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" And the long labours of the year are vain. Nor from his patrimonial heaven alone Is Jove content to pour his vengeance down : Aid from his brother of the seas he craves, To help him with auxiliary waves. The... "
Encyclopaedia Perthensis; or, Universal dictionary of Knowledge. [With] Supp - Page 129
de Encyclopaedia Perthensis - 1816
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Original Poems and Translations, Volume 2

John Dryden - 1743 - 352 pages
...perifh'd Grain; And the long Labours of the Year are vain. Nor from his Patrimonial Heav'n alone Is Jw e content to pour his Vengeance down ; Aid from his Brother of the Seas he craves, To help him with Auxiliary Waves. The watry Tyrant calls his Brooks and Floods, Who...
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The Miscellaneous Works: Containing All His Original Poems, Tales ..., Volume 3

John Dryden - 1760 - 526 pages
...burthen bends : Defrauded clowns deplore their perifh'd grain ; And the long labors of the year are vain. Nor from his patrimonial heav'n alone Is Jove content...feas he craves, To help him with auxiliary waves. The watry tyrant calls his brooks and floods, Who roll from mofly caves, their moift abodes; And with...
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The Works of the English Poets: Dryden

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 356 pages
...deplore their peri/h'd grain } And the long labours of the year are vain. Nor from his patrimonial heaven alone Is Jove content to pour his vengeance down :...feas he craves, To help him with auxiliary waves. The watery tyrant calls his brooks and floods, Who roll from mofly caves, their moift abodes; And with...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volume 15

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 364 pages
...ti:e ior.g labou:s of the year are vain. Nor from his patrimonial hen en alone Is Jove conteat to prur his vengeance down : Aid from his brother of the feas he craves, To help him with auxiliary waves. The watery tyrant calls his brooks and floods, Who roll from n:olTy caves, their moift abodes; And...
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Primitive History, from the Creation to Cadmus, Volume 35

William Williams - 1789 - 688 pages
...keep." He bids a world of clouds involve the fky : Loud thunders peal : rains tumble from on high. Nor from his patrimonial heav'n alone Is Jove content to pour his vengeance down : His brother of the feas he urgent craves To help him wuh auxiliary waves. Then with his trident Neptune...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volume 20

English poets - 1790 - 352 pages
...deplore their periftr'd grain; And the long labours of the year art vahu Nor from his patrimonial heaven alone Is Jove content to pour his vengeance. down:...feas he craves, To help him with auxiliary waves. The watery tyrant calls his brooks and floods, Who roll from mofly caves, their moift abodes;. And...
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The Works of the British Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volume 6

Robert Anderson - 1795 - 806 pages
...deplore their perilh'd grain; And the long labours of the year are vain. Nor from his patrimonial heaven alone Is Jove content to pour his vengeance down : Aid from his brother of the feas he craves, I'u help him with auxiliary waves. The watery tyrant culls his brooks and floods, Who roll from moiTy...
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The Works of the British Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volume 6

Robert Anderson - 1795 - 838 pages
...deplore their periuYd grain; And the long labours of the year are vain. Nor from his patrimonial heaven alone Is Jove content to pour his vengeance down: Aid from his brother of the teas he craves, To help him with auxiliary waves. The watery tyrant calls his brooks and flood', Who...
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A Dictionary of the English Language: In which the Words are ..., Volume 1

Samuel Johnson - 1805 - 972 pages
...with, and auxiliary to it, according to its use. Half's Origin if ATanfiuJ. Nor from his patiinionial heav'n alone Is Jove content to pour his vengeance down ; Aid from his brother ui the seas he craves, To help him \vith auxiliary waves. JUryJc». AUXILIARY Verb. A verb that helps...
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The Works of John Dryden: Now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes ..., Volume 12

John Dryden - 1808 - 496 pages
...deplore their perished grain, And the long labours of the year are vain. Nor from his patrimonial heaven alone Is Jove content to pour his vengeance down ; Aid from his brother of the seas he craves, To help him with auxiliary waves. The -watery tyrant calls his brooks and floods, Who...
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