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[Numbers refer to sections; N. stands for Note or Notes]

A, preposition, 224, 225, 288; in
French, 448, N. 3.

A, an, article, 119, 139, 141, 142;
kind (sort) of a, 72; before h,
139; denoting price or rate, 139
(4); beginning titles, 449, N.
Abbreviations, 458, 459; capitali-
zation, 458; in letters, 529, 541,
543; Post-Office Department,
541; Mr., etc., 461 (N. 1), 529;
of titles, 529 and N.; 2d, 2nd,
etc., 461, N. 2.

Abide, abode, abode, 417.

Ability, capacity, 417.

Ablative case, 604.

-able, 395 (N.), 406.

Aboard, etc. See ship, 417.

Abound in, etc., 287.

About (not around), 294; with in-

finitive, 217; meaning, 417.

Above, 417.

Abridgment, 394.

Absolute, nominative, 233 and N.
Absolutely, 417.

Abstract noun, 14; number, 123.
Abuses of words, 411-417; make-

shifts for adjectives, 54, 153,
416; multiplying words, 413;
universal statements, 414 and
N.; strong words weakened,
415; do's and don't's, 417.
Academic degrees, 442.
Accent of Latin words as affect-
ing French and English, 599, N.
Accept, except, 417.

Accommodate to, etc., 287.
Accompanied by, does not affect
verb, 201.
Accompanied by, with, 287.
Accordance with, 287.
According as, 303 (8).
According to, 284.

Accounts, capitalization, 457.
Accusative case, 290 (N.), 604, 606
607, 614, 619; in exclamations,

Accusative-dative, 607.
Acknowledgment, 394.
Acme. See climax, 417.

Acquiesce in, 287.

Acquit of, with, 287.

Active voice, 156 (N.), 208, 211-
214; desirable, 208, 213, N.
Actor manager, 499.

A.D., B.C., 417.

Added thought, 474.
Addendum, -a, 39.

Addict, 417.

Address, nominative of, 471; in
letters, 521, 533, 537; block
form, 536, N.

Addresses and salutations in
letters, 520, 521, 532, 533, 536,
537; list of, 544, 545.
Adherent adjective, 113, N.
Adjacent. See near, close by, 417.
Adjective, 113-153 (see Contents,
p. viii); possessive and unin-
flected form of noun as, with
different meaning, 46, N.; re-

peated, 142; incorrect, 153;
predicate, 158, 238, 239; faulty,
54, 153, 416; proper, 438; in
proper name, 440; 2d, 2nd, etc.,
461, N. 2; as second part of
compound word, 500, N.; mis-
used for adverb, 260; clause,
82, 114, 115, 304, 331; phrase,

Adjective and adverb after feel,
look, etc., 238, 239.

Adjective and adverb alike, 258,

Adjective or adverb after verb,
238, 239.

Adjective clause, 82, 114, 115, 304,

Adjective misused for adverb, 260.
Adjective as noun, 13.
Adjective phrase, 114.
Adjoining. See near, close by, 417.
Adjunct accusative (predicate ob-
jective), 214, 606.
Ad loc., 514, N.

Administer, minister to, 417.
Admire. See like, love, 417.
Admit, admit of, 417.
Adorable, 415.
Advance, advanced, 417.
Advantage of, over, 287.
Advent. See arrival, 417.
Adverb, 252-281 (see Contents,

p. xii); adverb or adjective
after verb, 238, 239; phrase,
253, 254, 282 (2); clause, 253,
254, 268-270; of time, place,
etc., 262; position, 271; capi-
talized, 438; hyphen, 504.
Adverb, adjective misused for,
260; relative, 304.

Adverb and adjective after feel,
look, etc., 238, 239.
Adverb and adjective alike, 258,

Adverb and preposition distin-
guished, 210.

Adverb clause, 253, 254, 268–270;
of time, place, etc., 269.
Adverb phrase, 253, 254, 282 (2).
Adverbial noun, 51-53; confused
with object, 53.
Affect, effect, 417.

