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[blocks in formation]

Hincmar 134, 146, 151, 167, 205,

Hody (Dr.) 198, 199, 200, 201, 202,

Honoratus (of Arles) 263.
Honoratus (of Marseilles) 262.
Honorius (Autun) 155.
Hormisdas (Pope) 248.
Hulsemannus 307.

Hydruntinus (Nic.) 157, 210, 238.


Januensis (Johan.) 159, 173, 301.
Jerome (St.) 199, 252, 255.
Ignatius 281, 291.

John (of Antioch) 256.
John II. (Pope) 248.

Isidorus (Hisp.) 145, 318, 321, 324.
Isidorus (Pelus.) 329.
Julianus (Cardin.) 212.
Ivo Carnotensis 315.
Justinian (Emp.) 248.


Kirkham (Walter) 159.
Kromayerus 307.


Labbe (Phil.) 137, 148.
Lambecius 190, 206, 225, 277.
Le Lande (Peter) 148.
Langbaine (Dr.) 175.

Leo I. (Pope) 248, 252, 257.
Leo III. (Pope) 150, 229.
Leodegarius 145, 147.
Leporius 256, 260.
Lepusculus (Sebastian) 216.
Livius (Poet) 262.

Le Long 168, 176, 198, 202, 207.
Ludolphus (Job) 233, 240, 312.
Ludolphus Saxo 160, 312.
Lupus (Troyes) 167.
Luther 301.

Lyra 175.


Mabillon 190, 220.

Marcus Ephesius 240.

Martene 239. "

Martianay 198, 200.
Methodius 329.

Metrophanes Critopulus 238.
Montfaucon 140, 148, 170, 184,
188, 190, 191, 192, 195, 196, 197,

Muratorius 141, 148, 166, 184, 223.

[blocks in formation]



AMBROSIAN I. Athanasian Creed 188, 203, 247, 270, &c.
Ambrosian II. Anonymous Comments on the Creed 181, 182.
Ambrosian III. Fortunatus's Comment 141, 164.

Baifius. Greek Copy of the Creed 213, 216, 314.

Balliol. Oxon. Bruno's Comment 170.

Basil. Bruno's and Hampole's Comment 173.
Bennet Camb. (N. X.) Athanasian Creed 191, 277.
Bennet (N. O. V.) Athanasian Creed 192, 200.

Bennet (K. 10.) Athanasian Creed 193.

Bennet (1-1) Wickliff's Comment 178.

Bennet (N. 15.) Gregory's Psalter 184.

Bodleian. (Junius 25.) Fortunatus's Comment 166, 314.

Bodleian. (Laud. H. 61.) Bruno's Comment 169.

Bodleian. (Laud. E. 71.) Bruno's Comment 170.

Bodleian. (G. 39.) Athanasian Creed 195.

Bodleian. (E. 7. 8.) Neckham's Comment 172.

Bodleian. (E. 6. 11.) Neckham's Comment 172.

Bryling. Greek Copy of the Creed 213.

C. C. C. C. Vid. Bennet.

Cambridge. Athanasian Creed 194, 230.

Cassinensis. Athanasian Creed 194.

Colbert I. Athanasian Creed 187, 190, 250, 277, &c.

Colbert II. Athanasian Creed 192.

Constantinopolitan. Greek Copy of the Creed 213, 217.

Cotton I. Athanasian Creed in Athelstan's Psalter 189, 200, 218, 281.

Cotton II. (Vitell. E. 18.) Athanasian Creed 193.

Cotton III. (Vespas. A.) Athanasian Creed 185, 194.

Cotton IV. (Nero. C. 4.) Gallican Version 206.

Dionysian. Greek Copy. See Baifius.

Emanuel Cambr. Wickliff's Bible 176.

Felckman. Greek Copy of the Creed 212.

Friars Minors. Latino-Gallican Creed 195.
Germans (St.) Athanasian Creed 190, 271, &c.
German de Prez. Bruno's Comment 170, 171.
Gotha. Bruno's with Hampole's Comment 173.
Harley I. Athanasian Creed 193, 200.
Harley II. Athanasian Creed 195.
Harley III. Bruno's Comment 170.
Harley. Triple Psalter 202.

Hilarian. Athanasian Creed 197.

James (St.) Hampole's Comment 178.
James II. Athanasian Creed 192, 207.

James III. Athanasian Creed 195.

John's (St.) Cambr. Triple Psalter 194, 202.

John's (St.) Cambr. Wickliff's Comment 175.

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