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IN-CO-HE/RENT-LY, adv. Inconsistently; without coherence of parts.

IN-CO-IN CI-DENCE, n. Want of coincidence.
IN-CO-IN CI-DENT, a. Not coincident.
IN-CO-LU MI-TY, n. [L. incolumitas.] Safety.
IN-COM-BINE', v. i. To differ. [Ill formed.] Milton
IN-COM-BUST-I-BILI-TY, n. The quality of being inca-
pable of being burnt or consumed. Ray.
IN-COM-BUSTI-BLE, a. Not to be burnt, decomposed or
consumed by fire.

IN-COM-BUSTI-BLE-NESS, n. Incombustibility.

IN COME, (in kum) n. [in and come.] 1. That gain which proceeds from labor, business or property of any kind; the produce of a farm; the rent of houses; the proceeds of professional business; the profits of commerce or of occupation; the interest of money or stock in funds.-Income is often used synonymously with revenue, but income is more generally applied to the gain of private persons, and revenue to that of a sovereign or of a state. We speak of the annual income of a gentleman, and the annual revenue of the state. 2. A coming in; admission; introduction; [not in use.]

IN COM-ING, a. Coming in. Burke.

IN COM-ING, n. Income; gain. Tooke.

IN-COM-MEN-SU-RA-BILI-TY, n. The quality or state of a thing, when it has no common measure with another thing.

IN-COM-MEN'SU-RA-BLE, a. Having no common meas

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ing; incongruous. 3. Legally or constitutionally incon sistent; that cannot be united in the same person, with out violating the law or constitution.

IN-COM-PATI-BLY, adv. Inconsistently.

IN COMPE-TENCE, n. [Fr. incompetence.] 1 InabillIN-COM/PE-TEN-CY, ty; want of sufficient intellectual powers or talents. 2. Want of natural adequate strength of body, or of suitable faculties. 3. Want of legal or constitutional qualifications. 4. Want of adequate means. 5. Insufficiency; inadequacy.

IN-COM/PE-TENT, a. [Fr.; L. in and competens.] 1 Wanting adequate powers of mind or suitable faculties. 2. Wanting due strength or suitable faculties; unable 3. Wanting the legal or constitutional qualifications. 4 Destitute of means; unable. 5. Inadequate; insufficient. 6. Unfit; improper; legally unavailable. IN-COM-PE-TENT-LY, adv. Insufficiently; inadequately not suitably.

IN-COM-PLETE, a. [in and complete.] 1. Not finished 2. Imperfect; defective.

IN-COM-PLETELY, adv. Imperfectly

IN-COM-PLETENESS, n. An unfinished state; imperfectness; defectiveness.

IN-COM-PLEX', a. Not complex; uncompounded; sim ple.

IN-COM-PLIANCE, n. 1. Defect of compliance; refusal to comply with solicitations. 2. Untractableness; unyielding temper or constitution. Tilotson.

IN-COM-PLIANT, a. Unyielding to request or solicita tion; not disposed to comply. IN-COM-POSED, (in-kom-pozd') a. Disordered; disturbed IN-COM/PO-SITE, (in-kom/po-zit) a. Uncompounded, simple.

IN-COM-POS-SI-BIL/I-TY, n. The quality of not being pos sible but by the negation or destruction of something; in consistency with something. [Little used.]

I-POS/SI-BLE, a. Not possible to be or subsist witb. something else. [Little used.] IN-COM-PRE-HEN-SI-BIL/I-TY, n. The quality of bein incomprehensible; inconceivableness. Campbell.

IN-COM-PRE-HENS-I-BLE, a. [Fr.] 1. That cannot be comprehended or understood; that is beyond the reach a human intellect; inconceivable. 2. Not to be container

[Little used.]

IN-COM-PRE-HENSI-BLE-NESS, n. Incomprehensibility IN-COM-PRE-HENSI-BLY, adv. Inconceivably.

IN-COM-PRE-HEN'SION, n. Want of comprehension. IN-COM-PRE-HENSIVE, a. Not comprehensive.

IN-COM-PRESS-I-BILI-TY, n. The quality of resisting

convenience; inconveniently; unsuitably. IN-COM-MO DI-OUS-NESS, n. Inconvenience; unsuitableness.


IN-COM MODI-TY, n. [Fr. incommodité; L. incommoditas.] Inconvenience; trouble. [Little used.] Bacon.

IN-COM-PRESSI-BLE, a. Not to be compressed; not ca pable of being reduced by force into a smaller compass resisting compression.

IN-CON-CEALA-BLE, a. Not concealle; not to be hir


or kept secret. Brown.

BLE-NESS, n. The quality of not being communica-IN-CON-CEIV/A-BLE, a. 1. That cannot be conceived b


the mind; incomprehensible. 2. That cannot be under

IN-COM-MO'NI-CA-BLE, a. That cannot be communicat


ed or imparted to others.

IN-COM-MO'NI-CA-BLY, adv. In a manner not to be im

IN-CON-CEIV/A-BLE-NESS, n. The quality of being in conceivable; incomprehensibility.

parted or communicated. Hekewill.

IN-COM-MO NI-CA-TED, a. Not imparted.

IN-COM-MO'NI-CA-TING, a. Having no communion or intercourse with each other. Hale.

IN-COM-MO'NI-CA-TIVE, a. 1. Not communicative. 2. Not disposed to hold communion, fellowship or intercourse with. Buchanan.



NESS, n. The quality of being incommutable.

IN-COM-MOTA-BLE, a. Not to be exchanged or commuted with another.

IN-COM-MO'TA-BLY, adv. Without reciprocal change.

