Shortly afteward we could perceive of books. I have promised to go that her dissolution was at hand. She down when the Columbine’arrives. seemed to be quite insensible. About This is the southern extremity of my six in the morning her happy spirit parish, being distant from hence, by took its flight to those mansions of land, about 100 miles. A letter from the blessed, where there is no more one of the chiefs of the place requests pain nor sorrow, but where everlasting me to send them 1000 books. A party joy shall be upon their head. Her end is returning thither shortly, to whom could hardly be perceived: it was I gave seven Catechisms, and as only from the pulse that we ascer many slates, being all I can provide. tained she was no more. Her re July 12 : Lord's Day-Had Sermains were interredin Kissey, accord vice on the plain. The congregation ing to her own wish, near those of continues at about 500, which is as my own beloved partner, waiting for many as we can expect at this season the joyful resurrection unto eternal of the year, in the absence of the aclife. commodation of a church. Numerous The following testimony to her small parties at a distance have servalue and promising usefulness is vice at their own little villages. At borne by another sympathizing wit Werowero, in the afternoon, the conness, the Rev. F. Bultman : gregation numbered about 200. Seve'July 8, 1841-I had the melan ral natives, from inland districts, choly duty of reading the Burial are at this place, preparing timber Service over our much-esteemed sis for our church. ter, Mrs. Schmid. Her abilities and Aug. 1-On my way to Toanga, I unremitting diligence had led us to met a native, who reported that some entertain great hopes of her future of the people were talking of giving usefulness in the department of Fe up karakia,' in consequence of the male Education in this mission; so many deaths which have occurred of that her loss is the more deeply felt late. I found natives making coffins by us all. But our general loss, and for Rangiwakamoia's children, three consequent regret, dwindle into no of whom now lie dead in his house. thing, when compared with the in Poor man! he appeared to be much dividual loss of her afflicted husband; cast down; and after a short silence, which no one can bear for him, and spoke on the subject of his grief. He only those fully appreciate who have said, that on the first arrival of the sustained a similar affliction. Missionaries he had paid attention to what they said, and had been a prinNEW ZEALAND. cipal mover in the rejection of all The following extracts from the their old native superstitions; that Rev. W. Williams' Journal and cor- he had been desirous to know what respondence, shew the general pro- was right, though he was still in iggress of the Gospel, and its happy norance; and that he could not tell effects on the minds of the natives what was the reason of this sickness. under affliction and bereavement. I told him, that to mourn over his July 5, 1840 : Lord's Day-At our children was right, and that I should usual service there was a congrega do the same under like circumstances; tion of about 500, notwithstanding but we must remember, that the Ngatikaipoho being at Werowero. cause for which our sickness came July 7-Conversed with 30 candi- was sin, and that we had all sinned, dates, principally from Ngaitauiri. and deserved much more chastise July 9-Yesterday and to-day I ment than we received; that while spoke to 29 candidates from Werowero, our bodies must die on account of Patutahi, and Toanga. Had a letter sin, God had mercifully sent his Son, from the Wairoa, from Joseph, give that we might live with Him; and ing an account of his journey to that the bodies of those who were Ahuriri; at which place he reports in Him, would be restored and live that there is a general feeling in fa in glory. On taking leave, he asked vour of the Gospel. me to go into the house, and see his July 10-A party of Ngatikahu children. The eldest, a boy about nunu came, who had been with eight years of age, was already Joseph to Ahuriri. Their report placed in a neat coffin. “See,' said confirms the statement made by Jo- he, 'I am not going to act with my seph. We want for that place, two children as one who throws aside good native Teachers, and a supply your books. These children would be tied up in mats, according to old custom; but I am going to bury them.' I left him with the recommendation to cleave to Christ, as his only source of true comfort. Sept. 7.--I held a meeting with the natives about the erection of the church, when it was determined that the work should be proceeded with at once. More than one hundred men were at work to-day ; some carrying the timber to the spot, and some squaring the posts. Oct. 5.