AYS. Always Now-a-days. And the third Perfon Gingular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs, and the Plural of the Nouns of the foregoing Termination AY, and of all the other that rhyme to it.. E. Epi E. E and EE. She Me He We Be Anemone tome Jubile Apoftrophe Cataftrophe Recipe Similes Sea Tea Flea Pea Plea Over-fea Counter plea Thee See Free Tree Decree Agree Bee Degree Forefee Three Lee Disagree Fee Pedigree Knee A-lee Axletree Mantletree Overfee. Alfo the Words in IE or Yi EA. See E. EACH. See EASE. EACH and EECH: Reach Each Teach Preach Beach Breach Peach Bleach Appeach Impeach Misteach Over reach Beech Speech Leech Befetch. And the Terminations ACH, ATCH, ETCH and ITCHIwelgg/ dired sim EAD. See ED. EAF. See IEF.toch EAGUE. See IGUE.. EAK, EEK and IEK. Break Squeak Speak Beak Weak Bleak Leak Freak Peak Sneak Steak Streak Wreak Bespeak Forefpeak Seek Greek Cheek Meek Creek Leek ReekWeek Sleek Shriek. Alfo the Terminations ACK, AKE and ECK. EAL and EEL. Deal Heal Weal Meal Zeal Auneal Common-Weal Peal - Seal Steal Sweal Veal Squeal Appeal Conceal Reveal Congeal Repeal Unfeal Teal Feel Wheel Reel Kneel Steel Heel Eel Keel Peel. Alfo the Terminations AIL, AL, ALE, EIL and EL. EALM. See Elm. EALT: See ELT. EALTH. Health Wealth Stealth Commonwealth. A EAM, EEM and EME. Stream Team Gleam Beam Steam Extream Supream Bream Cream Dream Seam Scream Seem Esteem Teem Deem Befeem Mildeem Redeem Difefteem, Foredeem Unbefeem Phlegm Theme Scheme Blafpheme Apozeme Theoreme. Afo the Terminations AIM, AM, AME and EM. EAMT. See EMT. EAN, EEN and ENE. Lean Bean Clean Unclean, Mean Wean Glean Dean Quean Yean Demean Mifdemean Subdean Queen Seen Green Been Keen Spleen Unfeen Between Forefeen Unforeseen Skreen Ween Careen Thirteen, and the other Nouns of Number from thence to Twenty Scene Obfcene Serene Convene Epicene Intervene Para felene Demefne. Alfo the Terminations AIGN, AIN, AN, ANE, EIGN, EIN and EN. EANSE. See ENCE. EANT. See ENT. EAP and EP. Leap Reap Step Outstep Heap Cheap. And the Words that end in AP, APE and EEP. EAR. EAR. EER and ERE. Near Spear Ear Hear Tear Year EARCH and ERCH, Search Research Perch. And the EARD and ERD. Heard Beard Herd Affear'd. And the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in AIR, EER, EIR, EARL. Pearl Earl. And the Terminations ARL, IRL EARN and ERN. Learn Yearn Outlearn Unlearn Chern Dern Kern Fern Stern Concern Difcern Excern Unconcern Subaltern. And the Termination ARN. EARSE. See ERSE. EART. See ART. EARTH, ARTH and IRTH. Hearth Dearth Earth Swarth Birth Mirth Afterbirth. EASE, EACE, EEZE, EIZE and IECE. Eafe Appeafe Pleafe Difpleafe Difeafe Leafe Peace Preace Geefe Fleece Cheefe Breeze Wheeze Freeze Squeeze Sneeze Teaze Seize Diffeize Piece Niece Apiece Frontispiece Ceafe De- creafe Increase Leafe Deceafe Releafe Surceafe. And the Plural Number of the Nouns and third Perfon fingular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs in AYE, EA, EE, EIGH and EAST and IEST. Feaft Leaft Eaft Beaft Priest Breaft EAT, EET and ETE. Beat Bleat Repeat Seat Retreat Heat Wheat Defeat Meat Eat Treat Cheat Feat Neat Ef cheat Eftreat Intreat Feet Sweet Meet Fleet Street Greet Sheet Sleet Difcreet Indifcreet, Unmeet Mete Complete Concrete Obfolete Replete Paraclete. Great Teat Threat. EATH. EATH and EETH. Breath Death Heath Sheath Wreat EAVE, EEVE, EIVE, EVE and