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Not compact; not having the

IN-COM-PACT/ED, parts firmly united; not solid.

IN-COM'PA-RA-BLE, a. That admits of no comparison

with others.

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IN-COM'PA-RA-BLY, adv. Beyond comparison; without competition.

IN-COM-PAR/ED, (in-kom-pard') a. Not matched; peerless. Spenser.

IN-COM-PAS/SION, n. Want of compassion or pity. IN-COM-PASSION-ATE, a. Void of compassion or pity; destitute of tenderness. Johnson.

IN-COM-PASSION-ATE-LY, adv. Without pity. IN-COM-PASSION-ATE-NESS, n. Want of pity. IN-COM-PAT-I-BIL I-TY, n. 1. Inconsistency; that quality or state of a thing which renders it impossible, that it should subsist or be consistent with something else. 2. Irreconcilable disagreement.

IN-COM-PATI-BLE, a. [Fr. It was formerly incompetible.] 1. Inconsistent; that cannot subsist with something else. 2. Irreconcilably different or disagree

IN-CON-CEIVA-BLÝ, adv. In a manner beyond compre

hension, or beyond the reach of human intellect.

IN-CON-CEPTI-BLE, a. Inconceivable. [L. u.] Hale. IN-CON-CIN/NI-TY, n. [L. inconcinnitas.] Unsuitable ness; want of proportion. More.

IN-CON-CLUDENT, a [L. in and concludens.] Not infer ring a conclusion or consequence. [Little used.) Ayliffe. IN-CON-CLUDING, a. Inferring no consequence. IN-CON-CLUSIVE, a. Not producing a conclusion; nơ closing, concluding or settling a point in debate or doubtful question.

IN-CON-CLUSIVE-LY, adv. Without such evidence a to determine the understanding in regard to truth or false hood.

IN-CON-CLUSIVE-NESS, n. Want of such evidence a to satisfy the mind of truth or falsehood.

IN-CON-COCT', a. Inconcocted.

IN-CON-COCTED, a. Not fully digested; not matured.

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IN-CON-DENS'A-BLE, a. 1. Not capable of condensatior that cannot be made more dense or compact. 2. Not to be converted from a state of vapor to a fluid.

* IN-CON/DITE, a. [L. inconditus.] Rude; unpolished; ir regular. [Little used.] Philips.

IN-CON-DITION-AL, a. Without any condition, exception or limitation; absolute. See UNCONDITIONA IN-CON-DITION-ATE, a. Not limited or restrained b conditions; absolute.

[merged small][ocr errors]

IN-CON FIRMED. (in-kon-furmd') for unconfirmed. IN-CON-FORM'A-BLE, a. Not conformable. Heylin. IN-CON-FORMI-TY, n. Want of conformity; non-conformity. [The latter word is more commonly used.] IN-CON-FOS/ED, (in kon-füzd') a. Not confused; distinct. Bacon.

IN-CON-FUSION, R. Distinctness. Bacon.

IN-CON-GE/LA-BLE, a. Not to be frozen. Cockeram. IN-CON-GENIAL, a. Not congenial; not of a like nature; unsuitable.

IN-CON-GE-NI-AL/I-TY, n. Unlikeness of nature; unsuit


IN-CON GRU-ENCE, n. Want of congruence, adaptation or agreement; unsuitableness. [Little used.] Boyle. IN-CON GRU-ÉNT, a. Unsuitable; inconsistent.

IN-CON-GRUI-TY, n. 1. Want of congruity; impropriety; inconsistency; absurdity; unsuitableness of one thing to another. 2. Disagreement of parts; want of symmetry.

IN FON GRU-OUS, a. [L. incongruus.] Not congruous; unsuitable; not fitting; inconsistent; improper. IN-CON/GRU-CUS-LY, adv. Unsuitably; unfitly.

IN-CON-NECTION, n. Want of connection; loose, disjointed state. Bp. Hall.

IN-CON-NEX ED-LY, adv. Without any connection or dependence.

IN-CON'SCION-A-BLE, a. Having no sense of good and evil. Spenser.

IN-CON/SE-QUENCE, n. [L. inconsequentia.

just inference; inconclusiveness.

Want of

IN-CON'SE-QUENT, a. Not following from the premises;

without regular inference. Brown.

IN-CON-SE QUEN TIAL, a. 1. Not regularly following from the premises. 2. Not of consequence; not of importance of little moment.

IN-CON-SID ER-A-BLE, a. Not worthy of consideration or notice; unimportant; small; trivial.

IN-CON-SID ER-A-BLE-NESS, n. Small importance. IN-CON-SID ER-A-FLY, adv. In a small degree; to a small amount; very little

IN-CON-SID ER-A-CY, n. Thoughtlessness; want of consideration. [Unusual.] Chesterfield.

IN-CON-SID ER-ATE, a. [L. inconsideratus.]

1. Not considerate; not attending to the circumstances which regard safety or propriety; hasty; rash; imprudent; careless; thoughtless; heedless; inattentive. 2. Proceeding from heedlessness; rash. 3. Not duly regarding. IN-CON-SID ER-ATE-LY, adv. Without due consideration or regard to consequences; heedlessly; carelessly; rashly; imprudently.

IN-CON-SID ER-ATE-NESS, a. Want of due regard to consequences; es; carelessness; thoughtlessness; inadvertence; inattention; imprudence.

IN-CON-SID-ER-A/TION, n. Want of due consideration; want of thought; inattention to consequences. IN-CON-SISTENCE, n. 1. Such opposition or disagreeIN-CON-SISTEN-CY, ment as that one proposition infers the negation of the other; such contrariety between things that both cannot subsist together. 2. Absurdity in argument or narration; argument or narrative where one part destroys the other; self-contradiction. 3. Incongruity; want of agreement or uniformity. 4. Unsteadiness; changeableness.

