Limbs. See pet expressions, 417. Line, lines, 417.
Linking (copulative) verb, 158. Links, golf, verb with, 205. Listen to, 287.
Literal meaning, 379. Little, smaller, smallest, 134. Live at, etc., 287.
'll (= will). See isn't, 417. Loan, 417.
Local expressions, 380. Locate, settle, 417. Loc. cit., 514 N.
Loch Lomond Lake, 413. Lofty. See high, 417. Logy. See dull, 417. Long, adj. or adv., 258, 504. Look about, etc., 287. Look it. See look so, 417. Look well, ill, etc., 238, 239. Looking up. See improving, 417. Loose sentence, 372. Lot, lots, 417.
Loud, adj. or adv., 258, 504. Louis, 37 (N.), 39.
Love. See like, love, 417.
Low Church, 440, N. I.
Luxuriant, luxurious, 417.
Madam, Mesdames, 38, 152, 529,
544, II, III, 545, XVI. Maid, 417.
Mail. See post, 417. Maintain. See claim, 417. Majesty, grace, etc., capitalized, 444; in address, 545, I, XI. Major in. See handwritten, 417. Makeshifts for adjectives, 54, 153, 416.
Male, female, 149.
-man, plural of, 34 and N.
Man clerk, etc., 19, 149, 150.
Manner, adverbs, 262; clauses, 269, 303.
Manner, expressed by adverb, 238, 239.
Mannerism, 106, 108, 233 (N.), 310; see pet expressions, 417. Manuscript, 515.
Many, 119; many a, 141, 200. Married woman, widow, signature of, 544, III, N. I; calling cards, 544, III, N. 2.
Mary, the Virgin, 445. Master, as title, 38.
Mathematics, 32; verb with, 205. Maximum, 39.
May, might, 183, 184, 653. May be, maybe, it may be, 247. Mayor, how addressed, 545, v. Mean, 417.
Meaning of words, literal, figura- tive, 379, 381, 382; denotation, connotation, 382.
Means, verb with, 205. Measles, 32; verb with, 205. Measure, words of, verb with, 198. Memorandum, 39.
Men in religious orders, how addressed, 545, XV.
Mesdames (Mmes), 38, 461 (N. I), 529, 544, II, III, 545, XVI; not preceded by Dear or My dear, 544, II, III.
Messieurs (Messrs.), 38, 423, 529, 544, I; when not used, 544, I. Miasma, -mata, 39.
Middle. See center, 417. Middle English, 601; inflection, 604, 612; Southern, Midland, Northern, 612; infinitive, 614. Middling, 417.
Midst of us, 417.
Might, 183, 184, 653.
Mighty, 417.
Migrations of nations, 588.
Million, millions, verb with, 122.
Mine, 59 (N.), 68, 118.
Motivate. See pet expressions, 417. Motor. See automobile, 417. Mount Ben Lomond, 413. Moved at, etc., 287.
Mr., Mrs., etc., 461 (N. 1), 529. Multiplicative numbers, 121, 267. Mussulman, plural of, 34, N. Must, 183, 185, 653. Mutual, common, 417. My, 59 (N.), 118.
My dear, in letters, 544. Myself, 109-111.
N-nasal, 423, N. I.
Name after, from, 287. Named for. See named after, 417. Namely, punctuation with, 480. Narration, past tense in, 355, B, 2; outline, etc., 587. Nasty, 417. Naught, 417.
-nd, -d, 2nd, 2d, 461, N. 2. Near, etc. See like, unlike, 417. Near, nearly, 417.
Near by. See near, close by, 417. Nebula, -a, 39.
Necessary for, to, 287. Need, needs, 248.
Negative, with hardly, etc., 272, N. Negative sentence, 324.
Negatives, two or more, 272 and N. Negotiate, 417.
Neither, 102, 103; verb with, 120. Neither more nor less than. See
Neither... nor, 298; verb with,
202; punctuation with, 467. Neutral conditions, 333, 334, 336. Never, 414 and N.
Never so. See ever so, 417. Nevertheless, punctuation, 298, N. New World, Old World, 452. News, 32; verb with, 205. Newspapers, headlines, 54; pres- ent tense, 355, B, 2; capitaliza- tion, 440, N. 2.
No more than, does not affect verb, 201.