IEVE. Leave Bereav EAV'N, EV'N, and IV'N. Heav'n Leav'n Sev'n Elev EB, fee AB. EBE, fee ABE. ECK. Deck Neck Check Beck Peck Speck Wreck. An EGT. Protect Sect Direct Expect Erect Neglect Rejec ED, EAD, EDE, and EED. Bred Fed Sled Led She EDGE, EGE and IEGE. Wedge Edge Alledge Hedge AGE. EEN. See EAN. EER. See EAR. EEP. Sheep Keep Deep Weep Creep Sleep Steep Peep EER. See EAR. EESE. See EASE. EETH. See EATH. EEVE. Sea EAVE. EEZE. See EASE. EFT. EFT. Weft Theft Bereft Left Eft Cleft Unleft Deft. And the Terminations AFT, and IFT. EG, EAG, EAGUE, and IGUE. Leg Beg Egg Dreg Tweag Feag League Brigue Intrigue. EIGH. See AY. EIGHT. See ATE. EIL. See AIL. EIN. See AIN. EL, ELL, and LE, preceded by a Confonant. Well Excel Foretel Fell Hell Sell Smell Tell Befel Cell Yell Farewel Afphodel Quell Shell Citadel Bell Dell Ell Dwell Pa rallel Knell Infidel Spell Swell Compel Expel Dispel Impel Outfel Underfel Repel Rebel Sentinel Colonel Abominable Accountable Acceptable Admirable Affable Allowable Alterable Amiable Amicable Answerable Appeafable Applicable Arable Article Available Barnacle Believeable Blameable Capable Changeable Charitable Canticle Chronicle Conventicle Icicle Particle Vehicle Comfortable Commendable Conformable Conquerable Confcionable Confiderable Con ftable Creditable Culpable Curable Damnable Deceiveable Deplorable Defireable Despicable Deteftable Disagreeable Dilhonourable Difputable Diftinguishable Durable Equirable Eftimable Execrable Fashionable Favourable Fordable Formidable Governable Habitable Honourable Hofpitable Imaginable Imitable Immoveable Immutable Impenetrable Implacable Improbable Incapable Inclinable Incomparable Inconceiveable Inconfolable. Inconfiderable Incurable Indeclinable Indefatigable Indifpenfible Indubitable Indurable Ineffable Ineftimable Inevitable Inexcufable Inexorable Inexpiable Inexplicable Inextricable Inextinguishable Inhabitable Inhofpitable Inimitable Innavigable Innumerable Infatiable Infcrutable Infeparable Infociable Infufferable Infurniountable Infuperable Infupportable Interchangeable Intolerable Inviolable Invulnerable Irreconcileable Irrecoverable Irrefragable Irreparable Irrevocable Irreproachable Lamentable Laudable Liable Manacle Marriageable Medicinable Memorable Miracle Miferable Moveable Invaluable Mutable Navigable Notable Obfervable Obftacle Oracle Payable Palatable Palpable Parable Pardonable Paffable Pafturable Peaceable Penetrable Perishable Performable Pinnacle Pleadable Pleafureable Portable Preferable Profitable Probable Proportionable Pliable Reasonable Receptacle Recommendable Reconcileable Recoverable Redeemable Remarkable Removeable Reproveable Reputable Retrieveable Revocable Seafonable Semblable Serviceable Sizeable Separable Sociable Spectacle Syllable Tabernacle ELCH and ILCH. Belch Squelch. And the Termination ELD, IELD, ILD and UILD. Held Geld Upheld With- ELF and ALF. Elf Shelf Self Pelf Himfelf Herself It- ELK. See ILK. ELM, EALM and ILM. Helm Whelm Overwhelm Realm ELP, ALP and ULP. Help Whelp Yelp Scalp Gulp Pulp. ELT, EALT, ILT and UILT. Felt Melt Pelt Belt Gelt ELVE and ALVE. Delve Helve Twelve Whelve Calve ELVES. Themfelves. To which Word rhyme the Pla- EM and EMN. Stem Diadem Jerufalem Them Hem EME. See EAM, EMN. See EM. EMP. See AMP. EMT and EAMT, Exempt Contempt Attempt Tempt Dreamt. EN. Den Fen Ten Men When Then Agen Amen Hen AIN |