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285. Object of preposition. The object of a preposition be a word, a phrase, or a clause :


1. Near him; between you and me; by whom; to them.

2. They were about to start (object of about); the horse ran from in front of the house (object of from).

3. It depends on who wishes to go (object of on; §§ 78, 90). 4. A pretty, plump woman of from forty to fifty. — DICKENS. See from four to ten, § 417.

286. Position of preposition; object omitted. A preposition often stands after its object; it always does so when its object is the relative pronoun that (§ 83; see § 370); the object of the preposition is sometimes omitted (§ 91):

1. Whom did you write to? (or, To whom did you write?) 2. There is the carriage that they came in.

3. Odd and uncommon characters are the game that I look for, and most delight in. ADDISON.

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Read aloud the following sentences (see §§ 78, 90, 361):

1. Will you tell me whom you walked with yesterday?
2. A question arose as to who was to do the cooking.
3. My going will depend on whom he wishes to take.
4. Can you tell me to whom I shall apply for a ticket?
5. There is the boy whom I ran the race with last week.
6. The policeman whom we saw in the park told us.
7. At last they found a guide whom they could depend on.
8. At last they found a guide who could be depended on.

287. Idioms. The following examples illustrate difficult prepositional and adverbial idioms:

abound in, of inherent qualities (English abounds in figurative expressions); with, of unessential or accidental properties (the house abounds with rats).

accommodate to (circumstance); with (a coat, a light, a loan). accompanied by (a person, a dog); with (a smile, a remark). accordance with (in accordance with his convictions).

acquiesce: in (an opinion, an arrangement, the propriety or


acquit: of (a person of a crime); with (he acquitted himself with credit).

advantage: of (have the advantage of a person); over (gain an advantage over a person, unbelief has no advantage over belief). afflicted: by (persecution, death); with (a chronic disease). agree: on (a plan); to (a proposal); to (tell a thing); with (a person).

amuse: by (telling a story); with (an anecdote). Amuse yourself: with (a toy, a puzzle); with, by, in (sketching). Be amused: at (an incident, a person's simplicity); by (a story).

angry: at (a thing); with (a person).

apply for (a position); to (a person); to (study).

arrive: at (a village or town, knowledge, a conclusion, manhood); in (town, a large city or a country); upon (the scene).

ask: about, for (a person or thing); after (a person). authority: on (a subject).

averse: to (a thing).

aversion to (sometimes for or toward) (a person or thing). blush at (a mishap); for (a person); to (tell a thing); with (pleasure).

bring down to (down to the present; see 'up to date', § 417). buy for (a person or thing); of or from (a person); with (blood). call at (a house); by (name); for (a person or thing); on (a person); to (a person to account); to (a person).

change: for (the better); with (the season; places with a person). But, exchange one thing for another.

charge: against (a person or an account); to (an account); with (a person with a responsibility or a crime).

circumstances: in (he found himself in easy circumstances); under (under such circumstances he became indolent).

come: across (an expression); honestly by (a fortune); into (fashion, a fortune); of (a good family); off (with honor); on or upon (an army on a town; a plague on a people; come upon each other); to (grief, the point, an understanding); up to (expectation).

communicate: to (a thing to a person); with (a person).

compare to (a person to a lion); with (a person or thing with another, Grant with Lee). In comparison with (of persons or things: He is a weakling in comparison with her). competitor: for (a position, a prize); with (a person). concur: in (an opinion or action); with (a person).

conform to (conformable to; but, in conformity with) (reason, circumstances, custom, justice, nature, a pattern).

connect: with (a person or thing with another).

consist: in (doing something, being obedient to the law); of (iron and wood, five pieces).

contend: about (a thing); against (misfortune); for (a prize); with (fate).

contrast' (verb): with (a person or thing with another). Con'trast (noun): between (persons or things); to (he presented a strong contrast to his brother). In contrast with (place this in contrast with that).

correspond to (actions to words, one part to another); with (one person with another by letter).

