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Feeze. See disconcert, 417.
Fellow, 417.

Female, male, 149.

Few, 119; fewer, less, 148.
Fiction, writing, 587.
Figurative meaning, 379.
Figures, plural of, 35.
Figures, reading, 124-126, 131
(3); connected by dashes, 131;
2d, 2nd, etc., 461, N.; with punc-

tuation, 495, N. 3.
Figures of speech, 368; mixed,
369; asyndeton, 124, N.
Fine, 417; not an adverb, 260.
Finite moods, 215, N.

Firms, how addressed, 544, I; in-
cluding women, 544, I, N. 3; of
women, 544, II, III.
First, second, etc., 238, a, II.
First, secondly, . . . finally, 275.

First rate, 417.


First two, second two, 146.

Fish, plural of, 30.

Fix, 417.

Flee, fly, 417.

Folding letters, 525, 541.
Folks, 417.

For, coörd. conj., 298, 308; punc-
tuation, 476.

For, preposition, with infinitive
with subject, 217; named for,
see named after, 417.
For, named. See named after, 417.
For if, for when, etc., 475 (4).
Forbid, bid, 241.

Force (emphasis), 352, 357, 368-
372, 375; in order of words,
61 (d), 271, 370, 372; in repeti-
tion, 65, 96, 142, 165, 371..
Foreign ambassador, how ad-
dressed, 545, III.
Foreign nouns, 39.
Foreign words, etc., 514.
Formal invitation, etc., 532.
Former, 104, N.
Formula, 39.

Fractions, verb with, 207; writing,

French language, 595, 603; effect

of Latin accent on, 599, N.
French n, u, 423, N. I, 2.
French nouns, plural of, 39; sur-
names, 37, N.

French proper adjectives, 438, N. 2.
French titles of books, etc., 448,
N. 3; à in, 448, N. 3.
Frenchified, frenchified, 438.
Friend, as salutation, 521, N. 2.
From four to ten, 417.
Fruition, 417.

-ful, nouns in, plural of, 27.
Function, 417.

Fungus, -i, 39, 423.

Funk and Wagnalls's New Stand-
ard Dictionary, 584, d.

Funny, 417.

Further, farther, etc., 134, 265.
Futurity, simple, 178, 187.

G, c, in Latin derivatives, 402;
in spelling, 395, Exception.
Galley proof, 515 (page 341).
Gender of nouns, 18-22; how in-
dicated, 19, 149-151; not in-
dicated, 20; of animals, 21; of
pronouns, 60, 80, 86; of his,
118, N.; changing, 355, B, 2.
General truth, tense with, 177.
Generally speaking, etc., 232.
Generic noun, 140.

Genitive case, 604, 606, 608-610,

619; of measure, etc., 606.
Genius, plural, 30.

Gent. See gentlemen, 417.
Gentleman, 150; gentlemen, salu-
tation in letters, 544, N. 2.
Genus, genera, 39, 423.
Geographic names, etc., 451-453.
Geology, plants, etc., 455.
German language, 603; inflec-

tion, 604, 612; syntax, 618-620.
German proper adjectives, 438, N.2.

Gerund, 215, 223-229; modified
by adjective or noun in posses-
sive case, 223; object of a, 224;
distinguished from participle,
225; after verbs of seeing and
hearing, 225, N.; instead of
progressive passive, 226; in
forming nouns, 227; being with
predicate pronoun, 228; mis-
attached, 229.

Gerundial infinitive, 616.
Get, have got, 417.

Get along with, etc., 287.

Get in touch with. See pet expres-
sions, 417.

Get the hang of. See get used to,

Get to. See get, have got, 417.
Ghastly, 415.

Girl, cash girl, etc., 19, 149, 150.
Go, noun, uses, 417; verb, misused,
see intend, 417.

Go about, etc., 287.

Go for, 417.

Go to see, come, etc., 242.
God, Satan, etc., 446.

Going on, etc. See past, 417.
Good, synonyms. See bad, 417.
Good, well, compared, 134 (see
well, 265); good misused for
well, after look, etc., 239.

Good style, 352.

Good time. See bad, good, 417.
Good usage, 360.

Goods, plural, 417.

Goose, geese, gooses, 30.
Gorgeous, 415.

Gotten. See get, have got, 417.
Gouge. See cheat, 417.
Governor, how addressed, 545,

IV; lieutenant governor, 545, V.
Grace, etc., 444; in address, 545, I.
Graduate, verb, 417.
Grammar, 9.

Grand, 417.
Great. See big, 417.

Greek, 387, 388, 390-392, 603;
spelling, 392; pronunciation,
402; prefixes, 408; suffixes,
391, 409; roots and stems, 410;
syntax, 618, 619.

Greek nouns, 39; endings, 605.
Grip, etc. See handbag, 417.
Guess, think, 417.

Gums. See overshoes, 417.
Gun. See revolver, 417.
Guy, 417.

Gymnasium, 39, 423.

H after a and an, 139.
Habitual, an (a), 139.
Habitual action, 191.
Hackneyed epithets, 66; see pet
expressions, 417.

