AN INTRODUCTION TO THE IRISH LANGUAGE. IN THREE PARTS. I. AN ORIGINAL AND COMPREHENSIVE GRAMMAR. II. FAMILIAR PHRASES, AND DIALOGUES. III. EXTRACTS FROM IRISH BOOKS, AND MANUSCRIPTS, IN THE PRINTED FOR P. WOGAN, 15, LOWER ORMOND QUAY. TO HIS EXCELLENCY PHILIP, EARL OF HARDWICKE, LORD LIEUTENANT GENERAL, AND GENERAL GOVERNOR OF IRELAND. MY LORD, THE Condescending attention, with which your Excellency has been pleased to patronize the following work, I shall ever gratefully remember. It is consistent with the universal tenor of a viceroyalty, that is dear to the true friends of Ireland; and in which the humblest attempt to promote the improvement of the country is regarded with paternal encouragement. Such are the views with which this publication is presented to the world, under the auspices of your Excellency; and I am happy in taking this opportunity to declare myself, Your Excellency's most obliged, obedient, and humble Servant, WILLIAM NEILSON. Dundalk, March 1, 1306. |