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mod-, measure: moderate, modify, modesty, accommodate. mon-, remind: monument, monitor, admonition, premonition. mov- (mo-), move: movable, motion, emotion, commotion, motor,

locomotive, promote, motive, mobile.

mut-, change: mutable, immutability, transmute, permutation. nav-, ship: navy, naval, navigate, navigable.

noc-, injure: innocent, innocence, innocuous. nov-, new: novel, innovation, novice, novitiate. ocul-, eye: ocular, oculist, inoculate.

omni-, all: omnipotent, omniscient, omnibus.

pan-, bread: pantry, pannier, companion, company.

pat- (pas-; compare Greek path-, § 410), bear, suffer: patient, impatient, passion, compassion, compatible, passive, impassive, dispassionate.

pecu-, cattle: pecuniary, peculiar (belonging to your own herd), impecunious, peculate.

ped- (compare Greek pod-, § § 410), foot: pedal, biped, quadruped, impede, expedite, pedestal, pedestrian.

pel- (pul-), beat, drive: repel, impel, expel, propel, dispel, compel, pulse, impulse, expulsion, repulse.

pend- (pond-, pen-), weigh, hang: expend, expense, pendulum, pendant, depend, independent, dependence, suspend, suspense, propensity, recompense, append, appendix, stipend, compendium, compensation, ponderous, ponder (weigh in the mind).

pet-, strive for, seek: impetuous, impetus, petition, competition, petulant.

plaud- (plau-, plod-, plo-), beat, clap the hands (usually in approval): plaudit, plausible, applaud, explode (clap noisily off the stage), explosion.

plec- (plic-), weave, fold: complex (= complec + s), complicate, complicity, implicate, explicit, implicit, inexplicable, supplicate. plus (plur-), more: plus, surplus, plural, plurality.

pon- (pos-, partly Latin and partly French), put, place: component, deponent, postpone, compose, depose, expose, impose, repose, repository, position, composition, proposition, preposition, dispose, transpose, deposit, suppose, apposition, disposition, imposition, exposition, exponent.

port-, carry: porter, port, export, import, report, transport, purport, deport, support, supportable, insupportable. pot- (pos-), able: potent, potentate, omnipotent, possible. prehend- (prehen-), seize: apprehend, apprehension, comprehend, comprehension, apprentice.

prim- (prin-), first: primer, primary, prime, primitive, primrose,

prince, principle (taking first place).

pugn- (pug-), fight (with the fists): pugnacious, pugilist, repugnant, impugn.

put-, reckon, think: compute, dispute, repute, reputation, impute, imputation, computation.

rap- (rep-), snatch: rapacious, rapine, rapture, surreptitious. reg- (rec-), keep straight, guide, rule: regulate, regular, rector, regent, regal, correct, rectitude, direction (straightening out),


rid- (ri-), laugh: ridicule, deride, derision, risibility.

riv-, brook: rivulet, derive, derivation, derivative, rival (neighbor

on the same brook, competitor for water).

rod- (ro-), gnaw: rodent, erosion, corrode, corrosive. rup-, break: eruption, abrupt, corrupt (break together, break to pieces), incorruptible, rupture, disrupt, irruption, interrupt, bankrupt (§ 381).

scend-(scen-, scan-), climb: ascend, ascension, descend, condescend, transcend, scan (go through step by step, examine point by point). sci-, know: science, scientific, conscious (knowing with yourself), conscience, omniscient.

scrib-(scrip-), write: scribe, scripture, manuscript, inscribe, description, transcribe (make a copy of), postscript, subscribe. sec- (seg-), cut: dissect, section, segment, insect (cut into, cut in segments), bisect, trisect.

