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necessary to inquire for a house, and master. Neither were easy to be met with: a house, however, at length was found at Somertown, which, with some addition, is well calculated for the purpose; and as a lease of the premises has been obtained, for twenty-one years (terminable at the option of the Board at seven or fourteen years), the Committee have thought themselves justified in undertaking to add a school-room, and dormitory over it, at their own expense.

Into the difficulties which the Committee had to encounter in the choice of a fit person to conduct this establishment, it is scarcely needful to enter. The novelty of the undertaking, and the high expectations that had been formed of its prospective usefulness deterred, it is believed, many well-qualified persons from offering themselves; while the Committee were themselves so fully impressed with the greatness of the charge lying upon them, that they were resolved not to make any appointment, where there was not such a union of zeal, ability, and experience, as to warrant a reasonable expectation of success. Although, therefore, their proceedings have been delayed beyond the period originally proposed, they are well satisfied that the delay will be fully compensated for by the satisfactory termination at which they have arrived in procuring the services of the Rev. John Thorp; and, for themselves, they can assure the Board and the Subscribers, that they have been unceasingly and actively employed upon the subject from the very day of their appoint


The school being now open for the reception of pupils, an outline of the principles on which it will be conducted may not be unacceptable. The object of the institution is to train schoolmasters for the use of the diocese; herein regarding not only intellectual, but (primarily) moral and religious culture. It is hoped, that when the advantages of such a system of education come to be generally known, and the prospect which it offers of a respectable position in life, there will be no want of well-disposed young persons from the middle classes of society who will seek admission, while the schools that are in union will act as nurseries from whence to cull the pupils of best promise. The age of admission will range between fifteen and eighteen; the period of instruction (which shall never exceed three years) varying in proportion to the age and proficiency of the pupil. The pupils will lodge under the roof of the principal, and will be trained in habits of piety, diligence, and order. The day will commence with the offering of common prayer in the church; and will be apportioned at the discretion of the principal and the visiting committee, and according to the capacities of the pupils, to the following studies :

[blocks in formation]

Instruction in the Latin language will also be given to the more advanced pupils. The education and lodging are provided gratuitously. The charge for boarding is 207. per annum; and where even this moderate sum is beyoud the means of a promising boy, the Committee will have it in their power to award exhibitions to the half (or more) of the expenses; such exhibitions to be dependant upon good conduct. As each pupil is judged qualified to leave the school, it will be the endeavour of the Board to provide him a suitable situation in a parochial or middle school, or where the knowledge and habits he has acquired will be beneficial to the diocesea.

a The two following declarations are signed upon admission:

1. (By the parent or guardian.) " I hereby solemnly declare that it is my wish and belief that my son (A. B.) shall and will be ready to accept the office of a schoolmaster, under and in connexion with the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education so soon as he shall be required."

2. (By the pupil himself.) " I hereby solemnly declare that I will submit myself to the appointed discipline of the Diocesan Training School; that it is In addition to the regular pupils in training, the Board are ready to receive for a short period the master of any school in union whom it may be thought desirable to send up for improvement; in furtherance of which object, a portion of the expenses will, according to circumstances, be defrayed by the Board. It is believed that, in many cases, such an arrangement will be found to be very beneficial.

The subscribers will be glad to learn that the Archidiaconal Board of Bucks have engaged to bear a third part of the establishment charges of the training-school; in return for which, they will have the privilege of sending ten pupils to the school, at their own cost. This arrangement is the more convenient, because the county of Bucks will hereafter be annexed to the diocese of Oxford.

