| New Church gen. confer - 640 pages
...part of man—and on his lines we Kew Church people especially prefer to dwell —viz.:— " There is no death! what seems so is transition; This life...of the life Elysian, Whose portal we call death." Finally, let us be careful not to suppress, or ridicule, even unintentionally, but rather encourage,... | |
| New Church gen. confer - 1863 - 604 pages
...of life, with a slight modification of circumstances. In the words of the poet — — — " There is no death; What seems so is transition ; — This life of mortal breath Is but the suburb of the life elysian, Whose portal we call death."* In another respect, also, it may be remarked,... | |
| 1851 - 592 pages
...Amid these earthly damps What seem to us but dim, funeral tapers, May be heaven's distant lamps. There Is no death ! what seems so is transition ; This life...breath Is but a suburb of the life Elysian, Whose portals we call Death. She is not dead— the child of our affection— But gone unto that school Where... | |
| 1877 - 506 pages
...On Sunday evening, December 16th, he exchanged earth's sufferings for heaven's sweet rest. " There is no death ! What seems SO is transition ; This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life Elyaian, Whose portal •we call death." BY DR. UNDERWOOD. AT the death and burial of our friends,... | |
| 1880 - 304 pages
...band.•' His sorrowing parents — his Sabbathschool teachers — all who loved him, here know that " He is not dead— the child of our affection— But gone unto that school Where he no longer needs our poor protection. And Christ himself doth rule.•* Dear children, is your hope... | |
| 322 pages
...Thomas Hood, are in some parts very beautiful. Our readers will thank us for two brief extracts. ' There is no death ! — what seems so is transition ; This...the life elysian, Whose portal we call death.'— LONGFELLOW. ' " To part no more " — they home met now to part no more. 'Yesterday morning my dear,... | |
| Freemasons. Grand Lodge of Iowa - 1915 - 666 pages
...revered and honored brethren. That, consistent with our Masonic faith and teaching, we declare there is no death. What seems so is transition. This life...breath is but a suburb of the life elysian, whose portals we call death. " 'N'o one hears the door that opens. When they pass beyond our enll, Soft ns... | |
| 1850 - 644 pages
...Amid these earthly damps What seem to us but dim funereal tapers May be Heaven's distant lamps. There is no Death ! what seems so is transition ; This life...breath Is but a suburb of the life elysian, Whose portals we call Death. She is not dead — the child of our affection — But gone unto that school... | |
| 1856 - 686 pages
...elysian, Whose portal we call Death. Site is not dead — the child of our affection — But gone untft that school Where she no longer needs our poor protection. And Christ himself doth rule. In lhat great cluisier's stillness and seclusion, By guardian angels ltd, ,'"!:<• from temptation, safe... | |
| Freemasons. Grand Lodge of Iowa - 1901 - 786 pages
...live on and on until in the anguish of the heart we would plead to be permitted to be at rest. " There is no death ; What seems so is transition: This life of mortal breath 1s but a suburb of the life Elyslan Whose portal we call death." We read of a beautiful custom that... | |
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