-Numerous applications for Testaments continue to be made, and payment is brought; but I am obliged to refuse all, and merely to take an account of names against another supply. In a letter, dated Turanga, Nov. 13, 1840, he describes the progress made in erecting a church at his station; and gives an account of a visit to Ahuriri and Wairoa : The natives have erected the frame of a church, ninety feet by forty-six; upon which they have spent very much labour, and have exercised not a little skill. The roof will, I trust, be finished in a few weeks. The work, so far, will be at the expense of the natives : boards for the sides and floor, with windows, doors, &c. will be at the expense of the Society. The candidates for baptism continue to visit me regularly; but I defer the baptism of any until the roof of the church shall be on, so that the building may be used on the occasion. I set out on the 5th of October to visit the southern part of my parish, as far as Ahuriri, distant about one hundred miles. The natives there, rather more than 2000 in number, gave me every reason to be satisfied with my trip, as a first visit. There are many among them who read and write, and worship the God whom we worship; but wish to have the way of God expounded to them more perfectly. Who is to do this?-I found there a few books; some from Kapiti, one from Waikato, and two from the northern part of the island. In my course homeward, I spent about ten days at Wairoa and the neighbouring villages. A native teacher is residing there, and is conducting himself much to my satisfaction. Some of those who first professed to receive the Word with gladness have since been offended; but there are many who give a promise of much fruit. A good native house has been erected for the accommodation of the first missionary who may come this way. Until there shall be a resident missionary, we cannot expect much to be effectually done. BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. his circular, expressive of their Mr. Leeves, writing from Argos, in thankfulness; and accompanied, in September last, says every case, with the names of the inWe endeavour, as you know, in dividuals who had received the books. the distribution of the Scriptures, to I have heard that the Governor of use the instrumentality of persons the Island of Skiathos and Scopelos has possessing influence or authority in requested from a depôt which I had the places to which we send them. left in the north of Eubea, a supply of A supply of about 600 copies had the Scriptures, which he has put into been sent to the governor of a pro circulation. The same thing has ocvince, who had offered his services: curred with the Demarch of Amalioand by the receipt of documents, polis, a town on the north frontier of proving the great care and zeal which Greece: and, at the request of the he had displayed in their distribu Demarch of a district in the north of tion, I find that he had divided them Eubea, 100 New Testaments, and among the Demarchies of his pro portions of the Old, had been disvince; and addressed them to the tributed to the scholars of the public authorities, with a circular recom school, as rewards, at the examinamending their perusal, and defining tion. "By these means, copies of the the manner in which they should be Word of God are acceptably introput into circulation. The documents duced into families. An instance of consist of a letter of thanks, on his this I was pleased to see, in our jourpart, for the gift of the books; and of ney hither. A copy of our new Greek the replies from the Demarchies to Old Testament was lying on the table of a Sub-Governor who gave us hospitality for the night, which had been received by his daughter, as a reward at the public examination of Mrs. Hill's school. I am endeavouring to turn my visit to this part of Greece to account, by laying the foundation for the establishment of a boarding school for young ladies, either at Nauplia or Argos, upon the model of Mrs. Hill's at Athens. I find great encouragement. The amount of spiritual profit is, I know, not to be measured by the number of copies issued; but one cannot but believe that very great good has arisen from the distribution of above 67,000 volumes of Holy Scripture, almost exclusively in Greece, during the six years ending with the close of 1840. last year had been transmitted to me, that amount would have been, most probably, from 26,000 to 27,000 volumes. Of these, only about 2000 copies were gratuitous distributions, principally circulated by Protestant missionaries, or granted to schools. From the sale of the above-mentioned Scriptures, the Society has realized the sum of about 22001. which is considerable for such impoverished countries as these. This statement has sole reference to my own transactions. Taking a view of the Society's labours in these parts, from 1831 to 1835, when the Greek and Armenian Churches did not oppose us, I find that the Scriptures disseminated then did not amount to more than 26,160 copies. And as to receipts, there is no comparison ; for what we realized during the last five years is more than what we obtained in nearly TEN previous years. These facts clearly demonstrate that the Scriptures will find their way through all opposition, in spite of the authority of those influential persons who exercise a controul over the spiritual welfare of the people, and who dare to trample under foot the only Book which can teach men the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. ODESSA. Mr. Baker, during the year, visited Odessa, and met with a devoted friend