sed- (sid-, ses-), sit: sedentary, sediment, sedate, subside, reside, residence, assiduous, insidious, preside, session, supersede. sent- (sen-), perceive, think: sensation, sensitive, presentiment, assent, consent, dissent, dissension, resent, sentence, sense. sequ- (secu-), follow: sequel, sequence, consequence, subsequent, consecutive, persecute, prosecute, obsequies. sol-, alone: solitary, solitude, sole, soliloquy, solo. solv- (solu-), loosen: dissolve, absolve, solution, solve, absolute. son-, sound: sonant, assonant, dissonant, consonant, resonant, sonorous, unison, person (originally the mask, Latin persona, through which an actor spoke), sonnet (sound or song). spec-(spic-), look: spectator, spectacle, spectacles, inspect, prospect, prospective, respect, respective, aspect, circumspect, retrospect, spectator, conspectus, suspect (look secretly at), suspicion, speci


spir-, breathe: spirit, inspire, expire, aspire, aspirate, conspiracy, perspire, transpire (see happen, § 417).

sta-, stand: obstacle, station, statue, stable, unstable, establish, state, distant, extant, constant, constantly, circumstance, substance.

sum- (sump-), take: resume, assume, assumption, consume. tac-, be silent (of speech): taciturn, tacit, tacitly.

tang- (ting-, tag-, teg-, tig-, tac-), touch : tangible, tangent, contact, contagious, contiguous, contiguity, contingency, intangible, integer, integrity, tact, disintegrate.

teg- (tec-), cover: integument, protect, detect, detective. tempor-, time: temporary, temporal, contemporary, contemporaneous, tense (of a verb; from the Latin word tempus). ten-, hold: tenacious, tenable, tenant, tenement, retain, retentive, contain, sustain, contentment, detain, detention, sustenance, tenure. tend-(ten-), stretch: extend, tension, intend, contend, distend, intense, tense (adjective), tent, extent.

tim-, fear: timid, timorous, intimidate, intimidation. trah- (trac-), draw: subtrahend, traction, attraction, detract, contract, retract, extract, subtract, protract, distraction, intractable. tribu-, bestow, grant, give: tribute, attribute, contribute, contribution, retribution.

trud- (tru-), thrust, push: intrude, intrusion, protrude, protrusion. umbra, shade, shadow: umbrella (little shade), umbrage, penumbra, adumbration.

und-, wave: inundation, undulate, abundance, superabundance, abound, redound (flow back, return).

uni- (un-), one: union, unity, unite, unify, uniform, universe, universal, university, unanimous, unanimity.

urb, city: urban, urbanity, suburb (below the city; cities were anciently built on hills), suburban.

ut- (us-), use: utensil, usual, unusual, usury, abuse, utility, peruse

(use up, go through, read thoroughly).

vad- (va-), go: invade, invasion, evade, pervade, vade mecum. val-, be strong: valor, valiant, prevalent, valid, value, in'valid,

invalid, invalidate, validity, valedictory.

ven-, come: convene, convention, convenient, invent (come upon, find), invention, prevent, advent, convent, adventure, venture, intervene, circumvent, intervention, event, uneventful, adventitious, inventory, revenue.

verb-, word: verbal, verbose, verbosity, verbiage, verbatim, verb, proverb (expression put forth).

vert- (ver-), turn: divert, diversion, diverse, invert, vertical, conversion, revert, verse, version, transverse, perverse (thoroughly turned, turned to the bad), pervert.

via (vi-), way, road: viaduct, deviate, devious, obviate (meet, prevent), pervious, previous (going before).

vid- (vi-), see: provident, provide, provision, revision, visage, visor, visible, invisible, visual, vision, visionary, visit (go to see), prudent (=provident), prudence, providence, improvise, imprudent, supervise, vista, evident.

vinc- (vic-), conquer: invincible, victor, victory, convince, evince (prove beyond doubt, show forth).

vir, man: virile, virility, virtue (strength of manhood), virtuous, triumvir, triumvirate, decemvir.

viv- (vig-, vi-), alive, living: revive, survive, vivid, vivify, vital, vitality, vitalize, devitalize, convivial, victuals (= vig-tuals). voc-, call: convocation, convoke (k is substituted for c; c would be soft before e; § 402), invoke, vocation, avocation, revoke, vociferate, vociferous.

vol-, wish: benevolent, malevolent, benevolence, voluntary, involuntary, volunteer, volition, volitive.

volv- (vol-), roll: revolve, involve, evolve, evolution, involution, revolution, volume, voluminous, voluble.

vulg-, multitude: vulgar, divulge, Vulgate. vulner-, wound: vulnerable, invulnerable.

