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vide the Day from the Night: and let them be for Signs and for Seafons, and for Days and Years.

15 And let them be for Lights in the Firmament of the Heaven, to give Light upon the Earth: and it was fo.

16 And GOD made two great Lights; the greater Light to rule the Day, and the leffer Light to rule the Night: he made the Stars alfo.

17 And God fet them in the Firmament of the Heaven, to give Light upon the Earth.

18 And to rule over the Day and over the Night, and to divide the Light from the Darkness: and God faw that it was good.

19 And the Evening and the Morning were the fourth Day.

and and Night unto Night sheweth Know. ledge.

3 There is no Speech nor Language, where their VOICE is not heard.

4 Their Line is gone out through all the Earth, and their Words to

the End of the World: In them hath he fet a Tabernacle for the Sun,

5 Which is as a Bridegroom coming out of his Chamber, and rejoyceth as a strong Man to run a Race

6 His going forth is from the End of the Heaven, and his Circuit unto the Ends of it and there is nothing

hid from the Heat thereof.

Job xxxviii. 4 Where wast thou

when I laid the Foundation of the standing.

Earth? declare if thou hast Under

s Who hath laid the Measures or who

thereof, if thou knowest?

hath stretched the Line upon it?

6 Whereupon are the Foundations thereof fastned? or who hath laid

the corner Stone thereof ?

7 When the Morning stars fang together, and all the Sons of Gop shouted for Joy.

8 Or who shut up the Sea with Doors, when it brake forth as if it had iffued out of the Womb?

9 When I made the Cloud the Garment thereof, and thick Darkness a Swadling band for it,

10 And brake up for it my decreed Place, and fet Bars and Doors,

11 And faid, Hitherto shalt thou

come but no further and here shall thy proud Waves be flayed.

12 Haft thou commanded the Morning fince thy Days and caused the

Day-spring to know his Place?

13 That it might take hold of the Ends of the Earth, that the Wicked might be thaken out of it.

Jer. xxxi. 35 Thus faith the LORD, which giveth the Sun for a Light by Day, and the Ordinance of the Moon and of the Stars for a Light by Night, which divideth the Sea when the Waters thereof roar, THE LORD OF HOSTS IS HIS NAME.

Plal. civ. 19 He appointeth the Moon for Seasons; the Sun knoweth his going down. 20 Thou makest Darkness, and it is Night wherein all the Beasts of the Forest do creep forth.

20 g And God faid, Let the Waters bring forth abundantly the moving Creature that hath Life, and Fowl that may fly above the Earth

Pfal.civ 25 So is this great and wide Sea, wherein are Things creeping innumerable, both fmall and great Beafts.

26 There go the Ships; there is that Leviathan whom thou haft made to play therein.

in the open Firmament of Heaven.

21 And God created great Whales, and every living Creature that moveth, which the Waters brought forth a bundantly after their kind, and every winged Fowl after his kind: and God faw that it was good.

22 And GOD blefied them, faying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the Waters in the Seas, and let Fowl multiply in the Earth.

23 And the Evening and the Morning were the fifth Day.

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30 Thou sendest forth thy SPIRIT, they are created: and thou renewest

the Face of the Earth.

Luke xii. 24 Confider the Ravens,

for they neither fow nor reap, which neither have Store-house nor Barn, yet God feedeth them: How much more are ye better than the Fowls?

Pfal. 1. 10 For every Beast of the Forest is mine, and the Cattle upon a thousand Hills.

II I know all the Fowls of the Mountains: and the wild Beasts of the Field are mine.

24 And God faid, Let the Earth bring forth the living Creature after his kind, Cattle and creeping Things, and Beaft of the Earth after his kind and it was fo.

25 And God made the Beast of the Earth after his kind, and Cattle after their kind, and every Thing that creepeth upon the Earth after his kind: And God saw that it was due it; and have Dominion over the Fish of the Sea, and over the Fowl of the Air, and over every living Thing that moveth upon the Earth.


26 h And GOD faid, Let us make Man in our own Image, after our Likeness; and let them have Dominion over the Fish of the Sea, and over the Fowl of the Air, and over the Cattle, and over all the Earth, and over every creeping Thing that creepeth upon the Earth.

27 SO GOD created Man in his own Image, in the Image of GOD created he him; Male and Female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God faid unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the Earth, and fub

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6 Thou madeft him to have Dominion over the Works of thy Hands: Feet. thou haft put all things under his

7 All Sheep and Oxen, yea, and the Beafts of the Field.

8 The Fowl of the Air, and the Fish of the Sea, and whatsoever paffeth through the paths of the Seas.

90 LORD OUR LORD, how excellent is thy Name in all the Earth? Pfal. civ. 10 He sendeth the Springs into the Valleys, which run among the Hills. II They give Drink to every Beaft of the Field: the wild Affes quench their Thirst.


29 And God faid, Behold, I have given you every Herb bearing Seed, which is upon the Face of all the Earth, and every Tree, in the which is the Fruit of a Tree, yielding Seed; to you it shall be for Meat.

