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Livres Livres
" Which pillage they with merry march bring home To the tent-royal of their emperor; Who, busied in his majesty, surveys The singing masons building roofs of gold, The civil citizens kneading up the honey, The poor mechanic porters crowding in Their heavy... "
Answers to Ever-recurring Questions from the People: A Sequel to the Penetralia - Page 126
de Andrew Jackson Davis - 1868 - 417 pages
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King John ; King Richard II ; King Henry IV. Part 1 ; King Henry IV. Part 2 ...

William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 588 pages
...Porters, crowding in Their heavy Burthens at his narrow Gate: The fad-ey'd Juftice, with his furly hum, Delivering o'er to Executors pale The lazy yawning...infer, That many things having full reference To one confent, may work contrarioufly : As many Arrows loofed feveral ways Come to one mark; as many ways...
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The Works of Shakespeare in Seven Volumes, Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1733 - 532 pages
...a, Muficis dicitur in Cantu, earn ejfi in Civitate Concordiam. The fad-ey'd juftice with his furly hum, Delivering o'er to executors pale The lazy yawning...infer, That many things, having full reference To one confent, may work contrarioufly : As many arrows, loofed feveral ways, Come to one mark : as many ways...
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The Works of Shakespeare ...: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and ..., Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1740 - 498 pages
...mechanick porters crowding in Their heavy burthens at his narrow gate : The fad-ey'd Juftice with his furly hum, Delivering o'er to executors pale The lazy yawning...this infer, That many things, having full reference (6) Ttt that it tut * curs'd Ntctffuy ; ) So the old 410. The folia's read cmfk'd : Neither of the...
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The works of Shakespear, with a glossary, pr. from the Oxford ed ..., Volume 5

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 352 pages
...mechanick porters crowding in Their heavy burdens at his narrow gate t The fad-ey'd Juftice with his furly hum, ' Delivering o'er to executors pale The lazy...infer, That many things having full reference To one confent, may work contrarioufty t As, many arrows loo(ed feveral ways Come to one mark, and ways meet...
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The Works of Shakespear: In Eight Volumes, Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 544 pages
...porters crowding in *' Their heavy burthens at his narrow gate : . " The fad-ey'd Juftice with his furly hum, " Delivering o'er to executors pale " The lazy...this infer, That many things, having full reference 4 Creatures, that iy t RULE in NATURE teach~\ The editors have made the poet fay the direft contrary...
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The Works of Shakespeare, Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1752 - 584 pages
...mechanick porters crowding in Their heavy burthens at his narrow gate : The fad-ey'd Juftice with his furly hum, Delivering o'er to executors pale The lazy yawning...this infer, That many things, having full reference (6) Yti that is but a curs'd tfece/ny;} So the old Quarto. The ftlit't read trufifd : Neither of the...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Eight Volumes: With the ..., Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1765 - 610 pages
...things, having full reference To one confers, may work contrarioufly. As many arrows, roofed feveral ways, Come to one mark ; as many ways meet in one town ; As many frefh ftreams meet in one lair lea •, • » As many lines clofe in the dial's center ; So may a...
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The plays of William Shakespeare, with the corrections and illustr ..., Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1765 - 600 pages
...things, having full reference To one confent, may work contrarioufly. As many arrows, loofed feveral ways, Come to one mark ; as many ways meet in one town ; As many frefh firearm meet in one fait fea ; As many lines clofe in the dial's center j So may a thoufand actions,...
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The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes, Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 504 pages
...mechanjck porters crowding in Their heavy burdens at his narrow gate t The fad-ey'd juftice with his furly hum, Delivering o'er to executors pale The lazy yawning...infer, That m.any things, having full reference To one confent, may work contrarioufiy : As many arrows, loofed feveral ways, Cotne to one mark : As many...
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The works of Shakespeare, with corrections and illustr. from ..., Volume 5

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 314 pages
...things, having Full reference To one confent, may work contrarioufly : AS many arrows loofed feveral ways, Come to one mark; -as many ways meet in one town ; As many frefh ftreams meet in one falt-fea ; As many lines clofe in the dial's centre ; So may a thoufand actions,...
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