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527. Letter on a Jealous Husband...

From a languishing Lover....


...... POPE

528. Complaints of Rachel Walladay against
the young Men of the Age


529. Rules of Precedency among Authors

and Actors

530. Account of the Marriage of Will


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531. On the Idea of the Supreme Being
532. The Author's Success in producing me-



ritorious Writings-Adrian's Verses STEELE
Verses to the Spectator


Letter from Mr. Sly on Hats.............. STEELE
533. Letters on Parents forcing the Inclina-
tions of their Children-on Rudeness
and Impudence

534. Letters, from a spoilt rich Beauty—
Dapperwit's Question-from a Gro-

cer in Love-from an Idol-a Minute
from Mr. Sly

535. On vain Hopes of temporal Objects-
Story of Alnaschar ........

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536. The Author's Interview with a Lady-
her Letter on proper Employment
for Beaux-Character of a Shoeing-



537. On the Dignity of Human Nature...... HUGHES
538. On Extravagance in Story-telling-Epi-

taph in Pancras Church-yard......... ADDISON

539. The Intentions of a Widow respecting

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On Delay in Marriage.....

On a Clergyman spoiling one of Tillot-

son's Sermons

540. Letter on the Merits of Spenser

541. On Pronunciation and Action

542. Criticisms on the Spectator-Letter on
the Decay of the Club

543. Meditation on the Frame of the human


544. Letter from Capt. Sentry on the Cha-
racter of Sir Roger de Coverley and




on his own Situation ....................................... STEELE
545. Letter from the Emperor of China to
the Pope-Note from Mr. Sly

546. On dishonest Dealing-Cibber's heroic
Daughter-Letter on a generous Be-

547. Cures performed by the Spectator
548. Letter on Poetical Justice .....

549. On Reluctance to leave the World-

Letter from Sir Andrew Freeport on

his retiring

550. Proposal for a new Club





551. Translation of Greek Epigrams-Let-

ter on Law-phrases


552. Recommendations of industrious
Tradesmen Motteux Harris-
Rowley-Proposals for new Globes... STEELE

553. On the Spectator's opening his Mouth-
Commendations of him.........

Letter from Oxford Correspondents





554. On the Improvement of Genius
555. Farewell Paper and Acknowledgements
of Assistance-Letter from the Aca-
demy of Painting

556. Account of the Spectator opening his

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557. On Conversation-Letter by the Am-
bassador of Bantam

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558. Endeavours of Mankind to get rid of
their Burthens, a Dream

559. The same concluded....

560. Letters, from the duinb Doctor-from
a pert Baggage-on the Author's re-
covering his Speech





561. Account of the Widows' Club............ ADDISON
562. On Egotism-Retailers of old Jokes
563. Letters, from a Blank-complaining of

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564. On making a just Estimate of the
Characters of Mankind

565. On the Nature of Man-of the Supreme

566. Letters on military Life by various Sol-







N° 515. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1712.

Pudet me et miseret, qui harum mores cantabat mihi,

Monuisse frustra—

TER. Heaut. Act. ii. Sc. 3.

I am ashamed and grieved, that I neglected his advice, who gave me the character of these creatures.



AM obliged to you for printing the account I lately sent you of a coquette who disturbed a sober congregation in the city of London. That intelligence ended at her taking a coach, and bidding the driver go where he knew. I could not leave her so, but dogged her, as hard as she drove, to Paul's church-yard, where there was a stop of coaches attending company coming out of the cathedral. This gave me an opportunity to hold up a crown to her coachman, who gave me the signal, that he would hurry on, and make no haste, as you know the way is when they favour a chase. By his many kind blunders, driving against other coaches, and slipping off some of his tackle, I could keep up with him, and lodged my fine lady in the parish of St. James's. As I guessed, when I first saw her at church, her busi

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ness is to win hearts, and throw them away, regarding nothing but the triumph. I have had the happiness, by tracing her through ali with whom I heard she was acquainted, to find one who was intimate with a friend of mine, and to be introduced to her notice. I have made so good a use of my time, as to procure from that intimate of hers one of her letters, which she writ to her when in the country. This epistle of her own may serve to alarm the world against her in ordinary life, as mine, I hope, did those who shall behold her at church. The letter was written last winter to the lady who gave it me; and I doubt not but you will find it the soul of an happy self-loving dame, that takes all the admiration she can meet with, and returns none of it in love to her admirers.


"I am glad to find you are likely to be dis posed of in marriage so much to your approbation, as you tell me. You say you are afraid only of me, for I shall laugh at your spouse's airs. I beg of you not to fear it, for I am too nice a discerner to laugh at any, but whom most other people think fine fellows; so that your dear may bring you hither as soon as his horses are in case enough to appear in town, and you be very safe against any raillery you may apprehend from me; for I am surrounded with coxcombs of my own making, who are all ridiculous in a manner wherein your good man, I presume, cannot exert himself. As men who cannot raise their fortunes, and are uneasy under the incapacity of shining in courts, rail at ambition; so do awkward and insipid women, who cannot warm the hearts, and charm the eyes of men, rail at affectation: but she that has the joy of seeing a man's heart leap into his eyes at beholding her, is in no pain for want of

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