Hunger in America: Chronology and Selected Background Materials, Volumes 11 à 12


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Page 105 - It is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress, as a measure of national security, to safeguard the health and well-being of the Nation's children...
Page 44 - We do not want to quibble over words, but "malnutrition" is not quite what we found; the boys and girls we saw were hungry— weak, in pain, sick; their lives are being shortened; they are, in fact, visibly and predictably losing their health, their energy, their spirits. They are suffering from hunger and disease and directly or indirectly they are dying from them —which is exactly what "starvation
Page 43 - Greene counties, also visited by us) we saw children whose nutritional and medical condition we can only describe as shocking — even to a group of physicians whose work involves daily confrontation with disease and suffering.
Page 86 - concrete evidence of chronic hunger and malnutrition in every part of the United States where we have held hearings or conducted field trips" (Citizens
Page 105 - This report surveys key elements of the child abuse and neglect statutes of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands that were in effect on April 30, 1977.
Page 156 - There is sufficient evidence to indict" on the following charges: 1. Hunger and malnutrition exist in this country, affecting millions of our fellow Americans and increasing in severity and extent from year to year. 2. Hunger and malnutrition take their toll in this country in the form of infant deaths, organic brain damage, retarded growth and learning rates, increased vulnerability to disease, withdrawal, apathy, alienation, frustration, and violence. 3. There is a shocking absence of knowledge...
Page 73 - Nation's agricultural policy, the congressional committees that dictate that policy, and the Department of Agriculture that implements it; for hunger and malnutrition in a country of abundance must be seen as consequences of a political and economic system that ¡spends billions to remove food from the market, to limit productions, to retire land from production, to guarantee and sustain profits for the producer. Perhaps more surprising and shocking is the extent to which it now rests within our...
Page 158 - Citizen Board of Inquiry into Hunger and Malnutrition in the United States" released a publication entitled "Hunger — USA" This publication is quite extensive.
Page 71 - I understand that only $125,000 will be provided for the administrative costs components under the interagency agreement and as much as $2 million may be used to fund food programs which the Congress authorized before the emergency program and for which funds were appropriated last year. I would appreciate it if you would send me a copy of the above-mentioned interagency agreement, together with an immediate report indicating exactly what programs and projects the Department of Agriculture's allocation...
Page 123 - ... large, and the children get neither the right food nor enough food. Their diet is heavy on starch, mainly potatoes, and very light on protein. The physical effects of this poor diet are striking. The children have kind of a hollow lifeless look — stringy hair, a pasty complexion, a dead look about their eyes. There is a hopeless feeling that springs almost physically from these children. But bad diet affects brain tissue as well, a child's ability to think and to learn. Perhaps the worst damage...