cry for (a person or thing); with (pain).

cut: in (two; § 290, N.); off with (a shilling); to (pieces). depart at (sunrise); for (a destination); from (a place); in (season). See prompt, § 417.

depend: on (assistance, circumstances, friends).

die: by (violence, the sword); for (a cause, your native land); from (a wound, inattention); in (battle); of (a disease, the plague, hunger, old age, grief); through (neglect); with (laughter). differ from (iron differs from lead); with (a person in opinion). See different from, § 417.

disappointed in (a person, the result, my hope of meeting you); to (hear a thing); with (a thing).

displeased at (a thing); with (a person).

distinguished by (looks, a plume); for (loyalty); from (one person or thing from another).

draw on (a bank, the imagination).

enter at (a door, a gate); for (a race); into (business, a friend's amusements, society, a treaty); on (duties, a career).

essential: in (the first essential in speaking is to have something to say); of (essentials of penmanship, arithmetic); to (the first essential to his recovery is sleep; a knowledge of grammar is essential to the understanding of a language).

excuse for (an action); from (attendance).

fall among (thieves); by (the sword); in (love with); in with (a person); on (an enemy); out with (a person); short of (expectation); under (my observation).

get along with (a person or thing); at (the truth); into (good graces, society); in with (a person); on with (a person or thing); over (a difficulty, an illness); round (a person or thing).

go: about (work); against (wishes); for (nothing); to (pieces); with (the stream).

identical with (a thing with a thing).

immigration: into (a country, a state).

incorporate: into (doctrines into teaching).

initiate into (a society, ways of doing something).

inquire about, after, concerning, for (a person or thing); into (a

thing); of (a person).

insensible of (cold, danger); to (fear, love).

insight into (man, Spanish life, character).

interfere in (a thing); with (a person).

introduce into (a place, a family, society); to (a person).

intrust or entrust: to (a thing to a person); with (a person with a thing).

join: to (a shed to a house; one letter to another; shoulder to shoulder); with (his wishes with mine; with me in reading; learning with experience).

listen to (a person or thing).

live at (Newport); by (his wits); in (New York, Virginia, Washington Street, § 293); on (a friend, an income, milk); up to (promises); within (means).

look: about (you); after (a person or thing); at (the consequences); down on (a person or thing); for (news); into (a thing); on with (pity, amusement); out for (bad weather); over (an account); through (a book, records); to (a person for assistance); up to (a person).

monopoly of (wheat, manufactures, the carrying trade, right and wrong). (Not monopoly on '.)

moved at (the sight, the thought); by (pity, prayer); to (laughter, tears); with (compassion).

name: after (a person); from (a person or event). See named after, § 417.

necessary for (a journey, comfort); to (life, progress). oblivious: of (not 'to'). See oblivious, § 417.

offended at (a thing); with (a person).

opportunity of (doing something); to (do something).

originate: from (an unknown cause); in (his own head); with (a person).

part from (a person); with (a thing).

postpone: for (a thing for a time, a month); to (a thing to the afternoon, to a more suitable time).

practice: (medicine, your music, singing); on (the piano, a person, a person's credulity or feelings).

present': to (a person or thing to a person); with (a person with a thing).

prevail: against (a person or thing); on (a person to do something); over (a person or thing).

preventive of (disease, trouble).

reconcile: to (a person to a thing); to, with (one person to or with another); with (one thing with another).

reference to (a reference to a person or thing; with reference to a person or thing).

regard to (in or with regard to a person or thing). Do not say ' in (with) regards to '.

rely on (a person or thing).

respect to (with respect to a person or thing).

search: after (truth, wisdom); for (a person or thing); into (a thing, the root of the matter). In my search after, for; but, in search of (I am in search of a house).

see about (a person or thing); after (a person or thing); into (a thing); through (a person or thing); to (a person or thing). sick: at (heart); for (a person or thing); of (a person or thing, a fever); with (influenza, fear).

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