IN-CON-SISTENT, a. 1. Incompatible; incongruous; not suitable. 2. Not consistent; contrary, or so that the truth of one proves the other to be false. 3. Not uniform; being contrary at different times.

IN-CON-SISTENT-LY, adv. With absurdity; incongruously; with self-contradiction; without steadiness or uniformity.

†IN-CON-SISTENT-NESS, n. Inconsistency. More. IN-CON-SISTING, a. Inconsistent. Dryden.

IN-CON-SOL/A-BLE, a. Not to be consoled; grieved beyond susceptibility of comfort.

IN-CON-SOL/A-BLY, adv. In a manner or degree that does not admit of consolation.

IN-CON/SO-NANCE, n. Disagreement of sounds; discordance. Busby.

IN-CON'SO-NAN-CY, n. Disagreement; inconsistency.-In music, disagreement of sounds; discordance. IN-CON-SO-NANT, a. Not agreeing; inconsistent; discord

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be wasted.

inconstant to be consumed; that cannot

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IN-CON-TEST/A-BLE, a. [Fr.) Not contestable; not to be disputed; not admitting debate; too clear to be controverted; mcontrovertible.

IN-CON-TEST'A-BLY, adv. In a manner to preclude debate; indisputably; incontrovertibly; indubitably. IN-CON-TIGU-OUS, a. Not contiguous; not adjoining; not touching; separate. Boyle. IN-CON-TI-NENCE, n. [L. incontinentia.] 1. . Want of IN-CON-TI-NEN-CY, restraint of the passions or appetites. 2. Want of restraint of the sexual appetite; free or illegal indulgence of lust; lewdness; used of either sex, but appropriately of the male sex. Incontinence in men is the same as unchastity in women.-3. Among physicians, the inability of any of the animal organs to restrain discharges of their contents, so that the discharges are involuntary.

IN-CON/TI-NENT, a. [L. incontinens.] Not restraining the passions or appetites, particularly the sexual appetite; unchaste; lewd. 2. Unable to restrain discharges.-In the sense of immediate, or immediately, [obs.] IN-CON TI-NENT, n. One who is unchaste. B. Jonson. IN-CON/TI-NENT-LY, adv. 1. Without due restraint of the passions or appetites; unchastely. 2. Immediately; [obs.] IN-CON-TRACT ED, a. Not contracted; not shortened. IN-CON-TROLL/A-BLE, a. Not to be controlled; that cannot be restrained or governed; uncontrollable.

IN-CON-TROLL/A-BLY, adv. In a manner that admits of

no control.

IN-CON-TRO-VERTI-BLE, a. Indisputable; too clear or certain to admit of dispute.

IN-CON-TRO-VERTI-BLY, adv. In a manner or to a degree that precludes debate or controversy. IN-CON-VE/NI-ENCE, n. [L. inconveniens.] 1. Unfit IN-CON-VE/NI-EN-CÝ, ness; unsuitableness; inexpedience. 2. That which gives trouble or uneasiness; disadvantage; any thing that disturbs quiet, impedes prosperity, or increases the difficulty of action or success. IN-CON-VE NI-ENCE, v. t. To trouble; to put to incon


IN-CON-VE/NI-ENT, a. [Fr.] 1. Incommodious; unsuitable; disadvantageous; giving trouble or uneasiness; increasing the difficulty of progress or success. 2. Unfit;


IN-CON-VE/NI-ENT-LY, adv. Unsuitably; incommodiously; in a manner to give trouble; unseasonably. IN-CON-VERSA-BLE, a. Not inclined to free conversation; incommunicative; unsocial; reserved. IN-CON/VERS-ANT, a. Not conversant; not familiar. IN-CON-VERT-I-BIL/I-TY, n. The quality of not being changeable or convertible into something else. Walsh. IN-CON-VERTI-BLE, a. Not convertible; that cannot be transmuted or changed into something else. IN-CON-VIN CI-BLE, a. Not convincible; that cannot be convinced; not capable of conviction.

IN-CON-VIN CI-BLY, adv. In a manner not admitting of


IN-CONY, a. or n. [qu. in, and con, to know.] Unlearned; artless; an accomplished person, in contempt. [Ill.]


IN-COR/PO-RAL, a. Not consisting of matter or body; immaterial. Raleigh.

IN-COR-PO-RALI-TY, n. The quality of not consisting of matter; immateriality.

IN-COR/PO-RAL-LY, adv. Without matter or a body; immaterially.

IN-COR/PO-RATE, a. 1. Not consisting of matter; not having a material body; [little used.] 2. Mixed; united in one body; associated.

IN-COR/PO-RATE, v. t. [Fr. incorporer; L. incorporo.] 1. In pharmacy, to mix different ingredients in one mass or body; to reduce dry substances to the consistence of paste by the admixture of a fluid, as in making pills, &c. 2. To mix and imbody one substance in another. 3. To unite; to blend; to work into another mass or body. 4 To unite; to associate in another government or empire. 5. To imbody; to give a material form to. 6. To form into a legal body, or body politic.

IN-COR PO-RATE, v. i. To unite so as to make a part of another body; to be mixed or blended; to grow into. IN-COR/PO-RA-TED, pp. Mixed or united in one body; associated in the same political body; united in a legal body.

IN-COR PO RA-TING, ppr. Mixing or uniting in one body or mass; associating in the same political body; forming a legal body.