to the Society, of whom he remarks He has disposed of, for us, from August to the end of June, 1454 volumes of Bibles, Testaments, and other Scriptures, among which are 370 copies of Hebrew Scriptures, sent to him from our Society direct. He is full of love to his Saviour, and of zeal for the spiritual welfare of his fellowcreatures. He has placed in my hands about 1291. for Scriptures sold by him; and would not receive any remuneration whatever for his trouble and expense in transacting our affairs here : and although he depends entirely on private teaching for support, he abandons at times his scholars, at a loss to him of about 71. a week, to make excursions into the interior, or to visit the Crimea, in order to distribute copies; all the travelling expenses being at his own cost. On a review of his operations for the last ten years, Mr. Baker states : During the last five years, from 1836, when the Greek Church first commenced her opposition to our work, until the end of 1840-in which interval the Armenian Church also set her face against us, and not a single nation remained in these countries, whether Christian, Jewish, or Mahomedan, which did not strenuously oppose the distribution of the Scriptures—the Society has disseminated 23,714 volumes of the Sacred Writings, in a variety of languages: and if all the accounts of PARIS. Extraordinary declaration of a Romish Priest, communicated by M. de Pressensé. Oct. 8, 1841.-After many long and warm discussions, a priest in the department of the Charente Inférieure, being convinced of the integrity of a colporteur, purchased a number of New Testaments from him, for distribution among his parishioners. On Sunday the 18th of July, he ascended the pulpit, and addressed his congregation in the following terms : ‘My friends, there are many among you who regularly go to sleep during the service, but I think you will no longer do so, when I tell you that lately an angel from heaven, sent by God, has brought me a letter. You will doubtless be roused up by this news, and anxious to know the contents of the letter. Well, then, my friends, there is a stranger at this very moment visiting our part of the country. He it is who has brought us this cheering letter from heaven-the word of God itself-the glad tidings of salvation, from the Son of God, as the subject may give rise to : and who died on the cross for us! Al in order that you may the better though he does not belong to our profit by this new arrangement, I communion, he is a man of integrity. would advise you all to provide yourHereupon the Vicar read a chapter selves with New Testaments; which out of the New Testament, accom may be obtained, either by applying panying it with sundry observations; to myself, who have a certain numand then added, “It is my intention, ber in depôt; or to the stranger of in future, every Sunday to read to whom I before spoke, and whom I you a chapter from the sacred vol. take this opportunity of recommendume, making such remarks thereon ing to your kind attentions.' AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS. CONSTANTINOPLE. that no Patriarch dares to send his The following extracts relating to constables into the inclosures of a this important field of missionary Frank; and the scholars will not enterprize, will no doubt interest our visit their homes. readers, and call forth their prayers, Mr. Hamlin commenced his school that a more abundant blessing may in November 1840, and, on the 31st rest upon the labours of his servants of March 1841, had nine pupils : two engaged therein. or three more were expected to join Mr. Hamlin, writing to the Direc it; and nine other Armenians, and tors respecting a School which he pro six Greeks, had applied for admisposed to open, says : sion. In considering this subject, we pray Mr. Van Lannep of the station at you to remember that this is the only Smyrna, having gone up to ConstanHigh School for the whole Armenian tinople, writes from that city on the nation : that we are in a position now 23rd of March :where we must attempt great things We have much to encourage us in or accomplish nothing; and above the great work in which we are enall, that God has peculiarly blessed gaged. New cases of conversion the young men of Constantinople. among Armenians are of no rare ocSarkis and Maggerditch at Smyrna, currence. Arestages at Trebizond, and Takoon The following statement, supplied at Erzeroom, all of them able helpers, by Mr. Dwight, was designed to give and some of them of the highest pro- a summary view of the missionary mise, are all from Constantinople. work up to May :We have around us a most interest I do not believe it possible for any ing class of young men, firmly at- one, who has not been on the ground, tached to the Mission, and thirsting as your missionaries have, from the for knowledge, which thirst you alone beginning, fully to appreciate the can quench. And those brethren in amount of encouragement presented Nicomedia, who are rich only in by existing circumstances. A meetfaith, are looking to us to educate ing once or twice a week with a their sons for usefulness and Heaven. dozen or more Armenians is a very In Constantinople some