No one, nobody, 108.
No place. See place, 417. No sooner... than, 417. No use. See useless, 417. Nominative absolute, 233. Nominative of address, 471, 527, 604.
Nominative case, 40, 59, 63, 78, 90, 99, 604-606, 614, 617; relative pronoun in, omitted, 91, 159 (7), 347; absolute, 233; of address, 471, 527, 604. Non-, before a capital, 438, N. I. None, verb with, 102; see none, 417.
Nonessential appositive, 50. Nonessential (nonrestrictive) word, phrase, clause, 50, 472; clause, 92, 115, 270, 472; parti- ciple, 234; punctuation, 472, 477. Nor, 298; verb with, 202; punc- tuation, 300, 467; use, 300. Norman, plural, 34, N. Not, does not affect verb, 201;
comma before, 476 (5). Not a one. See none, 417. Not..., but, punctuation of, 476. Not only... but, 476; does not affect verb, 201.
Not that (so far as) I know; see
Notary public, 500, N.; plural of, 34. Note, formal, 532.
Nothing else but. See else but, 417. Nothing like. See not nearly, 417. Notwithstanding, 283, 312.
Noun, 10-54 (see Contents, p. v) ; compound noun (noun phrase), 6, 11, 34, 498; adjective as, 13; abstract, 14; concrete, 15; proper, common, 16, 17; collec- tive, 36; foreign, 39; omitted after the possessive case, 45, 48; possessive and uninflected form as adjective, with different meaning, 46 and N.; adverbial, 51-53; faulty use as adjec- tive, 54, 153, 416; repeated, 65; substitute for, 66; predi- cate, 158; verbal, 215-229 (see Contents, p. xi); inflection, 604. Noun clause, 11, 303 (9), 330. Noun phrase, 6, 11, 34, 498. Noun of weight or measure, verb with, 198.
Now, subord. conj., 312. Nowhere. See anywhere, 417. Nowhere near. See not nearly, 417. Number, noun, 23-39 (see Con-
tents, p. v); pronoun, 59; verb, 168 and N.; changing, 355, B, 2. Number, verb with, 206. Numbers, and in, 124; reading and writing, 124-131; literary style, 128; technical style, 129; mixed styles, 130; round, 130; joined by dashes, 131; comma in, 481 (see 124); comma after house numbers, 536. Numeral adjectives, 121; verb with, 199; adverbs, 262 (5), 267; hyphen with, 506-508; 2d, 2nd, etc., 461, N. 2. Numerous, 119.
-o, nouns in, plural of, 28; o', 291. O, oh, 318, 429.
Oasis, -es, 39, 423. Oat, oats, verb with, 205. Object, direct, 156 and N., 213, 214, 285, 604, 606, 607, 614, 617, 619; modified by predicate ob-
jective, 214; retained, 213; of preposition, 285, 286; indirect, 212, 213, 604, 606, 619. Objective attribute (predicate ob- jective), 214.
Objective case, 40, 59, 78, 90, 99; in exclamations, 318. Objective complement (predicate objective), 214.
Obligation, willingness, 180. Oblivious of, 417.
Observation, observance, 417. Obsolete words, 380. Obtain, 417.
Odds, verb with, 205.
O. E. D., Oxford English Dic- tionary. See Oxford.
Of, followed by possessive case, 45. Off of, off from. See of, off, 417. Offended at, with, 287. Officials, high, 443, 545. Oh, 318.
Old English (Anglo-Saxon), 601. Old World, New World, 452. Older, elder, etc., 134. Omission, of relative pronoun, 91; of words, indicated by periods, see Ellipsis; of verb, etc., 347, 348.
On, at, in, in expressions of local- ity, streets, etc., 293; on for in, into, see in, into, 417; on, upon, 294.
On board, aboard. See ship, 417. On hand, at hand. See hand, 417. On the streets, 293, N.
On time. See in time, 417. On to (not onto '), on, to, into, etc., 292.
One, one's, oneself, indefinite pro- noun,102, 105,106,108; avoided, 106; numeral, 107, 108; one or two, verb with, 159 (6). One another, 104; the one ... other, 104, N.
Only, adverb, 276; negative with, 272, N. Op. cit., 514, N. Opportunity of, to, 287. Opposite. See like, unlike, 417. Or, 298; verb with, 202; punc- tuation, 467; use, 300; with comma, introducing appositive, 472 (5).
