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Theological Review.

MAY, 1815.

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ON THE DIGNIFIED CHARACTER OF CHRISTIANITY. Ir must be a source of peculiar | troversy, are not to be overlooked satisfaction to a reflecting mind to by the reflecting Christian. Of contemplate the accumulated mass this kind are many topics which of evidence which supports the come under the description of indivine origin of Christianity-Pro- ternal evidence. If the external phecy, miracles, testimony, history, proofs be needful to silence the the successful propagation of the sceptic, the internal are necessary gospel, the character of the Re- to confirm the believer. He can deemer, and the lives of his apos- survey the ground of his confidence tles; all these, connected with the under every different aspect; he internal proofs arising from the may examine it in all its bearings. doctrines themselves, combine to As the allurements of pleasure, stamp with the seal of Heaven, the honour, and interest ever tend to dispensation of the Messiah. The weaken the impression of heavenly privilege, or rather the right, of free truth upon his mind, he will need discussion, while it allows every ob- to ask himself what it is that he jection against Christianity to be has believed? Is there any thing fully stated, has been attended with in Christianity which is peculiarly advantages inconceivably great on interesting-that commends itself the side of truth: it has brought to his affection-that raises his adforward a fulness of evidence which miration-that enlarges his views, obviates every objection; while the or elevates his piety? Is it such a acknowledged talents and acute-system as ennobles our nature, as ness of its adversaries have served opens a boundless prospect of futo make the triumph of Christianity ture happiness, or is it only a system more complete; and as no source hath been left untried to furnish weapons against it, the advocates of revealed truth, have found themselves more than equal to the combat. It now only remains that they maintain the advantageous ground which they already occupy.

The general evidence of Christianity to which I have adverted, is much strengthened by many collateral proofs, which, though not necessary in the public con


so supported by external proofs, that it silences our doubts, but does not affect our hearts?

Under such reflections as these, permit me to remark, that there is something in the dignity of Christianity, when considered in its original purity, that impresses on the mind a conviction of its heavenly origin. When I mention the dignity of it, I mean that all which pertains to it is elevated above meanness; is rational as opposed

to superstition; and is pure in himself condescends thus to give, distinction from the corruption of as knowing in whom he has beevery other system. The most lieved. If he take a comprehensive general prejudice of the human view of all his doctrines, they are mind against Christianity arises found worthy the majesty of the from associating with the very speaker-they do not indeed enter name of it, an impression of weak-into the concerns of earthly states ness or meanness, as though there were nothing in the principles or practice of it which suits a mind any way elevated above the ordinary level. But can we have any just conception of what real Christianity is, and not admit that it is the ornament of our nature-that a consistent Christian is the highest style of man?

and kingdoms; they have an object more interesting: they regard the affairs of man as a moral, a rational, an accountable, and an immortal being-a being conscious of the obligations which arise from the relation he stands in to the great Supreme. He views his divine Teacher, in all bis instructions, as placing man in this dignified state,

creatures in the world. In this view he listens to him enforcing considerations of infinite weight and moment-the perfections of the eternal God-the value of an interest in his favour-the worth of the immortal soul-its redemption by his own blood-the resurrection from the dead-the glories of heaven, and the miseries of hell. These divine topics are set before him with such infallible certainty and indisputable authority, as to render all other subjects, in comparison, as only the amusement of children. It is no disparagement to his understanding to have it occupied about matters which angels desired to look into, and for which the Son of God visited this world. The more he enters into the mind of his Redeemer, the more must he consider his own nature to be raised in the scale of being, and a greater importance is consequently attached to this present state of existence, as preparatory to one that will ensue-a life immortal and heavenly. What is there in the system of Deism, Paganism, or Mahometanism, to be compared with Christianity in this view of it!

If we consider a Christian in re-in distinction from all the other lation to the truth he believes, we shall perceive what corresponds to this description. The doctrine he receives is not insignificant or mean; it is not indeed in unison with the wisdom of this world, or the prince of this world, which come to nought; but it is the wisdom of God in a mystery. He is called to receive only what accords with an enlightened understanding, and a judgment exercised to discern both good and evil. If he believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and the author of eternal salvation, it is because God himself hath borne witness to it by irrefragable evidence. If he make a profession of his faith before many witnesses, it is a profession of his own individual conviction of divine truth; he believes, and therefore he speaks. If he is assured that the heavenly teacher, whom he now owns as his only guide, was in the bosom of the Father, yet tabernacled on earth; that in him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge; he thinks it no reflection on his own understanding to allow him to explain his own purpose and design in coming into this world, fulfilling his ministry, and expiring upon the cross; he sees it consonant to the most enlightened reason to receive that exposition which the Redeemer