interesting small thing, in comparison with the young merchants, who have just com- overflowing audiences which crowd menced business, are waiting for us about the preacher in the Sandwich to say when we will receive them, Islands; and yet its bearings on the and they will close their shops, that kingdom of the Redeemer may be as they may come and gather the richer important, and its influence on the treasures of knowledge. A young spiritual illumination of mankind may man of high family was about leav be as great. I have had about 40 difing the country; but on hearing of ferent individuals present at my serthis projected Boarding School, he vice in Armenian; and among them preferred the means of Education at are persons of almost all the professuch a school, with all its dangers, to sions-priests, teachers, bankers, jewfreedom and 'ignorance in a foreign ellers, and merchants. These men, land. living, in the midst of a city embracBoth scholars and patrons feeling not less than 1,000,000 souls, and greater safety in such a connection having direct influence over a counwith us than in any other. They know try of more than 20,000,000, form a congregation for a missionary full of led to wonder that God has accom. interest. I feel, when I am address- plished so much here, at so little ex-ing them, the weight of an awful re- pense, and in so short a period. In sponsibility resting upon me. They Scotland, it was twenty years after hang upon my lips, as those who are the first attempt was made to reform hungering and thirsting for the bread the Church, before any important of life: and I know that the words results were manifest. In Germany which I speak are carried to hun it was as long; and in France it was dreds, and perhaps to thousands, still longer, before the Protestant around. If it be asked, why may not party had strength to enable them to this congregation be increased? I claim toleration. Who then can be would say, that I have tried every discouraged in regard to the people lawful means to induce others to at- of the Armenian Church, among tend my public service. In our whom the good seed is scattered in efforts for the good of the Armenians, so many places, and has sprung up we go as far as our best judgment with so much promise of an abundant will permit us to go. We are conti- harvest! nually pressing our measures among We have now in our employ, as the people just as far as we can, assistants, both Hohannes and a without producing an actual out- priest. Both are very active and very breaking against us. We are walk useful, full of faith and the Holy ing, as it were, on the very line of Ghost, and peculiarly qualified to separation between us and a highly- win the hearts of all. The priest is charged mine, which seems ready to much in families, and among females, explode at any moment. We endea to whom he preaches the Gospel of vour to be faithful, conscientious, and Christ. Several Armenian females prudent. are enlightened, and some we hope As to the present condition of are truly regenerated. things here, it is my conviction, that Our books are now well received, the Truth of God has now such a and many of them circulated; and powerful hold of the minds of many, facts often come to our knowledge that no opposition or persecution can showing their influence. In this way, prevent it from fully triumphing. The also, we are able to do good in dis. last persecution has been evidently tant places, where we ourselves canoverruled for great good, and the en not go. lightened Armenians were never in Our greatest comfort, and our surest a better state to bear persecution ground of hope, next to the Word of than at this moment. When I read God, is the fact that we see evidences the history of Reformations in other of the operations of the Holy Spirit countries, and at other times, I am on the minds of men. COLONIAL CHURCH SOCIETY. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Cape Town.-The chapel attached to the mission at this place, was opened on Sunday the 1st of August, 1841. The Society's missionary, thé Rev. T. A. Blair, preached in the morning; and the Rev. Mr. Owen of the Church Missionary Society's late Zoolee Mission, took the evening service. On Sunday the 8th of August, when the Lord's supper was administered, a crowded congregation attended. That in the evening was composed almost entirely of poor mechanics and labourers; who hung with deep attention on the sermon, from Acts xvi. 29—34: the conversion of the jailer of Phillipi. A gentleman present on the occa sion writes : Could you have mingled your responses with theirs, in our beautiful and appropriate Liturgy and Psalms of praise ; (for all tried to sing) it would have superseded the necessity for urging the support of this blessed work.' The latest advice states : The chapel continues to be well attended, indeed it is often very disagreeably crowded. In summer it is to be feared the heat will be almost insupportable.' The school established by Mr. Inglis is prospering. It is hoped that the local government will make a grant for the master's salary. Eastern Province.- Mr. Inglis has removed from Cape Town to Sid. bury, at which place a church has |