Or who, 97.
Oral English, 417.
Order of words, 271, 370 (A, 1, 2), 372, 475.
Ordinal numbers, 121, 267, 507;
2d, 2nd, etc., 461, N. 2. Oriental, 438.
Originate from, etc., 287.
Other, 102, 103; omitted, 145; other than, see else but, 417. Ottoman, plural of, 34, N. Ought, 183, 186, 653. Our, 59 (N.), 118.
Ours, 68; ourself, 62, N.; our- selves, 109-III. Out, over, 417.
Out loud. See aloud, 417. Outline, 359, 587. Outside, outside of, 417. Over, more than, overly, 417. Over with. See out, over, 417. Overshoes, etc., 417.
Owing to. See due to, 417. Oxford English Dictionary, 417,
Page proof, 515 (page 341). Pains, verb with, 205.
Pair, pairs, use of, verb with, 417. Panacea for all ills, 413. Pants. See pantaloons, 417. Paradise, capitalization, 446. Paragraph, 356; topic sentence, 357; in letters, 522, 534, 538; quoted, 496.
Parallelism, 375; semicolon, 484. Paraphrasing, 359.
Parentheses, 456, 490. Parenthesis, -es, 39. Parenthetic matter, capitalization, 456; punctuation, 470. Parliamentary, 443, N. 2. Part, verb with, 207. Part from, with, 287. Partial punctuation, 528, N. Partially, partly, 417. Participial phrase, 230. Participle, 166, 230-236; present for perfect, 230, N.; dangling (misattached), 231; exceptions, 232; as preposition, 232, 283; nominative absolute, 233; es- sential or nonessential, 234; compounded, 235; as noun, 236; erroneously omitted, 348. Parties, capitalized, 433. Partitive apposition, 47 (5). Parts of speech, 5. Party, 417.
Passive voice, 1 56 (N.), 208 and N., 209, 211-214; less desirable, 208,213, N.; retained object,213. Past, of ages, etc., 417. Past, half past, 504 (3). Past tense, erroneous use, 167, N.; in narration, 355, B, 2; inflec- tions, 622.
Pasteurize, pasteurize, 438. Pending, preposition, 283. People, indefinite, 106; for persons, see people, 417.
Per, per annum, etc., 289. Percent, percentage, 417; verb with, 205.
Period, 461, 462; with Mr., etc., 461, N. I; after interrogative sen- tence, 463, N.; leaders, see El- lipsis; omitted, 462, 528 and N. Periodic sentence, 372. Person, of pronoun, and order,
58 and N., 179; of verb, 168 and N., 179; changing, 355, B, 2.
Person. See people, 417.
Personal construction in indirect quotation, 176, N. 2.
Personal endings, 612, 622 and N. Personal letters, 516, 519-534 (see Contents, p. xx). Personal pronoun, 58-66; order, 58 (N.), 179; reflexive, 112; position, 474 (3). Personification, 22, 433, 434. Perspire, sweat, 417. Pet expressions, 417.
Phase. See disconcert, 417. Phenomenon, -a, 39.
Phone. See telephone, 417. Photo. See photograph, 417. Phrasal past participle (perfect), 628, 634, 640, 646, 652. Phrase, 6; noun, II; appositive, 47 (N.), 61, d; adjective, 114; verb, 155, 157; infinitive (with to), 165; emphatic, 174; pro- gressive, 175; adverb, 253, 254, 282 (2); prepositional, 282; participial, 230; misplaced, 366, A; object of preposition, 285. Physics, verb with, 205 (8). Piazza. See porch, 417. Piece. See distance, 417. Pier. See dock, 417. Pitiable, piteous, pitiful, 417. Place, adverbs of, etc., 262, 269,
Plants, capitalization, 455. Plead, pled. See plead, 417. Please (please it you), 249. Plenty, a plenty, 417.
Pluperfect (past perfect), 623, etc. Plural, noun, 24-39; nouns in -ey, -y, 25; in f, -fe, 26; in -ful, 27; ino, 28; peculiar, 29; two plurals, 30; like singular, 31; as singular, 32; wanting, 33; compound nouns, 34; letters, figures, etc., 35; of proper names, 37, 38; of foreign nouns,
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