Nor will the dignity of Christianity appear to less advantage, if we view it in its influence on the life and conduct: keeping in mind, however, that it is not the imperfect

ruler or a subject, the principles of Christianity naturally tend to promote the discharge of every obligation, and the great design intended by our being placed in the various relations of social life. No limits are prescribed to the virtues of the christian life; for "whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely; if there be any virtue, the Christian must think on these things." His obedience is commensurate in its obligation to the glory of God and the good of men; it is the operation of divine love, making it a most reasonable service; the fruits of it are righteousness, and the end of it peace.

But it would be doing great injustice to this view of Christianity to overlook the peculiar blessings and the future prospects of the believer. "Now are we," says one, "the sons of God; and it does not yet appear what we shall be." The blessings of the gospel confer honour and dignity on the possessors of them. Though once aliens, they are made fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of faith; are introduced into the fa

and inconsistent conduct of some of its friends to which we must appeal as the standard of this influence. Christianity is embodied in the life of its divine Founder; its practical effects are witnessed in his example-in the lives of his apostles, and, in some faint degree, in all his real followers. It is in the new man created in righteousness after the divine image, that the dignity of the christian character appears. To him it belongs to shew forth the virtues of Him who hath called him out of darkness into his marvellous light. Though once darkness he is now light in the Lord, and is called to walk in the light; to approve that which is good, and to hate that which is evil. The principles of his holy profession, though not founded on worldly maxims, are of that tendency as to enable him to act his part in it. There is no situation of life in which they are not intended to operate-no duty that they do not sanctify. If integrity, faithfulness, diligence, sobriety, sincerity, and truth, are approved by the uncorrupted reason of mankind universally, as things acceptable to God and profitable to men, christian principles not merely recom-mily of God, and made with the Remend but sanction them as of di- deemer joint heirs of the heavenly vine authority. If the more amiable inheritance. Though not disenvirtues of benevolence and mercy tangled from those ties and confind an advocate in every humane nections which belong to this breast, aside from any particular earthly state, the mind of a Chrissystem of religion-the gospel a- tian is directed to a higher portion, dorns them with the most heavenly his affections are set upon things rays-a life of benevolence and that are above; his conversation is mercy was the life of the Re-in heaven, from whence he looks deemer-a life of overflowing be- for the Saviour's return, to change nignity-it was the image of the his vile body, and fashion it like Deity, set forth for the imitation of unto his own glorious body. The his followers. "Be followers of value of those truths which he beGod as dear children." The chris-lieves, are estimated by him, not tian character consists in a confor- with regard to present enjoyment, mity to this. "Blessed are the but to future blessedness. The immerciful, for they shall obtain mercy." In every station of life, the same elevation of sentiment will operate. As a master, a servant, a husband, or a friend, a

portance attached to every thing on earth, is regulated by its influence on his final destiny. The fluctuations and vicissitudes of this life affect not the nature or the

ground of his hope. His light
afflictions, which are but for a
moment, work out for him a far
more exceeding and eternal weight
of glory. No object can be more
pitiable, than man descending into
the grave destitute of the favour
of God, and without hope in his
mercy. What a situation for a
human being under any circum-
stances, but particularly after a
life spent in cultivating his under-
standing, with a view to enlarge
his intellectual attainments, and,
in some sense, elevate himself in
the scale of existence; but ah!
how vain the attempt, aside from
the principles of Christianity!
"Man that is in honour and un-
derstandeth not, is like the beasts
that perish." The high attainments
of cultivated genius-the result of
years of laborious study, vanish
into disappointment without the
hope of immortality. But the be-
hever hath hope in his death.
There indeed the worth of his
principles is brought home, and
their importance is felt. All his
previous experience of their value
was but preparatory to this. Now
he arrives at the object-the wide,
the unbounded prospect lies before
him. The foundation of his hope
is secure; he knows in whom he
hath believed; and therefore, in
passing through the valley of the
shadow of death, he fears no evil.
And what in yonder realms above,
Is ransomed man ordain'd to be?
In honour, holiness, and love,
No angel more adorn'd than he.
Before the throne, and first in song,
Man shall his hallelujahs raise;
While wond'ring angels round him

And swell the chorus of his praise.
March 17th, 1815.


S. J.

From the late JOHN THORNTON, Esq. of Clapham; addressed to a pious young man, then a Captain in His Majesty's Navy.