Affirmative sentence, 324.
Afflicted by, with, 287.
After, relative adverb, 304.
After, between. See among, 417.
Aggravate, 417.

Agree on, etc., 287.
Agreeably disappointed. See agree-
ably surprised, 417.
Agreement, of relative pronoun,
88, 89; of verb, 196-207 (see
Contents, p. xi); when ante-
cedent is it, 89; there is, are,
etc., 159.

Ain't. See isn't, 417.

All, 119, 143, 414 and N.; verb
with, 207; all day, all the week,
etc., 51; used to sum up a series,
466, C (4).

All ready. See already, 417.
All right, 417.

All-round, 294 (10).

All the farther. See as far as, 417.
All together. See altogether, 417.
Allow, 417.

Allude, allusion, illusion, 417.
Almost, nearly, 417.

Along with, does not affect verb,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

An. See a, an.

An historical, etc., 139.
Analysis, -es, 39.

Ancient proper names, 42.
And, 298; in numbers, 124 and
N.; and' habit, 355 (4), 372;
see while, 417; comma before,
466 (B-D), 467, 474, 475 (4, 5).
And, or, nor, comma, 467.
And besides, and furthermore, and
indeed, and moreover. See be-
sides, indeed, 417.

And if, and although, etc., 475 (4).
And not, does not affect agree-
ment of verb, 201.

And who (which, where), 97.
Angles and Saxons, 592-594, 602.
Anglo-Saxon, 290 (N.), 388, 389,
601, 603, 609, 611, 612, 614;
prefixes, 403; suffixes, 404;
inflection, 601; adjectives, 611;
verbs, 612; infinitive, 614; syn-
tax, 618-620.

Angry at, with, 287.
Animalcule, 39 (footnote 1).
Animalculum, -a, 39.

Animals, gender, 21; capitaliza-
tion, 455.

Another, 102, 103; see such, 417.
Antagonize, 417.

Antecedent, 82, 88-90; it, 89; of
compound relative, 99; a group
of words, 94; repeated, 94, 95;
verb with, 204.
Anthracite, 417.
Anticlimax, 370, A, 2, N.
Antithesis, -es, 39.

Antithesis (contrast) in sentences,

375 (5), 484 (c, 1), 486 (4).
Antonym, 386.

Anxious, 417.

Any, 102, 103.

Any one, anyone, anybody, 108.
Any place. See place, 417.
Anywhere, 417.

Apart, aside, 417.

Apostrophe, 35, 41, 510; misuse,
68; in possessive (genitive)
case, 610.
Apparatus, 39, 423.
Appendix, 39.
Apply for, to, 287.
Apposition, appositive, 47-49;
partitive, 47 (5) ; clause, phrase,
47, N.; essential, nonessential,
50; with it, 61 (d), 217 (1); intro-
duced byor (with comma), 472(5).
Appositive adjective, 113, N.
Appreciate, 417.

Approve, approve of, 417.
Apropos, 417.

Apt, likely, liable, 417.
Archaic words, 380.

Archbishop, how addressed, 545,

[blocks in formation]

Arrive at, etc., 287.

Articles, 139, 140, 449; a (an) his-
torian, an (a) historical, etc., 139.
Aryan, 603.

As, relative pronoun, 83, 86;

usage, 93; antecedent a group
of words, 94; after same, see
same, 417.

As, subord. conj., 303, 308; over-
worked, 306; not to be used for
such as or that, see as, 417; erro-
neously omitted, see as well as,

As... as, 269, N.; does not affect
agreement of verb, 201; as ...
as, so... as, 305.

As follows, 307.

As if, as though, 346, 347 (15).
As lief, had, had as well, etc., 244.
As though, as if, 346, 347 (15).
As well as, does not affect verb,
201; as well as or better than,

Aside. See apart, 417.
Ask, two objects, 240.
Ask about, etc., 287.
Assertion, adverbs, 262 (8).
Asyndeton, 124, N.

