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itself from the darkness of barbarism, when placed in similar conditions, to act in the same manner and repeat the same actions, will find here an incontrovertible proof of the accuracy of their pet theory. But we who want more than theories, who require proofs for every scientific or historical fact asserted, will ask them, How is it that the strange custom of wearing rings hanging from the nose or lips, or studs fastened on either or both sides of the nose, has obtained and does still obtain with peoples who have had intimate relations with the ancient Mayas, and with these only?

Who can assign limits to the extravagance of the votaries of fashion, that most merciless of tyrants? In all times, in all countries, it has held, and still holds, sway over them, be they civilized or savage. It incites them to deck their bodies with the most ridiculous and unbecoming appendages under pretext of adorning them; and they, its slaves, humbly obey.

Next to these nose and lip jewels, the ornament that most attracts attention in the portraits represented in the sculptures and paintings of the Maya artists is the necklace, of which there is a great variety, worn by persons of rank. It would seem that it was used as a badge of authority, as was the breastplate, since some necklaces bear a notable resemblance to those seen round the necks of the images of the gods and goddesses in Egypt. We know that there, as in Chaldea and many other countries, they were bestowed on the wearers as a mark of royal favor;1 whilst armlets and bracelets were tokens of rank, seldom worn except by officers of the court or persons of distinction.2


Genesis, chap. xli., verse 42. Gardner Wilkinson, Manners and Cus

toms, vol. iii.,


p. 370.

Rawlinson, The Five Monarchies, vol. i., p. 568; vol. iii.,

, p.



BEFORE entering the funeral chamber, let us examine the graceful decorations that embellished the entablature of the Memorial Hall. From them we shall learn by whom, to whom, and for what purpose it was erected. Properly speaking, there is not a single inscription, not a single letter or character, on any part of the building; and yet the architect who conceived the plan, and had it executed, so cleverly arranged the ornaments that they form the dedication. We must, of course, read it in the Maya language. (Plate XXXV.)

Beginning at the top of the entablature, we notice that the first line of ornaments represents a rope loosely twisted, and that within the open strands there are circles. This ornament is three times repeated.

One of the names for rope, in Maya, is kaan. There are two words for circle, hol and uol. Taking hol to be the first syllable of a dissyllable suggested by the two distinct objects that compose the ornament, and kaan to be the second, we have, by changing the k into c, the word holcan, which warrior." Holcan,1 moreover, was a title corre'Landa, Las Cosas de Yucatan, ¿ xxix., p. 174.

means a


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