It will be observed that these arrangements respect only the training of masters. Now it is notorious that, in the greater number of rural parishes, the schools are kept by females. The Board had themselves not been unmindful of this fact; and at the August meeting a communication was read from the Archidiaconal Board of Berkshire, suggesting the adoption of some means for the better training of mistresses. The question was then postponed, in consequence of the press of business already in hand, and until it should be ascertained whether there were funds to meet the expenditure of a fresh establishment. The training-schools for masters, however, having been fairly set on foot, and the experience of one year being before them, the Board have again had the subject under consideration; and although their income is not sufficiently large to attempt measures on a very extensive scale at present, they have set apart 2001. of annual income for the purpose; and they recommend the immediate appointment of a committeeb to consider the best means of promoting the object in view. This is at least an earnest that the Board are alive to the importance of the subject;

my wish to prepare myself, by diligence and study, for the office of a schoolmaster, under and in connexion with the Diocesan Board of Education; and that I shall be ready to accept such appointment when required by the


b This Committee has now commenced its labours.

and it remains for those in the diocese who have the cause of education at heart, to enable them to carry out and complete the design.

II. The Committee appointed to consider the terms on which schools might be received into union with the Diocesan Board, were glad to find themselves relieved of a great portion of the labour that would otherwise have fallen upon them, by the publication of a paper by the National Society, containing the terms which they proposed for their own use. These terms the Committee recommended the Diocesan Board to adopt, with but little variation.


I. Commercial schools may be received into union with the Diocesan Board on the receipt of a certificate from the proprietors, or a declaration from the masters or mistresses :

1. That the masters or mistresses are members of the Church of England.

2. That the children shall be instructed in the holy Scriptures, and in the Liturgy and Catechism of the Church.

3. That the schools shall be open to the periodical inspection (on a week's notice at the least having been given) of such persons as shall be appointed for that purpose by the Diocesan Board.

II. Parochial schools may be received into union on the managers signing the following declaration :

1. The children are to be instructed in the holy Scriptures, and in the Liturgy and Catechism of the Established Church.

2. With respect to such instruction, the schools are to be sub

ject to the superintendence of the parochial clergymen.

3. The children are to be regularly assembled for the purpose of attending divine service in the parish church or other place of worship under the establishment, unless such reason be assigned for their non-attendance as is satisfactory to the managers of the school.

4. The masters and mistresses are to be members of the Church of England.

5. A report on the state and progress of the schools is to be made at Christmas in every year, to the Diocesan Board, the District Society, or the National Society; and the schools are, with the consent of the managers, to be periodically inspected by persons appointed either by the Bishop of the diocese, the National Society, or the Diocesan Board of Education.

6. In case any difference should arise between the parochial clergy and the managers of the schools, with reference to the preceding rules, respecting the religious instruction of scholars, or any regulation connected therewith, an appeal is to be made to the Bishop of the diocese, whose decision is to be final.

III. Infant schools may be received into union on the receipt of a certificate from the managers, that the schools shall be conducted on the principles of the Established Church, by masters or mistresses who are members of the same; that they shall be open to the visitation of the parochial clergy, and that a report be made from time to time on the state and progress of the school.

IV. All applications on the part of the proprietors or managers of schools for admission into union are to be addressed to one of the secretaries, by whom they will be laid before the Board.

V. The clergyman of the parish in which the school is situated is in all cases to be invited to take part in the inspection.

*** It is understood that it will be in the power of either party to dissolve the union when they shall think fit.

In the adoption of these terms, two principles were kept in view by the board; first, that as regards religious instruction, there should be a guarantee that the doctrines of the church are really taught, and a facility offered for carrying out an efficient system of inspection, which the Board are convinced is indispensable to the good conduct of a school; and secondly, they desired to effect these objects in a manner the most satisfactory to the feelings of the managers; so that the inspection might be seen to be, what it really is, the most useful auxiliary both to teachers and managers, and the most effectual way of keeping alive the diligence of the scholars.

The work of inspection is now in active progress throughout the diocese, by persons authorized by the bishop.

The question having frequently been asked, What are the inducements for schools to place themselves in union with the Board? the following reasons may be stated: 1. The Board, being a diocesan institution, with the bishop at its head, may naturally be expected to embrace every parish and school within those limits. 2. It is an obvious means of strengthening the hands of the church, when it is seen that all her members are

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