JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, PRINTED FOR F. AND C. RIVINGTON, 1800. PRINTED BY 1. RICKABY, PETERBOROUGH-COURT, PREFACE. WE E have reached at length a folemn period in our literary labours. We have feen a century elofe, the last years of which have been fuch as hardly any century has produced. At a time of gloom and apprehenfion, when Faction and Impiety had grown infolent and menacing, and thofe principles which our Church and Conftitution fupport, however numerous their private friends, had fcarcely any public advocates;-among thofe who revifed new publications, not even one;-at that moment of real, not of feigned alarm, when they who avowed themfelves loyal were tauntingly accufed of forming lifts of condemnation for themfelves; at that period, though little inclined to affume a public fituation, we ftrongly felt, that duty bid us quit our private walk, to do our utmost for the general caufe. The task which we then undertook, we can truly fay we have performed, as far as human frailty allows, without favour or partiality. Not indeed without affection and peculiar regard for those fentiments which we confider as excellent and facred; or without abhorrence and indignation against thofe which we believe to be fubverfive of all focial happiness and mental goodnefs; for that would be unnatural, and was no part of our profeffion;-but without unfair partiality, fuch as fhould lead us to extol a work in other refpects beçaufe we approved its tendency, or to deny the lite |