IN-COR-PO-RATION, n. 1. The act of incorporating. 2. Union of different ingredients in one mass. 3. Association In the same political body. 4. Formation of a legal or political body by the union of individuals, constituting an artificial person.

IN-COR-PO RE-AL, a. [L. incorporalis.] Not consisting of matter; not having a material body; immaterial. IN-COR-PORE-AL-LY, adv. Without body; immaterially.


IN-COR-PO-REI-TY, n. The quality of being not material; immateriality.

IN-CORPSE, (in-korps') v. t. To incorporate. [Barbarous.] IN-COR-RECT', a. 1. Not correct; not exact; not according to a copy or model, or to established rules; inaccurate; faulty. 2. Not according to truth; inaccurate. 3. Not according to law or morality. IN-COR-RECTION, n. Want of correction. Arnway. IN-COR-RECT'LY, adv. Not in accordance with truth or other standard; inaccurately; not exactly.

IN-COR-RECT NESS, n. Want of conformity to truth or to a standard; inaccuracy.

IN-COR/RI-GI-BLE, a. 1. That cannot be corrected or amended; bad beyond correction. 2. Too depraved to be corrected or reformed.

IN-COR'RI-GI-BLE-NESS, or IN-COR-RI-GI-BIL/I-TY, n. The quality of being bad, erroneous or depraved beyond correction; hopeless depravity in persons and error in things. IN-COR/RI-GI-BLY, adv. To a degree of depravity beyond all means of amendment. Roscom.non.


IN-COR-RUPTED, marred, impaired or spoiled; arincorruptured not defiled or depraved; pure; sound; untainted. IN-COR-RUPT-I-BIL/I-TY, n. The quality of being incapable of decay or corruption.

IN-COR-RUPTI-BLE, a. i. That cannot corrupt or decay; not admitting of corruption. 2. That cannot be bribed; inflexibly just and upright.

IN-COR-RUPTI-BLE-NESS, n. The quality of being in-
corruptible, or not liable to decay. Boyle.
IN-COR-RUPTION, n. Incapacity of being corrupted.
IN-COR-RUPTIVE, a. Not liable to corruption.

IN-COR-RUPTINESS, n. 1. Exemption from decay or corruption. 2. Purity of mind or manners; probity; integrity; honesty.

IN-CRAS SATE, v. t. [L. incrassatus.] 1. To make thick or thicker; to thicken; the contrary to attenuate.-2. In pharmacy, to make fluids thicker by the mixture of other substances less fluid, or by evaporating the thinner parts. IN-CRAS/SATE, v. i. To become thick or thicker. IN-CRAS SATE,


ing thicker towards the flower. 2.

IN-CRAS SA-TED, pp. Made thick or thicker. IN-CRAS/SA-TING, ppr. Rendering thick or thicker; growing thicker.

IN-CRAS-SATION, n. The act of thickening, or state of becoming thick or thicker. Brown.

IN-CRAS/SA-TIVE, a. Having the quality of thickening. IN-CRAS/SA-TIVE, That which has the power to thicken. Harvey.

IN-CREAS/A-BLE, a. That may be increased. Sherwood. IN-CREASE, v. i. [L. incresco.] 1. To become greater in bulk or quantity; to grow; to augment; as plants to become more in number; to advance in value, or in any quality, good or bad. 2. To become more violent. 3. Το become more bright or vivid. 4. To swell; to rise. 5. To swell; to become louder, as sound. 6. To become of more esteem and authority. 7. To enlarge, as the enlightened part of the moon's disk.

IN-CREASE, v. t. 1. To augment or make greater in bulk, quantity or amount. 2. To advance in quality; to add to any quality or affection. 3. To extend; to lengthen. 4. To extend; to spread. 5. To aggravate.

IN-CREASE, n. 1. Augmentation; a growing larger; extension. 2. Increment; profit; interest; that which is added to the original stock. 3. Produce, as of land. 4. Progeny; issue; offspring. 5. Generation. 6. The waxing of the moon; the augmentation of the luminous part of the moon, presented to the inhabitants of the earth. 7. Augmentation of strength or violence. 8. Augmentation of degree.

IN-CREASED, (in-kreest') pp. Augmented; made or grown larger.

IN-CREASE FUL, a. Abundant of produce. Shak.
IN-CREASER, n. He or that which increases.

IN-CREASING, ppr. Growing; becoming larger; advanc

ing in any quality, good or bad.



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IN CRED-I-BIL/I-TY, n. [Fr. incredibilité. The quality of surpassing belief, or of being too extraordinary to admit of belief.

IN-CREDI-BLE, a. [L. incredibilis.] That cannot be believed; not to be credited; too extraordinary and improbable to admit of belief.

IN-CREDI-BLE-NESS, n. Incredibility, which see.

IN-CREDI-BLY, adv. In a manner to preclude bellef IN-CRE-DU LI-TY, n. [Fr. incredulité.] The quality of ne believing; indisposition to believe; a withholding or re fusal of belief.

IN-CRED U-LOUS, a. [L. neredulus.] Not believing indisposed to admit the truth of what is related; refusin or withholding belief.

IN-CREDU-LOUS-NESS, n. Incredulity, which see. †IN-CREM/A-BLE, a. That cannot be burnt. IN CRE-MENT, n. [L. incrementum.] 1. Increase; a grow ing in bulk, quantity, number, value or amount; augmen tation. 2. Produce; production. 3. Matter added; ir crease.-4. In mathematics, the quantity by which a variable quantity increases; a differential quantity. †IN/CRE-PATE, v. t. [L. increpo.] To chide; to rebuke IN-CRE-PATION, n. [It. increpazione.] A chiding or re buking; rebuke; reprehension. Hammond. IN-CRESCENT, a. [L. increscens.] Increasing; growing; augmenting; swelling

IN-CRIMI-NATE, v. t. [L. in and criminor.] To accuse; to charge with a crime or fault.

