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39; of pronoun, 59; of verb, 168
and N.; Northern plural in-s, 613.
Poetess. See author, 417.
Point of view, changing, 355, B.
Politeness, subjunctive of, 163.
Politics, verb with, 205.

Porch, 417.

Positive degree, 132.
Positive that, etc., 295.
Possession, double, 45 (3, 4).
Possessive adjectives, 59 (N.), 69,
116, 118, 608, 609; capitalized,
Possessive case, of nouns, 41-46,

48, 604 (genitive), 606, 608-610;
exceptions, 42; freedom in
poetry, 43; joint ownership,
44; noun omitted after, 45; of
followed by possessive, 45;
double possessive, 45 (3, 4);
misuse, 46; appositive, 48 and
N.; difference between posses-
sive case and uninflected form
when used as adjective, 46, N.;
modifier of gerund, 223.
Possessive pronouns, 59(N.), 67–69.
Post, inform, 417.

Postal. See postal card, etc., 417.
Postmaster-general, 500, N.
Postpone for, to, 287.

Postscript. See letter, 359, and
PS., 417.

Powerful, powerful deal, powerful
sight, 417.

Practicable, practical, 417.
Practice, practice on, 287.
Pray (I pray you), 250, 350.
Prayer Book, 450.

Preamble, Whereas, etc., 427.
Precedence, precedent, 417.
Predicate, 4.

Predicate adjective (after linking
verb), 113 (N.), 158, 214; after
look, etc., 238, 239.
Predicate nominative, 158, 214,606.
Predicate noun, 158.

Predicate objective, 214.
Predicate pronoun, 158; after to
be, 219; after being, 228.
Prefer to, 417.

Prefixes, Anglo-Saxon, 403; Latin,
405; Greek, 408.

Preposition, 282-296 (see Con-
tents, p. xiii); incorrectly
omitted, 52; phrase, 114, 165,
253, 282; and voice, 211; list,
283, 284; participles as, 232, .
283; position, 286, 370; object a
phrase or clause, 285; idioms,
287; at, in, on, in expressions
of locality, 293; not used with
aware, etc., 295; redundant, see
prepositions, 417; in proper
names, 436, 437.
Preposition and voice, 211.
Prepositional idioms, 287; see
prepositions, 417.

Present tense, historical, in head-
lines of newspapers, 355, B, 2;
inflections, 622.

Present to, with, 287.
President, 443 and N. I; Presiden-
tial, 443, N. 2.

President, how addressed, 545,
VII; Vice President, 545, V.
Pretty, adj. or adv., 258.
Prevail. See obtain, 417.
Prevail against, etc., 287.
Preventive, 417.
Preventive of, 287.

Previous, previously, etc., 417.
Price or rate, denoted by a, an,
139 (4); by per, 289.

Priest, how addressed, 545, XIV.
Principal clause, 8.

Principal parts, 170, 172, 621, 654.
Printers' (proof-readers') marks,

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Pronoun, 55-112 (see Contents,
p. vi); pronoun or adjective,
56; repetition, 65; substitute,
66; predicate nominative, 158;
capitalized, 447.
Pronunciation, 418-423; key to,
423; Latin and Greek, 402.
Proof, first, with corrections indi-
cated, 515; second proof, with
corrections made, 515 (page
341); galley proof, page proof,
515 (page 341).

Proofread. See handwritten, 417.
Proof-readers' marks, 515.
Proper adjective, 117, 438, 455;
adverb, 438; verb, 438; in
French, etc., 438, N. 2.
Proper adverb, 438.
Proper name, 16, 37; with title,
38; ancient, 42.

Proper noun (proper name), 16;
capitalized, 431; as common
noun, 435.
Proper verb, 438.
Properly speaking, 232.
Proportion to, proportionate, pro-
portional, 417.
Propose, purpose, 417.
Proposition. See project, 417.
Propriety, 190.

Protest, protest against, 417.
Protestant bishop, how addressed,
545, VIII; minister, 545, IX.
Proved, proven, 417.
Proverbial expressions, 413.
Provided, subord. conj., 312.
Providing. See provided, 417.
Province, 453.

Provincial expressions, 380.
Proximo. See instant, 417.
PS. (postscript), 417.
Ptolemies, 25.

Public, verb with, 197.
Punctual. See in time, 417.
Punctuation, 460-514 (see Con-
tents, p. xviii); with essential

(restrictive), nonessential (non、
restrictive), word, phrase,
clause, 50, 92, 270, 472; with
conjunctions, 300, 467,476; with
quotation marks, 495; italic,
495, N. I; with superior figures,
495, N. 3; in letters, 527, 528
and N., 534, 542; in numbers,
124, 481.
Purgatory, 446.