408. Greek prefixes. The study of Greek prefixes is best undertaken with the study of Greek roots and stems (§ 410; see §§ 390, 391):

an- (a-), not: atheist, anarchist, anomaly, anonymous, anæmia, anæsthetic, anodyne, apathy, atom, asyndeton, anhydrous. ana-, up: analysis, analyze, anatomy, anabasis, anachronism (mixing up of time), anachronistic.

anti- (ant-), against: antithesis, antipathy, antipodes, antiphonal, antidote, antiseptic, antitoxin, anticlimax, anti-imperialist, antarctic, antagonist, anti-Bohemian.

apo- (aph-), off, away: apoplexy, apostle, apogee, apology, apostrophe, aphelion, aphorism, apocope, apocalypse.

cata- (cath-), down: cataract, catastrophe, cathedral (sitting down, seat of a bishop), catalogue, catarrh, catalepsy.

dia-, through: diameter, diametrically, diagonal, dialogue, dia

phragm, diaphanous, diagnosis.

dis- (di-), twice: dissyllable, diphthong, dilemma, diploma (folded paper), dihedron, dihexagonal, dihydric, dioxide, disulphide (compare bis-, bisulphide, § 405).

epi-(eph-), on: epitaph, epilogue, epidemic, epilepsy, epigram, epidermis, epiglottis, ephemeral (for a day).

ex-(ec-; compare Latin ex-, § 405), out of, from: exodus, exogenous, exotic, exegesis, eccentric, eclectic, eclipse, ecstasy. hemi- (compare Latin semi-, § 405), half: hemisphere, hemicycle. hyper-, over, beyond: hypercritical, hyperbola, hyperbole, hyperphysical, Hyperborean, hyperthermic.

hypo-, under, less than: hypothesis, hypothetical, hypotenuse, hypodermic, hypochondria, hyposulphite.

para-(par-), beside : parallel, paraphrase, parable, parhelion, paralysis, parasite, parody, paradox.

peri-, round: period, periodic, perimeter, periphrastic, periphrasis, peristyle, peripatetic, periscope.

pro-(compare Latin pro-, § 405), before: prologue, program, problem, prophet, prolepsis.

syn- (syl-, sym-, sy-), with, together: syntax, synagogue, syllable, symphony, sympathy, symbol, system, syllogism, synchronous, symmetry, symptom, synthesis.

409. Greek suffixes. The study of Greek suffixes is best undertaken with the study of Greek roots and stems (§ 410; see §§ 390, 391):

-ism, act, state, character: baptism, criticism, hypnotism, despotism, heroism, barbarism, realism, Gallicism.

-ist, agent: monopolist, theorist, artist, botanist, physicist, humorist, florist, oculist, atheist, Buddhist.

-itis, inflammation of: arthritis, appendicitis, tonsillitis (§ 423). -ma (-m), -sis, action, result, state: drama, system, genesis, thesis.

410. Greek roots and stems. The Greek roots and stems in compound English words (as, ant-agonist) are best studied with the Greek prefixes (§ 408; see §§ 390, 391):

ag- (agog-, eg-), drive, lead: pedagogue, synagogue, pedagogy, demagogue, stratagem, strategy, strategist.

agon-, contest: antagonist, agony, agonize. alg-, pain: neuralgia, neuralgic, cephalalgia, nostalgia. angel-, announce: angel, evangelist, evangelize, evangelical. anthrop-, man: philanthropy, philanthropist, misanthropic, anthropology, anthropography, anthropometric.

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