†IN-CRU-ENTAL, a. [L. incruentus.] Unbloody; not attended with blood.

IN-CRUST', v. t. [L. incrusto.] To cover with a crust or with a hard coat; to form a crust on the surface of any


IN-CRUSTATE, v. t. To incrust.

IN-CRUST-ATION, n. [L. incrustatio.] 1. A crust or rough coat of any thing on the surface of a body. 2. A covering or lining of marble or other stone.

IN-CRYSTAL-IZ-A-BLE, a. That will not crystalize; that cannot be formed into crystals.

IN CU-BATE, v. i. [L. incubo.] To sit, as on eggs for hatching

IN-CU-BATION, n. [L. incubatio.] The act of sitting or eggs for the purpose of hatching young. Ray.

IN-CU BA-TURE, n. Incubation.

IN/CU-BUS, n. [L.] 1. The nightmare; an oppression of the breast in sleep, or sense of weight, with an almost tota' loss of the power of moving the body, while the imagina tion is frightened or astonished. 2. A demon; an im aginary being or fairy.

IN-CULE ATE, v. t. [L. inculco.] To impress by frequen admonitions; to teach and enforce by frequent repetitions; to urge on the mind.

IN-CULC/A-TED, pp. Impressed or enforced by frequent admonitions.

IN-CULCA-TING, ppr. Impressing or enforcing by repent. ed instruction.

IN-CULE-ATION, n. The action of impressing by repeatsa admonitions.

IN-CULPA-BLE, a. Without fault; unblamable; that can not be accused. South.

IN-CULPA-BLE-NESS, n. Unblamableness. Mountagu.
IN-CULPA-BLY, adv. Unblamably; without blame.
IN-CULT', a. [L. incultus.] Untilled; uncultivated.
IN-CULTI-VA-TED, a. Not cultivated; uncultivated.
IN-CUL-TI-VATION, n. Neglect or want of cultivation.
IN-CULTURE, n. Want or neglect of cultivation.
IN-CUM/BEN-CY, n. 1. A lying or resting on something.
2. The state of holding or being in possession of a bene-
fice, or of an office.

IN-CUM BENT, a. [L. incumbens. 1. Lying or resting on 2. Supported; buoyed up. 3 Leaning on, or resting against. 4. Lying on, as duty or obligation; imposed and emphatically urging or pressing to performance; id dispensable.

IN-CUM BENT, n. The person who is in present posses sion of a benefice, or of any office. IN-CUMBER, v. t. [Fr. encombrer.] To burden with a load; to embarrass. See ENCUMBER, and its derivatives. IN-CUM BRANCE, n. 1. A burdensome and troublesome load; any thing that impedes motion or action, or renden it difficult or laborious; clog; impediment; embarrass ment. 2. A legal claim on the estate of another.

IN-CUM BRAN-CER, n. One who has an incumbrance, some legal claim on an estate. Kent. IN-CUM BROUS, a. Cumbersome; troublesome. Chaucer IN-CUR v. t. [L. incurro.] 1. To become liable to; to become subject to 2. To bring on. 3. To occur; to meet; to press on; [obs.]

IN-CU-RA-BIL/I-TY, n. [Fr. incurabilité.] The state of being incurable; impossibility of cure; irsusceptibility of cure or remedy.

IN-CURA-BLE, a. 1. That cannot be cured; not admitting of cure; beyond the power of skill or medicine. 2. Not admitting remedy or correction; irremediable; rem

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ness. Chesterfield.

IN-CUR/RED, (in-kurrd') pp. Brought on.

IN-CURRING, ppr. Becoming subject or liable to; bringing on.

IN-CURSION, n. [Fr. incursion; L. incursio.] 1. An entering into a territory with hostile intention; an inroad; applied to the expeditions of small parties or detachments of an enemy's army, entering a territory for attack, plunder or destruction of a post or magazine. Hence it differs from invasion, which is the hostile entrance of an army for conquest. 2. Attack; occurrence; unusual.


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IN-CURV-A/TION, n. 1. The act of bending. 2. The state of being bent, or turned from a rectilinear course; curvity; crookedness. 3. The act of bowing, or bending the body in respect or reverence. IN-CURVE, (in-kurv) v. t. To bend; to make crooked. IN-CURVI-TY, n. A state of being bent or crooked; crookedness; a bending inward. Brown. INDA-GATE, v. t. [L. indago.] To seek or search out. IN-DA-GATION, n. The act of searching; search; inquiry; examination. [Little used.] Boyle.

IN DA-GA-TOR, n. A searcher; one who seeks or inquires wia diligence. [Little used.] Boyle.

IN DART, v. t. To dart in; to thrust or strike in
IN-DEBT, a verb, is never used.

IN-DEBTED, (in-det'ted) a. [It. indebitato.] 1. Being in debt; having incurred a debt; held or obliged to pay. 2. Obliged by something received, for which restitution or gratitude is due.

IN-DEBT ED-NESS, (in-det'ted-nes) n. The state of being indebted.

IN-DEBT MENT, (in-det/ment) n. The state of being indebted. [Little used.] Hall.

IN-DE CEN-CY, n. [Fr. indecence.] That which is unbecoming in language or manners; any action or behavior which is deemed a violation of modesty, or an offense to delicacy.

