its chains?
Was he to win the victor's wreath on slaughter's bloody plains?
Was he to wrest the sceptre from the stern oppressor's hand,
And bid the song of Freedom swell, triumphant, through the land ?
A nobler task! long had our race in error's mazes trod,
He came the wandering ones to seek, and bring them back to God;
He came to draw aside the veil that o'er the grave was thrown,
And chace the fear of death away, that weighed man's spirit down.

How lived the Saviour?-Was his home the princely hall of pride,
With kneeling suppliants at his feet, and splendor at his side?
Were lordly trains around his path acknowledging his sway,
And adulation's honied voice, companion of his way?
No! in his pathway, thorn-bestrew'd, lay many a hidden snare,
And many an eye that scowl'd with hate and angry scorn, was there ;-
While from his hand, upon the poor, the choicest gifts were shed,
Oft, oft the weary Saviour had not where to lay his head!

How died the Saviour? - On the couch devoted hands had spread,
With gentle forms to minister around his languid head?
Were loved ones bending o'er, to catch his dim and failing eye,
With hearts whose grief might ill be hushed, as the last hour drew nigh?
Not thus--he perished where no friend might watch his parting breath-
Upon the fearful cross he died a guilty felon's death!
Not quite alone-when foes betray'd and friends forsook him fast,
Meek woınan, with unblenching heart, stood by him to the last!

He died-and deep within the grave they laid a nation's trust,
While Zion's daughters veiled their heads and bow'd them to the dust!
He died, altho' the slumbering dead had waked at his command-
Dark swept the raven wings of night at noon-day o'er the land.
He died-but not the bands of death might chain him to the tomb,
Triumphant o'er the sepulchre, he started from its gloom;-
Well inay the tear of gratitude flow freely, while we give
Thanksgiving to the Son of God-He died that man might live!

C. M. 8.

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