At, in, on, in expressions of local-
ity, 293.

At about. See at, 417.

At hand, on hand. See hand, 417.
At that. See this, that, 417.
Athletics, verb with, 205.
Attorney-general, 500, N.
Attraction of tense, 177, N.
Attributive adjective, 113, N.
Audience, spectators, 417.
Aught. See naught, 417.
Authoress. See author, 417.
Authority on, 287.
Authorized Version, 450.
Auto. See automobile, 417.
Automaton, -a, 39.
Auxiliary verbs, 157; with intran-
sitive verb of motion, 237;
erroneously omitted, 348.
Averse to, aversion to, etc., 287.
Avocation, vocation, 417.
Aware that, etc., 295:
Away, way, 417.

Awful, awfully, 417.
Awhile, a while, 417.

B. = Beadnell, 460, N.

Bacillus, -i, 39, 423.
Back, be. See college, 417.
Back of, etc. See behind, 417.

Bacterium, -a, 39, 423.

[blocks in formation]

Belong to, 417.

Beside, besides, 417.

Besides, indeed, etc., and with, see
besides, indeed, 417.

Best, adj. or adv., 258, 504.
Best, for better, 137, N.
Best of any. See best of all, 417.
Better, adj. or adv., 258, 504.
Better, had, had best, etc., 244.
Between, after. See among, 417.
Bi-, biweekly, etc. See weekly, 417.
Bible, English of, 388; names of,
450; punctuation in, 485; italics
in, 511.
Bid, forbid, 241.
Big, large, great, 417.

[blocks in formation]

Brethren, 30.

Bring, 417; bring down to, 287.
Britain, 590-594.
Briticisms, 417, N.

Broadly speaking, etc., 232.
Brother (in a religious order),
how addressed, 545, XV, N. 2.
Bunch, 417.

Business letters, 516, 517, 535-545
(see Contents, p. xxi); courtesy
in, 543.

Business woman, cards of, 544,
III, N. 3.

But, adverb, 315; negative with,
272, N.

But, coörd. conj., 298, 315, N.;

punctuation with, 476; subord.
conj., and punctuation, 312.
But, preposition, with infinitive,
217; with pronouns, etc., 314.
But, relative pronoun, 313.
But, subord. conj., 312.
But, yet, 417.

But if, but although, etc., 475 (4).

But that, but what, 312, 313, 417.
But who, but which, 97.
Buy for, etc., 287.
By, with, 417.

C, g, in Latin derivatives, 402.
Cabinet, members of, how ad-
dressed, 545, VI; assistants, how
addressed, 545, V.
Cæsar, Julius, 590.
Calamity, 415.
Calculate, 417.
Call at, etc., 287.

Calle, Spanish, 440, N. 3.

Calling cards, of women, 544, III,

N. 2, 3.

Can, could, 183, 184, 653.

Can but, cannot but, 315.
Candelabrum, -a, 39, 423.
Cannot, can not, 184.
Cannot but, can but, 315.
Cannot but help, erroneous, 315,
N.; see help, 417.

Cannot help, etc. See help, 417.
Cant expressions, 380.
Capacity. See ability, 417.
Capital letters, 17, 424-459 (see
Contents, p. xvii); hyphened
compound words, 443, 448, N. 2;
in conclusion of a letter, 425;
how indicated in manuscript,
515; small capitals, how indi-
cated in manuscript, 515.
Caption. See heading, 417.
Caput, capita, 39, 423.

Cardinal, how addressed, 545, X.
Cardinal numbers, 121; hyphen,

Cards, calling, of ministers, see
honorable, reverend, 417; of
women, 544, III, N. 2, 3; corre-
spondence, 526.

Carry on, 417.

Case, of nouns, 40-48 (see Con-
tents, p. vi), 604-611; posses-
sive, 41-46, 48, 604, 606, 608-

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