IN-DE CENT, a. [Fr.; L. indecens.] Unbecoming; unfit to be seen or heard; offensive to modesty and delicacy. IN-DE CENT-LY, adv. In a manner to offend modesty or delicacy.

IN-DE-CID/U-OUS, a. Not falling, as the leaves of trees in autumn; lasting; evergreen.

IN-DEC'I-MA-BLE, 4. Not liable to the payment of tithes. IN-DE-CISION, n. Want of decision; want of settled purpose, or of firmness in the determinations of the will; a wavering of mind; irresolution.

IN-DE-CISIVE, a. 1. Not decisive; not bringing to a final close er ultimate issue. 2. Unsettled; wavering; vacilating; hesitating.

IN-DE-CISIVELY, adv. Without decision. IN-DE-CISIVE-NESS, n. The state of being undecided; unsettled state; state of not being brought to a final issue. IN-DE-CLIN'A-BLE, a. [Fr.; L. indeclinabilis.] Not declinable; not varied by terminations. IN-DE-CLIN'A-BLY, adv. Without variation. Mountagu. IN-DE-COM-POSA-BLE, a. Not capable of decomposition, or of being resolved into the primary constituent elements. IN-DE-COM-PO/SA-BLE-NESS, n. Incapableness of de


IN-DECO-ROUS, or IN-DE-COʻROUS, a. [L.indecorus.] Unbecoming; violating good manners; contrary to the established rules of good breeding, or to the forms of respect which age and station require. Indecorous is sometimes equivalent to indecent; but it is less frequently applied to actions which offend modesty and chastity. IN-DECO-ROUS-LY, or IN-DE-COROUS-LY, adv. In an unbecoming manner.

IN-DECO-ROUS-NESS, or IN-DE-CO/ROUS-NESS, n. Violation of good manners in words or behavior.

IN-DE-CORUM, n. [L.] Impropriety of behavior; that in behavior or manners which violates the established rules of civility, or the duties of respect which age or station requires; an unbecoming action. It is sometimes synonymous with indecency; but indecency, more frequently than indecorum, is applied to words or actions which tefer to what nature and propriety require to be concealed or suppressed.

IN-DEED', adv. [in and deed.] In reality; in truth; in fact.

Indeed is usually emphatical, but in some cases more sc than in others; as, this is true; it is indeed. It is used as an expression of surprise, or for the purpose of obtaining confirmation of a fact stated; as, indeed! is it possible? IN-DE-FATI-GA-BLE, a. [L. indefatigabilis.] Unwearied; not tired; not exhausted by labor; not yielding to fatigue.

IN-DE-FATI-GA-BLE-NESS, n. Unweariedness; persistency. Parnell.

IN-DE-FAT-I-GA-BIL/I-TY, n. Unweariness. Life of Bp


IN-DE-FATI-GA-BLY, adv. Without weariness; without yielding to fatigue. Dryden.

IN-DE-FAT-I-GATION, n. Unweariedness.

IN-DE-FEAS-I-BILI-TY, n. The quality or state of being not subject to be made void.

IN-DE-FEASI-BLE, a. Not to be defeated; that cannot be made void.

IN-DE-FEASI-BLY, adv. In a manner not to be defeated or made void.

IN-DE-FECT-I-BIL/I-TY, n. The quality of being subject to no defect or decay. IN-DE-FECTI-BLE, a. Unfailing; not liable to defect, failure or decay.

IN-DE-FECTIVE, a. Not defective; perfect; complete. †IN-DE-FEISI-BLE, a. Indefeasible. IN-DE-FENS-I-BILÍ-TY, n. The quality or state of not being capable of defense or vindication, Walsh. IN-DE-FENSI-BLE, a. 1. That cannot be defended or maintained. 2. Not to be vindicated or justified. IN-DE-FENSIVE, a. Having no defense. Herbert. IN-DE-FICIEN-CY, n. The quality of not being deficient or of suffering no delay. IN-DE-FICIENT, a. Not deficient; not failing; perfect. IN-DE-FINA-BLE, a. That cannot be defined.

IN-DEFI-NITE, a. [L. indefinitus.] 1. Not limited or defined; not determinate; not precise or certain. 2. That has no certain limits, or to which the human mind can

affix none.

IN-DEFI-NITE-LY, adv. 1. Without any settled limitation. 2. Not precisely; not with certainty or precision. IN-DEFI-NITE-NESS, n. The quality of being undefined, unlimited, or not precise and certain.

† IN-DE-FINI-TUDE, n. Quantity not limited by our understanding, though yet finite. Hale.

IN-DE-LIBER-ATE, a. Done or performed without delib eration or consideration; sudden; unpremeditated. + IN-DE-LIB'ER-A-TED. The same as indeliberate. IN-DE-LIB/ER-ATE-LY, adv. Without deliberation or pre


IN-DEL-I-BIL/I-TY, n. The quality of being indelible. IN-DEL/I-BLE, a. [Fr. indelebile.] 1. Not to be blotted out; that cannot be effaced or canceled. 2. Not to be annulled. 3. That cannot be effaced or lost.

IN-DELI-BLY, adv. In a manner not to be blotted out or effaced; too deeply imprinted to Le effaced.

IN-DELI-CA-CY, n. 1. Want of delicacy; want of decency in language or behavior. 2. Want of a nice sense of propriety, or nice regard to refinement in manners or in the treatment of others; rudeness; coarseness of manners or language.

IN-DELI-CATE, a. 1. Wanting delicacy; indecent. 2
Offensive to good manners, or to purity of mind.
IN-DELI-CATE-LY, adv. Indecently; in a manner to of-
fend against good manners or purity of mind.