Clapham, 12 April, 1784.

Your acceptable letter of the 20th March, from Waterford, 1

have perused with much pleasure, and though I have nearly dropt all my correspondence, I could not omit complying with your desire, and giving a word in reply thereto. The Lord has for the present shut you out from all public ordinances, and in a great measure from the conversation of the righteous; many of his dear people have been so dealt with and much worse, yet the Lord himself is present in the absence of his public appointments; and has other instructors equally as profitable for us, if we will listen to their voice: as you wish to have a word from me, I will point out a few of his monitors; a lecture from each of which you may have every day, or several from them all in a day if you please.

You have a very close inmate called conscience, which, if it be an enlightened one, as I hope and trust yours is, will be a faithful friend. Its language is, "Keep me tender, quick of feeling, void of offence towards God and man; consult me upon all, occasions temporal and spiritual; act according to my dictates, and thou shalt have a perpetual feast; but if thou shalt grieve me, then beware of a deceitful reconciliation.» I will be satisfied with nothing less than a fresh pardon from the blood of Christ; he that first gave me quiet, must keep me in peace."

Another friend you will have continually about you, namely, the Bible, and it will speak a true language, though in different dialects. It will shew you the great and glorious salvation of Jesus Christ. It will shew you a perfect atonement, righteousness, justifi cation, adoption, and glorification. It continually; look upon this as far Soul, fix thy faith here superior to all thy humiliations, gifts, graces, and highest attainments. Let every sheaf bow down to this sheaf; look upon it also as far more extensive to cover and pardon, than all thy sins, corrup


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tions, imperfections, shortcomings, grace; guarding against tempta can to condemn thee. It is Christ's tions, striving against the flesh. most holy act, [and therefore] can-It says, "I appeal to thine own not be added unto, [and] must not experience, Soul, when art thou so be diminisked from." This work happy as under my smile? when of God is every way perfect. It is thy faith so delighted, as when speaks also in the language of I am taking of the things of Jesus promises exceeding great and Christ, and shewing them unto precious promises-many in num- thee? When is the throne of grace ber and rich in variety-suitable a place so privileged, as when I to every case, and calculated for am in thee as a spirit of prayer and every emergency-secured by co-supplication, making intercession venant love and everlasting mercy. in thee and with thee? When are A summary of these you may find thy evidences of the divine favour in Heb. viii. 9-13. It sometimes so bright and convincing, as when makes use of dictatorial language, I am sealing thee to the day of and speaks in the way of precept. redemption? Therefore grieve me This voice must be attended unto. not, banish me not from thee, for It supposes you have grace, I am a Spirit of holiness, and will strength, experience, and a will to not dwell among the unclean." choose the things that are excellent. Much has been bestowed; much will be required. Walk in the path of duty, as the redeemed of the Lord; shew thy love to him by keeping his commandments; demonstrate that the doctrine of the gospel is according to godliness, and by well-doing put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. See that the law, be esta-"Live to-day-redeem what has blished in all its divine and hea- been mispent-improve thy talents venly injunctions, and walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Many other voices the Bible makes use of, by way of warning, encouragement, and example, which I cannot now enlarge upon; but whenever you advise with it, you will find it a faithful and able counsellor.

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There is also the voice of the Beloved, which I must not pass by, Rev. iii. 20. We are apt to pay too little attention to the voice of our best Friend. See a most interesting and tender scene respecting this matter, in the Song of Solomon, v. 2-7.

Time, likewise, is another monitor of God, and it speaks loudly,

prepare for death and judgment.” Sickness also may come, and it must be attended to; hear the voice of the rod, and who has appointed it.

I will only mention two voices more, from very different people, in very opposite dialects, and from very different places, neither of which has the vulture's eye ever yet beheld, nor any living mortal ever yet seen. May they be sanctified to us both. One may be

By the Spirit here, the reader must understand the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, which Christ promised to give to those that believe in him. John xiv. 16, 17, 26. xvi. 7, 13. And that this is the writer's meaning, is evident from the reference which he afterwards makes to Eph. i. 13. and iv. 30, &e. Happy would it be for Christians if they paid more attention to the apostle's injunction, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed to the day of redemption”—which is always done when they indulge "bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour," &c. EDIT. + There is something inexpressibly striking in the hint which Mr. Thornton here drops to his correspondent, and it speaks a volume! Heaven and hell are personified, and the reader is, as it were, called to hear a lecture from each of them. The idea is truly sublime, and had it been found in Shakespeare, what a fund of comment would it have afforded for the critics. EDIT.


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