| John Leland - 1755 - 698 pages
...Philofophicai Efiays, p. 220. 4- ^- P- 2O3" fcrvatiorj " ftrvation. But fince the Deity is kno\VnLETTER " to us only by his productions, and is a , "" " fingle being in the Univerfe, not compre" hended under any fpecies or genus, from " whofe experienced attributes or qualities " we can... | |
| David Hume - 1758 - 568 pages
...fallacious and fophiftical. THE cafe is not the fame with our reafonings from the works of nature. The Deity is known to us only by his productions,...not comprehended under any fpecies or genus, from whole experienced attributes or qualities, we can, by analogy, infer any attribute or quality in him.... | |
| David Hume - 1760 - 314 pages
...fallacious and ibphiflical. , THE cafe is not the fame with' our reafonings from tlve works of nature. The Deity is known to us only by his productions, and is a fmgle being in the univerfe, not comprehended under any fpecies or genus, from whofe experienced attributes... | |
| David Hume - 1764 - 524 pages
...fallacious and fophiftical. The cafe is not the fame with our reafonings from the works of nature. The Deity is known to us only by his productions, and is a fingle being in the unjverfen upt comprehended under any fpecies or genus, from whofe experienced attributes or qualities,... | |
| David Hume - 1772 - 556 pages
...fallacious and fophiftical. The cafe is not the fame with our reafonings from the works of nature. The Deity is known to us only by his productions, and is a fmgle being in the univerfe, not comprehended under any fpecies or genus, from whofe experienced attributes... | |
| Joseph Priestley - 1787 - 602 pages
...refult of thofe of his works of which we fee only a part. ** Whereas the deity," he fays, p. 227, " is " known to us only by his productions, and *< is a fingle Being in the univerfe, not com" prehended under any fpecies or genus, ** from whofe experienced attributes or qua** lities we... | |
| John Leland, William Laurence Brown - 1798 - 496 pages
...we " can draw a hundred inferences concerning what may be ex" pefted from him, and thefe inferences will all -be founded on " experience and obfervation. But fince the Deity is known to " us only by his produftions, and as a fingle being in the nni" verfe, not comprehended under any fpecies or genus,... | |
| David Hume - 1826 - 626 pages
...fallacious and sophistical. The case is not the same with our reasonings from the works of nature. The Deity is known to us only by his productions, and is a single being in the universe, not comprehended under any species or genus, .from whose experienced... | |
| 1829 - 738 pages
...in ascribing to Deity any attributes of which we have not had a precise experience ; and remarks, " the Deity is known to us only by his productions, and is a single being in the universe, not comprehended under any species or genus from whose experienced attributes... | |
| Johann Eduard Erdmann - 1840 - 460 pages
...designs we are acquainted with.... The case is not the same with our reasonings from the works of nature. The Deity is known to us only by his productions, and is a single being in the universe not comprehended under any species or genus from whose experienced attributes... | |
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