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" Religion^ who have undertaken to defend it by the principles of human reafon. Our moft holy religion is founded on Faith, not on reafon ; and 'tis a fure method of expofing it to put it to fuch a trial as it is, by no means, fitted to endure. "
A view of the principal deistical writers ... in England in the last and ... - Page 335
de John Leland - 1764
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A View of the Principal Deistical Writers that Have Appeared in ..., Volume 2

John Leland - 1755 - 698 pages
...holy religion (faith he) is " founded on faith, not on rcafon: And 'tis a *f fure method of cxpofing it to put it to fuch a " trial, as it is by no means...endure." And he calls thofe, who undertake to defend rc* Le Moyne on Miracles, p. 4zz, (3c, ligion by reafon, pretendedChriftians-\. a mean and ungenerous...
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Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects

David Hume - 1758 - 568 pages
...human reafon. Our moft holy religion is founded on Faith, not on reafon ; and 'tis a fure method of expofing it to put it to fuch a trial as it is, by no means, fitted to endure. To make this more evident, let us examine thofe miracles, related in fcripture ; and not to lofe ourfelves...
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Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects, Volume 1

David Hume - 1760 - 314 pages
...human reafon. Our moft holy religion is founded on Faith, not on reafon ; and 'tis a fure method of expofing it to put it to fuch a trial as it is, by no means, -fitted to endure. To make this more evident, let us examine thofe miracles, related 'in fcripture ; and not to lofe ourfelves...
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Sermons and Tracts Upon Religious Subjects

William Adams - 1777 - 394 pages, " that our moft holy religion is " founded on faith, not on reafon ; and " 'tis a fure method of expofing it, to put " it to fuch a trial as it is by no means '« fitted to endure." This he pretends to make evident by examining the miracles related in the Pentateuch : " Here," fays...
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Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects, in Two Volumes

David Hume - 1779 - 548 pages
...founded on , not on reafon; and it js a fure method of expofing * Nov. Org. lib. ii. aph. 29. cxpofing it to put it to fuch a trial as it is, by no means, fitted to endure. To make this more evident, let us examine thofe miracles, related in fcripture; and not to lofe ourfelves...
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The Scots Magazine, Volume 24

1762 - 762 pages, in the conclufion of his ertay, " is founded on faith, not on reafon; and it is a fure method of expofing it, to put it to fuch a trial, as it is by no means fitted to endure." If, by our man holy religion, we are to underftand the fundamental articles of the Cliriftian fyllem,...
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A View of the Principal Deistical Writers that Have Appeared in ..., Volume 1

John Leland, William Laurence Brown - 1798 - 496 pages
...TCS!. And the rcall-ns whiclF lbc/,v th: d:IT:re^cQ between ai&ion and a feai-'.y " it, to ptit'it to fuch a trial, as it is by no means fitted to endure."...animadverfion: all that can be gathered from it is, that thefc gentlemen are very uneafy at the attempts which have been made to defend Chriftianity in ~a way...
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A View of the Principal Deistical Writers: That Have Appeared in England in ...

John Leland - 1837 - 784 pages
...he, " is founded on faith, not on reason :f and it is a sure method of exposing it, to put it to such a trial, as it is by no means fitted to endure." And he calls those, • Le Moyne on Miracles, p. 422, &c. f This author, who takes care to make the principles of...
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The Eclectic review. vol. 1-New [8th]

1846 - 810 pages
...religion is founded on faith, not on reason ; and it is a sure method of exposing it, to put it to such a trial as it is by no means fitted to endure;' — and again, 'as if the testimony of man could ever be put in the balance with that of God himself, who conducted...
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Modern Philosophy; O,r A Treatise of Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy from ...

Frederick Denison Maurice - 1862 - 708 pages founded lw"15i on faith, not on reason ; and it is a sure method of exposing it to put it to such a trial as it is by no means fitted to endure." And again, " So that upon the whole we may conclude that the Christian religion was not only at first attended...
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