IN-DEM-NI-FI-CATION, n. 1. The act of indemnifying, saving harmless, or securing against loss, damage or penalty. 2. Security against loss. 3. Reimbursement of loss, damage or penalty.

IN-DEMINI-FIED, pp. Saved harmless; secured against damage.

IN-DEM NI-FY, v. t. 1. To save harmless; to secure against loss, damage or penalty. 2. To make good; to reimburse to one what he has lost.

IN-DEM/NI-FY-ING, ppr. Saving harmless; securing against loss; reimbursing loss.

IN-DEM NI-TY, n. [Fr. indemnité.] 1. Security given to save harmless; a writing or pledge by which a person ia secured against future loss. 2. Security against punish


IN-DE-MON'STRA-BLE, a. That cannot be demonstrated. IN-DEN-I-ZATION, n. The act of naturalizing, or the pa tent by which a person is made free.

IN-DENIZE, v. t. To endenize, which see. IN-DENI-ZEN, v. t. To invest with the privileges of a free citizen. Overbury.

IN-DENT', v. t. [in, and Fr. dent.] 1. To notch; to jag; to cut any margin into points or inequalities, like a row of teeth. 2. To bind out by indentures or contract. IN-DENT', v. i. To contract; to bargain or covenant. IN-DENT', n. 1. Incisure; a cut or notch in the margin of any thing, or a recess like a notch. 2. A stamp.

IN DENT, n. A certificate, or indented certificate, issued by the government of the United States, at the close of the

revolution, for the principal or interest of the public debt. || INDIAN, (ind'yan) a. Pertaining to either of the Indies


East or West.

IN-DENT-ATION, or IN-DENT MENT, n. 1. A notch;
a cut in the margin of paper or other things. 2. A recess

INDIAN, (ind'yan) n. A general name of any native of the
Indies; a native of the American contineat.

INDIAN Arrow Root, n. A plant of the genus maranta.
IN'DIAN Berry, n. A plant.

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or depression in any border.

IN-DENTED, pp. 1. Cut in the edge into points, like teeth.
2. Bound out by indented writings. 3. Bound out by
writings, or covenants in writing.

IN-DENTING, ppr. 1. Cutting into notches. 2. Binding
out by covenants in writing.

IN-DENTIMENT, n. Indenture.

IN-DENTURE, n. A writing containing a contract.
IN-DENTURE, v. t. To indent; to bind by indentures.
IN-DENTURE, v. i. To run in and out; to indent. Hey-


[blocks in formation]

IN-DE-PENDENT, a. 1. Not dependent; not subject to
the control of others; not subordinate. 2. Not holding or
enjoying possessions at the will of another; not relying
on others; not dependent. 3. Affording the means of
independence. 4. Not subject to bias or influence; not
obsequious; self-directing. 5. Not connected with. 6.
Free; easy; self-commanding; bold; unconstrained. 7.
Separate from; exclusive. 8. Pertaining to an independ-
ent or congregational church.

IN-DE-PENDENT, n. One who, in religious affairs, main-
tains that every congregation of Christians is a complete
church, subject to no superior authority.

IN-DE-PEND ENT-LY, adv. 1. Without depending or re-
lying on others; without control. 2. Without undue bias
or influence; not obsequiously. 3. Without connection
with other things.

IN-DEPRE-CA-BLE, a. That cannot be deprecated.
IN-DEP-RE-HENSI-BLE, a. That cannot be found out.
IN-DE-PRIVIA BLE, a. That cannot be deprived.
IN-DE-SCRIB'A-b... That cannot be described.

IN'DIAN Bread, n. A plant of the genus jatropha.
IN'DIAN Corn, n. A plant, the maize, of the genus zea;
a native of America.

INDIAN Cress, n. A plant of the genus tropæolum.

IN DIAN Fig, n. A plant of the genus cactus.

IN'DIAN Ink, n. A substance brought from China, used
for water-colors.

INDIAN-ITE, n. A mineral of the color of white or gray.
IN'DIAN Reed, n. A plant of the genus canna
IN'DIAN Red, n. A species of ochre. Hill.
IN'DIA Rubber, n. The caoutchouc, a substance of extraor-
dinary elasticity, called also clastic gum or resin.
IN'DI-CANT, a. [L. indicans.] Showing; pointing out
what is to be done for the cure of disease.

IN'DI-CATE, v. t. [L. indico.] 1. To show; to point out;
to discover; to direct the mind to a knowledge (some-
thing. 2. To tell; to disclose-3. In medicine, so show or
manifest by symptoms; to point to as the proper remedies.
IN DI-CA-TED, pp. Shown; pointed out; directed.
IN/DI-CA-TING, ppr. Showing; pointing out; directing.
IN-DI-CATION, n. 1. The act of pointing out. 2. Mark;
token; sign; symptom.-3. In medicine, any symptom or
ccurrence in a disease, which serves to direct to suita-
ble remedies. 4. Discovery made; ade; intelligence given
5. Explanation; display; [lutle used.]

IN-DICA-TIVE, a. [L. indicativus.] 1. Showing; giving
intimation or knowledge of something not visible or obvi-
ous.-2. In grammar, the indicative mode is the form of
the verb that indicates, that is, which affirms or denies.
IN-DICA-TIVE-LY adv. In a manner to show or signify
IN'DI-CA-TOR, n. he or that which shows or points out.
IN DI-CA-TO-RY, a. Showing; serving to show or make


IN'DI-CO-LITE, n. [indigo, or indico, and Gr. λιθος.] Ιε
mineralogy, a variety of shorl or tourmalin.

