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Vindication of Dr. Collyer-Impor

ance of Love to Christ.. .101-108

REVIEW.-Proceedings of the Scotch

Church, London Wall-Mrs. More's

Essay on the Character of Paul, &c.

Cheap Magazine... .109-120

RELIG. INTELL.-Baptist Missionary

Stations Intelligence from India-

British and Foreign School Society-

West London Sunday School Union-

Queries on Music-Literary Notices-

Obit. of Mrs. Allcorn-Poetry 121-128


DOCT. and PRACT.-The dignified cha-
racter of Christianity-Letter of the
late J. Thornton, Esq.-Comparative
View of Missions-London Missionary
Society-Baptist do.-United Brethren

REVIEW.-Mrs. More's Character of

Baptism of Holy Spirit......129-140

Paul, Concluded-Cottle's Messiah-

Campbell's Tavels in Africa. 141-152

RELIG. INTELL.-London Society for
converting the Jews-Native Irish
Schools Gaelic Schools-British and
For. School Society-Chapel opened
in Goswell Street-On the Prospect of
War removed....


MEMOIR.-Mr. Arch. M'Lean, con-
DOCTR. and PRACT.-Illustration of
Christ's words, "It is finished"-On
Justification, PART III.-Sermon on
2 Cor. iv. 7. concluded-Probus in
answer to Honestus' Case of Consci-
REVIEW.-Fuller on the Apocalypse
concluded-Mrs. Williams' Hints-Snel-
gar's Sermon on the death of Wraith-
Circular Letter to Baptist churches in
RELIG. INTEL.-London Aux. Bible
Society-Petersburgh Bible Society→→
Baptist Missionary Meeting at Nor-
thampton-Ordination of Mr. Lee Com-
peer- Glasgow Auxiliary Society to
the Baptist Mission-Hants and Wilts
Baptist Association-Chapel at South-
sea opened-Hampshire Independent
Association-Hants Sunday Schools→→→→
Literary Notices-Poems by Mrs. Bur-
ton of Darlington.....

REVIEW.-Burder's Memoirs of Pious
Women Newman's Sermon on the
death of Fuller-Ivimey's Sermon on
ditto-Ryland's Sermon on ditto-Jen-
kins's Sermon on the Fear of Death

RELIG. INTELL-Baptist Missionary

Society-London Missionary Society--

Irish Evangel. Society -- Adult Schools

-Funeral of the Rev. C. Buck-Me-

moir of E. W. Harland-Case of his

Widow, Mrs. Harland.......281-288


MEMOIR-Mr. Archibald M'Lean, late

of Edinburgh,


DOCTR. and PRACT.-Sermon I. on

2 Cor. iv. 7-On Justification PART II.

-Letter of the late Rev. S. G.-En-

quiry respecting Christ's Omnipre-
sence-Answered by the Editor-Ex-
tract from Bishop Horsley on the Mar-
ginal Readings-Query on Ministers
being "Fellow-Helpers with God"

REVIEW.-Fuller's Expository Dis-

courses on the Apocalypse-Horsley's

Dissertation on the Prophecies of the

Messiah dispersed among the Heathen

-Williams's Diary, &c. ...309-316

RELIG. INTELL.-Auxiliary Mission-
ary Societies-Auxliary Bible Socie-



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Theological Review,



them personally, as revelation is silent upon the subject, it is useless to conjecture; but we have abundant evidence that to Enoch, the seventh in descent from Adam, ad

IN selecting a subject which should furnish a suitable introduction to the present undertaking, we have been relieved from the difficulties that usually attend every preliminary address, by two ob-ditional manifestations were given; vious considerations. One is the for he who could prophesy so annual return of that particular clearly of the second coining of season, when the christian world, Christ, with ten thousand of his in general, have agreed to com- saints, to raise the dead and judge memorate THE BIRTH of the il- the world, must have been well lustrious founder of their religion: informed of his previous appearthe other, and certainly the more ance to effect the great work of important reason is, that the event | man's redemption, and put away itself lies at the foundation of the sin by the sacrifice of himself. new and evangelical economy. Gen. v. 21-24. Jude 14, 15. But When the evangelist Mark under- | to the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, took to commit to writing, for the benefit of all succeeding ages, the life of the blessed Saviour, he commenced his delightful theme with these words, "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God." Let this be admitted as our apology for entreating the candid attention of our readers to a few reflections on this grand and interesting occurrence.

and Jacob, still larger accessions of divine light were afforded, and even these were gradually augmented, by the ministry of Moses, the Psalms of David, and especially by the predictions of the prophets, those " holy men of God, who spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit," and whose great object, in all their writings was, "to testify beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow." Thus the light of revelation bore a striking resemblance. to what takes place in the natural world, when from the first dawn of twilight, the heavenly luminary sends forth his cheering beams with increasing lustre, and "shineth more and more unto the perfect

1. An intimation of the Saviour's | birth, though comparatively an obscure one, was given to our first parents, soon after their defection from a state of innocence, in the divine promise that "the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent's head." Gen. iii. 15. What further discoveries of the designs of eternal mercy were made to day," But,


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