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" God and separate spirits, are made up of the simple ideas we receive from reflection : vg having, from what we experiment in ourselves, got the ideas of existence and duration, of knowledge and power, of pleasure and happiness, and of several other qualities... "
An essay concerning human understanding. Also extr. from the author's works ... - Page 345
de John Locke - 1815
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The Spectator, Volume 7

1718 - 360 pages
...Ideas of « Exiftence and Duration, of Knowledge and Power, of * Pleafure and Happineft, and of feveral other Qualities « and Powers, which it is better to have, than to be with* out ; when we would frame an Info* 'the moft fuitable ' we can to the fupreme Being, we enlarge...
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The Works of John Locke, Esq, Volume 1

John Locke - 1722 - 636 pages
...Ideas of Exiftence and Duration ; of Knowledg and Powers, of Pleafure and Happinefs ; and of feveral other Qualities and Powers, which it is better to...than to be without : when we would frame an Idea the moft fuitable .we can to the fupreme Being, we enlarge every one of thefe with our Idea of In.finityj...
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The Evidences of the Christian Religion

Joseph Addison - 1733 - 382 pages
...of exiftence * and duration, of knowledge and pow' cr, of pleafure and happinefs, and of fe' veral other qualities and powers, which * it is better to have, than to be with* outj when we wou4d frame an idea ' themoftfuitablewe can to the fuprcme ' Being,- we enlarge...
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The Evidences of the Christian Religion

Joseph Addison - 1753 - 376 pages
...ideas of exiftence and duration, of knowledge and power, of pleafure and happinefs, and of feveral other qualities and powers, which it is better to...than to be without ; when we would frame an idea the moft fuitable we can to the fupreme Being, we enlarge every one of thefe with our idea of infinity,...
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: In Four Books, Volume 1

John Locke - 1768 - 418 pages
...of Ple&fur'e a'nd Happinefs ;'an'd of feveral other Qualities and Powers, which" it is'betfer t<» have,, than to be without : when we would frame an Idea the nipft fuitable we can' to the -fupreme EeVng, we enlarge 'every one of thefe with our.. Idea of Infinity;...
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The New Christian's Magazine: Being an Universal Repository of ..., Volume 2

1783 - 360 pages
...ideas of exiftence and duration, of knowledge and power, of pleafure and happinefs, and of feveral other qualities and powers, which it is better to...than to be without ; when we would frame an idea the moft fuitable we can to the Supreme Being, we enlarge every one of thefe with our idea of infinity...
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Evidences of the Christian religion. To which are added, discourses against ...

Joseph Addison - 1796 - 206 pages
...ideas of exiftence and duration, of knowledge and power, of pleafure and happinefs, and of feveral other qualities and powers, which it is better to...than to be without ; when we would frame an idea, the moft fuitable we can to the Supreme Being, we enlarge every one of thel-e with our idea of infinity...
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Volume 1

John Locke - 1796 - 562 pages
...of knowledge and power; of pleafure and Jiappinefs; and of fcveraj other qualities and powers, which which it is better to have than to be without : when we would frame an idea the moft fuitable we can to the fupreme being, we enlarge every one of thefe with our idea of infinity...
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: With Thoughts on the ..., Volumes 1 à 3

John Locke - 1801 - 988 pages
...ideas of exiftencc and duration ; of knowledge and power, of pleafure and happinefs, and of feveral other qualities and powers, which it is better to...than to be without } when we would frame an idea, the moft fuitable we can to the Supreme Being, we enlarge every one of thefe with our idea of infinity,...
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The Evidences of the Christian Religion: To which are Added Several ...

Joseph Addison - 1801 - 402 pages
...ideas of exiftence and duration, * of knowledge and power, of pleafure and ' happinefs, and of feveral other qualities * and powers, which it is better be without ; when we would ' frame an idea the moft fuitable we can ' to the Supreme Being, we enlarge every ''one of thefe with our idea of Infinity;...
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