IN-DE-SCRIPTIVE, a. Noi descriptive or containing just IN-DICT, (in-dite') v. t. [L. indictus.] In law, to accuse

IN-DE-SERT', n. Want of men't or worth.


or charge with a crime or misdemeanor, in writing, by a
grand jury under oath.

IN-DESI-NENT, a. Not ceasing perpetual.

IN-DESI-NENT-LY, adv. Withou cessation. Ray.

IN-DE-STRUCT-I-BÍL'I-TY, n. The quality of resisting de-

IN-DICT A-BLE, (in-dīt/a-bl) a. 1. That may be indicted.
2. Subject to be presented by a grand jury; subject to in-

composition, or of being incapable of destruction.

IN-DE-STRUCTI-BLE, a. That cannot be destroyed;

incapable of decomposition; as a material substance.

IN-DE-TERMI-NA-BLE, a. 1. That cannot be determined,
ascertained or fixed. 2. Not to be determined or ended.
IN-DE-TERMI-NATE, a. 1. Not determinate; not settled
or fixed; not definite; uncertain. 2. Not certain; not

IN-DE-TERMI-NATE-LY, adv. 1. Not in any settled
manner; indefinitely; not with precise limits. 2. Not
with certainty or precision of signification.

IN-DE-TERMI-NATE-NESS, n. Indefiniteness; want of
certain limits; want of precision. Palcy.
IN-DE-TERM-I-NATION, n. 1. Want of determination;
an unsettled or wavering state. 2. Want of fixed or stated

IN-DE-TERMINED a. Undetermined; unsettled; un-


IN-DE-VÕTE', a 'Not devoted. Bentley.
IN-DE-VOTED, a. Not devoted. Clarendon.
IN-DF-VOTION, n. [Fr.; in and devotion.] Want of devo-
tion; absence of devout affections.
IN-DE-VOUT', a. [Fr. indevot.] Not devout; not having
devout affections. Decay of Piety.
IN-DE-VOUTLY, adv. Without devotion.

INDEX, n.; plu. INDEXES, sometimes INDICES. [L.] 1.
That which points out; that which shows or manifests.
2. The hand that points to any thing, as the hour of the
day, the road to a place, &c. 3. A table of the contents
of a book. Watts. A table of references in an alphabet-
ical order. 4. In anatomy, the fore finger, or pointing fin-
ger.-5. In arithmetic and algebra, that which shows to
what power any quantity is involved; the exponent.-6.
The index of a globe, or the gnomon, is a little style fitted
on the north pole, which, by turning with the globe, serves
to point to certain divisions of the hour circle. 7. In music,
a direct, which see. Indez expurgatory, in catholic coun-
tries, a catalogue of prohibited books.

IN-DEXI-CAL, a. Having the form of an index; pertaining
to an index.

IN-DEXI-CAL-LY, adv. In the manner of an index.
IN-DEX-TERI-TY, n. 1. Want of dexterity or readiness
in the use of the hands; clumsiness; awkwardness, 2.
Want of skill or readiness in any art or occupation.

IN DIA, n. A country in Asia, so named from the river

IN-DICT ED, (in-dīt'ed) pp. Accused by a grand jury.
IN-DICT ER, (in-dīt, n. One who indicts.
IN-DICTING, (in-diting) ppr. Accusing, or making a
formal or written charge of a crime by a grand jury,
IN-DICTION, n. [Fr.; Low L. indictio.] 1. Declaration
proclamation. Bacon. 2. In chronology, a cycle of fifteen
years, instituted by Constantine the Great; it was begun
Jan. 1, A. D. 313; originally, a period of taxation.
IN-DICTIVE, a. Proclaimed; declared. Kennet.
IN-DICT'MENT, (in-dite/ment) n. 1. A written accusation
or formal charge of a crime or misdemeanor, preferred by
a grand jury under oath to a court. 2. The paper or
parchment containing the accusation of a grand jury
IN DIES, n.; plu. of INDIA.

IN-DIFFER-ENCE, n. [Fr.; L. indifferentia.] 1. Equipoise
or neutrality of mind between different persons or things;
a state in which the mind is not inclined to one side more
than the other. 2. Impartiality; freedom from prejudice,
prepossession or bias. 3. Unconcernedness; a state of
the mind when it feels no anxiety or interest in what is
presented to it. 4. State in which there is no difference,
or in which no moral or physical reason preponderates.
IN-DIF FER-ENT, a. Fr.; L. indifferens.] 1. Neutral;
not inclined to one side, party or thing more than to an-
other. 2. Unconcerned; feeling no interest, anxiety or
care respecting any thing. 3. Having no influence or pre-
ponderating weight; having no difference that gives a
preference. 4. Neutral, as to good or evil. 5. Impartial;
disinterested; as an indifferent judge, juror or arbitrator
6. Passable; of a middling state or quality; neither good,

nor the worst.

IN-DIF'FER-ENT-LY, adv. 1. Without distinction or pre
ference. 2. Equally; impartially; without favor, preju
dice or bias. 3. In a neutral state; without concern
without wish or aversion. 4. Not well; tolerably; pass-

IN DÍ-GENCE, n. [Fr. indigence.] Want of est, le, or
IN DI-GEN-CY, means of comfortable subsistence; pen-
ury; poverty.

IN DI-GENE, n. [L. indigena.] One born in a country; a
native animal or plant. Ecclyn.

IN-DIG/E-NOUS, a. 1. Native; born in a country. 2. Na-
tive; produced naturally in a country; not exotic.

IN DI-GENT, a. [L. indigens; Fr. indigent.) Destitute of
property or means of subsistence; needy; poor.
+IN-DI-GEST, n. A crude mass. Shak.

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