We We are they to whom the gospel has come. are not in the condition of heathens, nor can we put ourselves in their condition; and, consequently, we can never avail ourselves of the excuse which will be made for them. If we reject the gospel, still it remains a truth, that we have had it; but would not retain it, because we hated it. And this evil heart of unbelief disqualifies us for the blessings which it offers. And whatever hopes we may have for an honest heathen, who never has enjoyed this glorious dispensation, there is no ground to expect the salvation of an infidel; for there is in him a perverseness of heart inconsistent with salvation. We see, that not only a belief of, but a conformity to the gospel is necessary to our being saved by it. If the guilt of unbelievers lies in their hatred of the gospel, all who hate it, are condemned by it, whether they profess to believe it or not. We pity the unhappy state of heathens, to whom the gospel has never been sent; and we condemn the perverseness of infidels, who will not receive it when it is brought to them. But if we profess to believe it, and yet practically oppose it, what are we better than heathens? Nay, better than infidels? We cannot plead the ignorance of the former. We are guilty of the perverseness of the latter. The same perverseness, which is the cause of professed infidelity, is also the cause of practical disobedience. The servant, who, when his Lord comes, shall not be found doing his Lord's will, but smiting his fellow servants, and drinking with the drunken, will have a portion appointed him with unbelievers. It concerns us to inquire, whether we have in heart embraced this gospel. We would be thought to believe it. Have we felt its power, yielded to its authority, and complied with its design? Do we possess the temper, and maintain the works which it requires ? Have we been convinced of our guilt as transgressors of a holy law, realized our dependence on sovereign grace, renounced all confidence in ourselves and humbly consented to accept pardon as the gift of divine mercy and the purchase of a dying Savior? Have we, with godly sorrow, forsaken all the ways of sin, and devoted ourselves to God to serve him in newness of life ? Conscious of our insufficiency to think any thing as of ourselves, have we placed our reliance on the sufficiency which is in Christ? And being, as we have supposed, renewed in the spirit of our mind, have we put off the old man with his deeds, and put on the new man, which is created after the image of God? If we find this practical conformity to the gospel, we have believed it with the heart and received it with love. If our character is the reverse, whatever profession we make of faith in Christ, we in works deny him. We have seen, but hated him. Our subject teaches us, how dangerous it is to depart from the truth. When we begin to deviate, we can set no bounds to our wandering. One error produces another; and a total rejection of religion may be the consequence of one perverse step. We have seen, that there is no rational medium between deism and atheism-no secure ground on which the man, who has advanced to the former stage, can ever make a stand, unless he will retreat. He is on the steep declivity of a precipice; and, instead of attempting to reascend, he will probably plunge downward, till he sinks in the dark gulph of absolute irreligion. The same danger, in a degree, attends every deviation from the plain truths and duties of the gospel. There are few who become infidels at once. Progress in error, like progress in vice, is usually gradual. But the motion, like that of a body rolling down a hill, though gentle at first, is rapid toward the close. In the beginning, it may be checked or diverted by small obstructions; but near the bottom it bounds with violence over every impedi ment. Let the infidel review his steps. He will find, He they began and proceeded after this manner. first found himself condemned by the strict rules of the gospel, either for his general manner of life, or for some particular transgression. Conscience rebuked him; common opinion censured him. He was solicitous to vindicate himself. He began to entertain more lax notions of morality he grew fond of loose company and licentious books-he acquired by degrees a contempt of the severer maxims of piety and virtue; he argued against them, and pleaded in defence of his own indulgences-he became indifferent to God's instituted worship, and spake lightly of it as a useless ceremony, or useful only in a secular and political view. But as this is expressly appointed in the gospel, he could not justify his contempt of it without condemning the gospel itself. It was, by this time, easy to entertain doubts; and doubts soon grew into opinions. If he read the scriptures, his principal aim was to start difficulties, make cavils, find inconsistencies. He fondly communicated his objections in company where they would make an impression, and eagerly listened to the objections which he heard. The relaxation of his principles emboldened the licentiousness of his manners, and this, in its turn, contributed to a farther corruption of his principles. Thus by the reciprocal operation of his sentiments on his manners, and of his manners on his sentiments, he threw by the gospel with indifference, and his indifference soon grew to enmity; and his enmity to the gospel naturally increased to a hatred of all re ligion. Thus in him were verified our Savior's words concerning the Jews, "They have both seen and hated both me and my Father." It is probably something after this sort, that infidelity begins, advances and terminates in those who have known and hated the gospel. It is of importance, then, that parents early instil into their children the sentiments of pure religion, and guard them against the seductions of deceivers. And it concerns all to watch against the first approaches and the smallest impressions of error. That you may secure yourselves from licentious errors, live agreeably to the gospel. The man whose life corresponds with the truth, will love the truth: He will come to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. As friends to the gospel, you ought to make an open profession of it. They who will not confess Christ in an unbelieving generation, are charged with denying him. They who are not for him, are against him. He allows no neutrality. Great attention should be paid to public worship. The customary neglect of this is a practical declaration, that religion is of no importance, and the means of it, of no value. The stated preaching of the word is a principal mean of preserving the knowledge, and promoting the faith of the gospel. Where this is discontinued, or negligently attended, infidelity easily gets footing and makes progress, When we see the ministry neglected in regard of support, or attendance, we have reason to apprehend, that the gospel is retiring, and irreligion succeeding in its place. To such societies may be applied Christ's rebuke to the church in Laodicea; "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. So then, be cause thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. As many as I love I rebuke and chasten. Be zealous therefore and repent." |