Had been to, 245.

Had better (rather, etc.), 244.
Had of been, etc. See had been, 417.
Had ought, etc. See ought, 417.
Hades, 446.

Haf to. See had been, 417.

Hain't. See has not, 417; see

isn't, 417.

Half, 147, 417; verb with, 207.
Half year, 417.

Half-baked, but half past, 504 (3).
Hand, at hand, etc., 417.
Handbag, 417.

Handwrite. See handwritten, 417.
Handy, 417.

Hanged, hung, 417.

Hardly, negative with, 272, N.

Hardly ever. See rarely, 417.

Hasn't, etc. See isn't, 417.
Have been to, etc., 245.
Have got. See get, have got, 417.
Have something happen to you, 417.
Have went. See have gone, 417.
He, him, 59; gender, 60 (6), 118

(N.), 120; position, 474 (3).
Head, number of, 30.
Headquarters, verb with, 205.
Healthful, healthy, 417.

Heap, 417.

Hear, with infinitive, 218; with

gerund, 225, N.
Hear of, 417.

Heaven, capitalization, 446.
Heavenly bodies, 454.
Hebrew nouns, 39.
Hell, not capitalized, 446.
Help, noun, 417.
Help to, 246.

Her, 59 (N.), 118; his or her,
avoided, 202 (9).

Hers, 59 (N.), 68; herself, 110, III.
Hideous, 415.

High, lofty, tall, 417.
High Church, 440, N. I.
Highness, grace, etc., capitalized,
444; in address, 545, I.
Himself, 110, III.
Hind, compared, 134.
Hippopotamus, 39.

Hired girl, etc. See maid, 417.
His, pronoun 59 (N.), 68; adjec-
tive, 69, 118; gender, 118, N.;
avoided, 202 (9).

His or her, avoided, 202 (9).
Historian, a (an), etc., 139.
Historic, historical, 417; an his-
torical, 139.

Historical, an (a), etc., 139.
Historical events, capitalized, 433.
Historical present, 355, B, 2.
Hobnobbing, like kidnap, 393, N.
Hold. See contain, 417.
Holidays, capitalized, 433.
Home, at home, 417.
Homonym, 384.

Homophone (homonym), 384.
Honorable, reverend, 417, 529, 545.
Hope, hopes, 417.

House numbers, comma after,

How, misused, 417.

However, subordinating conjunc-
tion, 303 (8); adverb, 370 (A,
I, 8), 470 (2).

Humans. See human beings, 417.
Hundred, hundreds, verb with, 122.
Hung. See hanged, 417.
Hyphen, 498-509; capitalization
of hyphened words, 443, 448,
N. 2; disunited words, 499;
united words, 500; misuse, 503;
uncouth compounds, 503, N.;
with adverbs, 504; half-baked,
but half past, 504 (3); omitted,
502 (N. I, 2), 505; with num-
bers, 506-508; end of line, 509;
improper division, 509 and N.;
adds clearness in possessive
case, 499, N.
Hypothesis, -es, 39.

I, me, 58, 59, 429; avoided, 208 (N.),
350; it is I, etc., 61.

Ib., ibid. (= ibidem, in the same
place), 514 (N.), 423.

-ible, 406.

Id. (= 'děm, the same), 514, N.
Pd, we'd. See isn't, 417.
-ide, -ine, -ile, 422.
Idea, 2.

Identical with, 287.
I.e. (id est), 417, 514, N.
If, whether, 417; as if (though),
346, 347 (15).

-ile, -ine, -ide, 472.

I'll, we'll. See isn't, 417.
Ill, use, 238; in compounds, 504;
adj., 134, 258; adv., 258, 265.
Ill-gotten. See get, have got, 417.
Illusion. See allude, 417.
Imagination, using, 354 (N.), 587.
Imitation in language, 362.
Immediately, 417.

Immigrant. See emigrant, 417.
Immigration into, 287.

Imperative, 164, 320, N. ; will, 182.
Impersonal verb, 61, b.
Implicit. See explicit, 417.
Improprieties and barbarisms
(misuses of words), 417.

In, into, 290 and N., 417; in, at,
on, of locality, 293.

In addition to, does not affect
verb, 201.

In behind, etc. See behind, 417.
In order that (to), 310.
In so far as, 303 (8).

In time, 417.

Inasmuch as, 303 (3), 308; in so
far as, 303 (8).

Incident. See coincidence, 417.
Inclusive, quasi adverb for inclu-
sively, 506.

Inconsiderable. See considerable,

Incorporate into, 287.

Increase. See raise, 417.
Incumbent on. See duty, 417.
Indeed, and indeed. See besides,
indeed, 417.

Indefinite adjectives, 103, 119.
Indefinite article, 139, 141, 142.
Indefinite I, we, you, they, 106.
Indefinite pronouns, 101-102.
Independent matter, 470.
Index, 39.

Indicative mood, 161, 163, 334-
345; in subordinate clause, 345;
for subjunctive, 345, N.
Indirect discourse (quotation),
176, 177, 195, 344.