Purpose, clauses, 269, 303; infin-
itive, 475 (3), 615.
Purpose. See propose, 417.
Put in, 290, N.

Quality or state expressed by
adjective, 238, 239.
Quick, quickly, 258, N.
Quit, leave, 417.
Quite, 277, 417.

Quite a few, etc. See quite, 417.
Quotation, direct, indirect, 176,
177, 195, 344; quotation marks,
492-497; quotation within quo-
tation, 494; punctuation with
quotation, 473, 495; two or
more paragraphs, 496; need-
less, 497.

9. V., 514, N.

Rabbi, how addressed, 545, IX.
Radius, -i, 39.

Raise, rear, increase, 417.
Rare, scarce, 417.
Rare words, 380.

Rarely ever, etc. See rarely, 417.
Rate or price, denoted by a, an,
139 (4); by per, 289.

Rather, had rather, etc., 244;
would rather (or sooner), 244, N.
Rather, somewhat, 417.
Rattle. See confuse, 417.
-rd, -d, 3rd, 3d, 461, N. 2.
Reading aloud, 63, 361, 364, 460.
Reading numbers, 124-126.
Real, really, 417.

Rear. See raise, 417.

Receipt, recipe, 417.

Reciprocal pronouns, 104.

Reckon, 417.

Reconcile to, with, 287.
Redundancy, 413; of negatives,
272; see appreciate, 417; be-
sides, indeed, 417; prepositions,
417; settle, 417; up, 417.
Referee. See handwritten, 417.
Reference to, 287.

Reflexive pronoun, 109, 110, 112.
Regal use of we, 62, N.
Regard as, 417.
Regard to, 287.

Regarding, preposition, 232, 283.
Region, section, etc., 417.
Regions of the earth, 452.
Regular verb, 169–171.
Reins. See line, lines, 417.
Relation. See relative, 417.
Relative, relation, 417.
Relative adjectives, 84, 100.
Relative adverb, 304, 311.
Relative clause, 82-84, 304, 311.
Relative pronoun, 81-100 (see

Contents, p. vii); case, 90;
omitted, 91, 159 (7), 347; usage,
93; position, 95; in coördina-
tion and subordination, 96, 376;
repeated, 96; and who, etc.,
97; compound, 98-100; verb
with, 204; confusion, 311; co-
ordination, 376.

Relatives and interrogatives, dis-
tinguished, 311.

Reliable, trustworthy, 417.
Religious orders, men in, how
addressed, 545, XV; women in,
545, XVI.
Rely on, 287.

Remain. See stay, 417.
Remainder, verb with, 207.
Remember of. See remember, 417.
Repetition, of noun or pronoun,

65, 96; of adjective, 142; of to

[blocks in formation]




strictive (nonessential), word,
phrase, clause, 50, 92, 270, 472;
relatives, 93.

Result, clauses, 269, 303.

Retained object, 156 (N.), 213.
Reverend. See honorable, 417; in

letters, 545, VIII-XVII.

Revival of Learning, 600.

Rewriting, 364, 365.

Rhetoric, 1, 9, 351-377 (see Con-
tents, p. xv).

Rhetorical emphasis, 460, 467,

Ride. See drive, 417.
Rig. See costume, 417.
Right, adverb, 278.

Right along (off, smart), 278.
Right away, etc. See immediately,

Right smart. See smart, 417.
Rile. See vex, 417.
Rio Grande River, 413.
Rise up. See rise, 417.

Roman Catholic cardinal, bishop,
etc., how addressed, 545, X-XVI.
Roman type, 515.

Romance languages, 595.
Romans in Britain, 590.
Room. See handwritten, 417.
Roughly speaking, etc., 232.
Round, around, for about, 294.
Rubbers. See overshoes, 417.

Rue, French, 440, N. 3.

Run. See conduct, 417.

-s, third person singular, 622 and
N. 2; Northern plural, 613.
Sadly. See badly, 417.

Sail, number, 30.

Salutation, in letters, 521, 537,
544, 545; punctuation, 527, 534,

Same, same as (that), the same, 417.
Satan, 446.

Save, 217; saving, 232, 283.
Savings bank, 41, N.
Say, tell, says I, 417.
Scarce. See rare, 417.

Scarcely, negative with, 272, N.
School. See college, 417.
Scriptures, 450.

Search after, etc., 287.

Seasons, when capitalized, 433.
Second, 2d (2nd), etc., 461, N. 2.
Secretary treasurer, 499.
Section. See region, 417.

Sects, capitalized, 433.

See, with infinitive, 216;

gerund, 225, N.

See about, etc., 287.
Seeing, subord. conj., 312.


Seldom or ever, etc. See rarely,

Semester. See half year, 417.
Semicolon, 483, 484, 298, N.
Semiweekly. See weekly, 417.
Senatorial, 443, N. 2.

Senators, how addressed, 545, V.
Send and, send to, 251.
Senior., Sr., 529.
Sense, verb, 417.

Sentence, 3, 320-350 (see Con-
tents, p. xiv); groups of words
not sentences, 4 (N.), 7, 8; classi-
fication, 320 and N.; elliptical,
347-350; unity in, 355; topic,
357; periodic, loose, varied,372.
Sequence of tenses, 177.

Seraph, 39.

Series, 39, 423.

Set, clique. See crowd, 417.
Set, sets, 417.

Set, sit, 173; see sit, set, 417.
Settle, settle up, etc., 417.
Several, 119.

Severe. See condign, 417.
Sewed, sown, 417.

Shakespeare, punctuation, 485.
Shall, will, 178-182, 190-195 (see
Contents, p. x), 653; will in
interrogation in first person,
180, N.; shall be glad, etc., 192.
Sharp, adj. or adv., 258.
She, her, 59.

Ship, verb, 369 (9), 417.
Shipping (transportation) depart-
ment, 369 (9).

Short, adj. or adv., 258.

Short story, analysis, setting, plot,
collecting names, material, etc.,

Should, would, 183, 187-195 (see
Contents, p. x), 653; would in
interrogation in first person,
189, N.; should be glad, should
like, etc., 192.

Should, avoided if ambiguous,

Should like, etc., 187, 188, 192.
Should (would) advise, etc., 189

[blocks in formation]

Sir, title. See honorable, 417.
Sirs, salutation in letters, 544 (I
and N. 2), 545, IV-IX, XVII.
Sister (in religious order), how
addressed, 545, XVI.
Sit, set, 173, 417.

Size up. See size, sized, etc., 417.
Skilled, skillful, 417.
Skyscraper, 417.

Slang, 380; in punctuation, 487.
Sleeper. See dining car, 417.
Slow, slowly, 258, N.
Small, little, 134.

Small capitals, how indicated in
manuscript, 515.
Smaller, smallest, 134.
Smart, etc., 417.

Smell bad, badly, etc., 238, 239.
Smoothness (ease, elegance), 310,
352, 364, 373-377, 449, N.; see
toward, 417.
Snap, 417.

So, adverb, punctuation, 298, N.;
use, 417; think so, don't think
so, see so, 417.

So as, as... as, 305; so...

that, so that, see so, 417.

Soft, softly, 258, N.
Softened statement, 163.
Some, 102, 103; misuse, 417.
Some one, someone, somebody, 108.
Some place. See place, 417.
Something. See rather, 417.
Somewhat. See rather, 417.
Somewhere. See anywhere, 417.
Soon. See early, 417.

Soon, had as, had sooner, etc., 244;
would sooner (or rather), 244, N.
Sooner than. See no sooner, 417.
Sort of. See rather, 417.
Sort (kind) of a, 72.

Sound, unpleasant, 370, B, 2.
Sound well, badly, etc., 238, 239.
Sown. See sewed, 417.
Spacing of lines in typewritten
letter, 535, N.

Spanish language, 440 (N. 3), 595.
Spanish proper adjectives, 438,

N. 2.

Speaking broadly, etc., 232.
Speaking and writing, 363, 365;
rewriting, 364.
Specialty, 417.

Spectators. See audience, 417.
Speech, parts of, 5.

Spelling, 392-402 (see Contents,
p. xvi); plural of nouns in -0,
28; Latin and Greek, 392, 402;
final consonant, 393; final e,
394, 395; final -ie, 396; -y, 397;
compounds of all, full, well,
398; words with -cei- and -lie-,
399; final -el and -le, 400; words
misspelled, 401; k added, 402

Split infinitive, 221.

Squinting modifiers, 273, 276.
-st, 1st, etc., 461, N. 2.
Staff, 26, N.

Stamen, stamina, 39, 423.
Stamp on letters, 525, 534, 541.
Stand by, etc., 287.

Standard Dictionary, New, 584, d.
Stars and Stripes, verb with, 205.
Start, begin, etc., 417.
State, expressed by adjective, 238,

State, Territory, etc., 453.
State and church, 440, N. I.
State departments, heads of, how
addressed, 545, V.

State senator, how addressed,
545, v.

Station. See depot, 417.
Statistics, verb with, 205.
Stop. See stay, 417.
Story, short, 587.

Straight, adj. or adv., 258, 504.
Stratum, -a, 39, 423.

Street, river, etc., capitalization,

440 and N. 2; street in French,
etc., 440, N. 3.

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