Indirect object, 212, 213, 604, 606,

Indirect question, 77, 78, 303 (9),
Indirect quotation, 176, 177, 195,
Individual, 417.
Indo-European, 603.
-ine, -ide, -ile, 422.
Inferior to, etc., 417.
Infinitive, 165, 215-222, 614-617;
in apposition with it, 61 (d),
217; phrase (infinitive with to),
165; to repeated, 165; subject
of, 216-219; not a mood, 215,
N.; as second object, 216; ob-

ject of preposition, 217;
omitted, 218; to be with predi-
cate pronoun, 219; wrong tense,
220; split, 221; misattached,
222; to with, 614–617.
Infinitive clause, 216, b.
Initiate into, 287.

Ink, black, in letters, 525.
Inquire about, etc., 287.
Insensible of, to, 287.
Inside of. See within, 417.
Insight into, 287.

Instant, proximo, etc., 417.
Intensive pronoun, 109-III.
Interfere in, with, 287.

Interjection, 316–319; 0, oh, 318;
punctuation, 319.

Interrogation mark, 463, 465.
Interrogative adjectives, 79, 116.
Interrogative adverb, 263, 311.
Interrogative pronoun, 75-80:
case, 78; gender, 80.
Interrogative sentence,
period after, 463, N.
Interrogatives and relatives dis-
tinguished, 311.

Into, in, 290 and N.


Intransitive verb, 156, 158, 211; of
motion, conjugated with be,
237; with predicate adjectives,
238, 239.

Introduce into, to, 287.
Intrust to, with, 287.
Invitation, formal, etc., 532.
Irregular verb, 169-173.
Islands, with at, 293.
Isn't, aren't, etc., 417.

It, 59; uses of, 61; as antecedent,
89; expletive, 61 (d), 217; re-
ferring to collective noun, 197.
It may be, 247.

It should seem, 163, N.
It would seem, 163.

Italian nouns, 39.

Italian proper adjectives, 438, N. 2.
Italic, 511; in Bible, 511; in

mathematics, 511; how indi-
cated in manuscript, 515; in
titles, 512 and N., 513; in foreign
words, etc., 514; in punctua-
tion, 495, N. I.

Its, 59 (N.), 118 and N.; it's, 68;
with collective noun, 197.
Itself, 110, III.

Join issue, 417.
Join to, with, 287.

Judge, how addressed, 545, v.
Judgment, 394.
Junior, Jr., 529.

K, added in spelling, 402 (C).
Kidnapping, hobnobbing, 393, N.
Kind, sort, 72, 197; kind (sort) of a,

72; kind (sort) of, see rather, 417.
King James Bible (= Authorized
Version), 450, 620.

King's English, The, 460 (N.), 474,
487, 501.
Knight Templar, 34.
Knight-errant, 34, 500, N.

Know, have known, etc., with
infinitive, 417.

La, le, etc., in names, 437.
Lady, 150, 152; ladies, used in
oral address only, 152.
Language, living, dead, 387.
Large. See big, 417.
Larva, -a, 39.

Last, latest, 134; see latest, 417.
Late, 134; adj. or adv., 258.
Later (on), 417.

Latest, last. See latest, 417.
Latin, 387, 388, 390-392, 591, 595,
596, 603, 604, 612; spelling,
392; pronunciation, 402; pre-
fixes, 391, 405; suffixes, 406;
roots and stems, 407; accent of,
as affecting French and Eng-
lish, 599, N.; spread of, 596;
syntax, 618-620.

Latin nouns, 39, 604, 605.
Latin verbs, inflection, 612.
Latinize, latinize, 438.
Latter, 134; the latter, 104, N.
Lay, lie, 173.

Lay (lie), of the land, plan, lay-
out. See lay, plan, 417.
Lay in, 290, N.

Le, la, etc., in names, 437.
Learn. See teach, 417.
Learn of. See hear of, 417.
Leave, leave alone, 417; see quit,

Less, fewer, 148.

Less vivid future, 339.
Lesser, 134.

Let alone. See leave, 417.
Let's, let's us, etc., 417.
Letter writing, 516-545 (see Con-
tents, p. xx); in general, 516;
business, 516, 517, 535-545;
personal, 516, 519-534; body
of letter, 523, 539; conclusion,
524, 540, 545; envelope, paper
and folding, stamp, 525, 534,
541; cards, 526; punctuation,
527, 528 and N., 534, 542; ab-
breviations, 529, 541, 543; order
of pages, 530; single spacing,
535, N.; signature of married
woman, widow, 544, III, N. I;
calling cards, 544, III, N. 2;
business woman, 544, III, N. 3.
Letters, plural of, 35.

Liable, likely. See apt, 417.
Lie, lay, 173; see lay, plan, 417.
Lieutenant governor, how ad-
dressed, 545, V.

Like, love, admire, 417.
Like, should like, 187, 188, 192.
Like, unlike, etc., 417; misuse of

like for as, see like, unlike, 417.
Likely, liable. See apt, 417.
Liking, verbs of, with shall,
should, 192; adverbs of, with
will, would, 193.

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