30 And to every Beast of the Earth, and to every Fowl of the Air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the Earth, wherein there is Life, I have given every green Herb for Meat: and it was fo.

31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very good: and the Evening and the Morning were the fixth Day.

12 By them shall the Fowls of the Heaven have their Habitation, which fing among the Branches.

13 He watereth the Hills from his

Chambers: the Earth is fatisfied with the Fruit of thy Works.

14 He causeth the Grafs to grow for the Cattle, and Herb for the Service of Man: that he may bring

forth Food out of the Earth:

15 And Wine that maketh glad the Heart of Man, and Oyl to make his Face to shine, and Bread which strengtheneth Man's Heart. 21 The young Lions roar after their Prey, and seek their Meat from


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31 The Glory of the LORD shall endure for ever the LORD shall rejoyce in his Works.

Acts xvii. 24 GOD that made the World, and all things therein, feeing that he is LORD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, dwelleth not in Temples

made with Hands:

25 Neither is worshipped with Mens Hands, as though he needed any

thing, seeing he giveth to all Life, and Breath, and all Things.

26 And hath made of one Blood, all Nations of Men, for to dwell on all the Face of the Earth, and hath determined the Times before appointed, and the Bounds of their Habitation:

27 That they should SEEK the LORD, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us :

28 For in HIM WE LIVE, and MOVE, and have our BEING; as certain also of the Poets have faid, For we are also his Offspring.

Ifai. xl. 21 Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the Beginning? have ye not understood from the Founda tions of the Earth?

22 It is he that fitteth upon the Circle of the Earth, and the Inhabitants thereof are as Grashoppers; that stretcheth out the Heavens as a Curtain, and spreadeth them out as a Tent to dwell in.

26 Lift up your Eyes on high, and behold who hath created these Things, that bringeth out their Hoft by Number: he calleth them all by Names, by the Greatness of his Might, for that he is strong in Power, not one faileth.


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The first Sabbath. 4 The Manner of the Creation. 8 The Planting of the Garden of Eden, 10 and the River thereof. 17 The Tree of Knowledge only forbidden. 19 The naming of the Creatures. 21 The making of Woman, and Institution of Marriage.

Ver. 1


HUS the Heavens and the Earth were finished, and all the Host of them.

2 And on the seventh Day God ended his Work which he had made: and he rested on the feventh Day from all his Work which he had made.

3 And God blessed the SEVENTH Day, and SANCTIFIED it: because that in it he had RESTED from all his Work, which God created and made.

4 These are the Generations of the HEAVENS, and of the EARTH, when they were created; in the Day that the LORD GOD made the Earth and the Heavens.

5 And every Plant of the Field, before it was in the Earth, and every Herb of the Field, before it grew: for the LORD GODd had not caused it to rain upon the Earth, and there was not a Man to till the Ground.

6 But there went up a Mist from the Earth, and watered the whole Face of the Ground.

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Job xxxiii. 4 The Spirit of GOD hath made me, and the Breath of the ALMIGHTY hath given me Life.

Pfal. cxxxix. 13 For thou hast poffessed my Reins: thou hast covered me in my Mother's Womb.

14 I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvellous are thy Works, and that my Soul knoweth right well.

Is My Substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret ; and curiously wrought in the lowest

parts of the Earth.

16 Thine Eyes did see my Substance yet being unperfect, and in thy Book all my Members were written, which in Continuance were shioned, when as yet there was none

9 And out of the Ground made the LORD GOD to grow every Tree that is pleasant to the Sight, and good for Food: of them. the Tree of Life also in the midst of the Garden, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil,



And the LORD GOD took the Man, and put him into the Garden of Eden, to dress it and to keep it.

* Ezek. xxviii. 13 Thou hast been in Eden the Garden of God.

15 Thou wast perfect in thy Ways from the Day that thou wast created, till Iniquity was found in thee.

16 And the LORD Commanded the Man, faying, Of every Tree of the Garden thou mayst freely eat:

17 But of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and EVIL, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the Day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt SURELY DIE.

18 And the LORD GOD faid, It is not good that the Man should be alone: I will make him an help meet for him.

19 And out of the Ground the LORD GOD formed every Beast of the Field, and every Fowl of the Air, and brought them unto Adam to fee what he would call them and whatfoever Adam called every living Creature, that was the Name thereof.

20 And Adam gave Names to all the Cattle, and to the Fowls of the Air, and to every Beast of the Field: but for Adam there was not found an Help meet for him.

21 And the LORD GOD caused a deep Sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his Ribs, and clofed up the Flesh in stead thereof.

22 And the Rib, which the LORD GOD had taken from Man, made he a Woman, and brought her to the Man.

23 And Adam faid, This is now Bone of my Bones, and Flesh of my Flesh: the shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Cor. xi. 8 The Man is not of the Woman, but the Woman of the


9 Neither was the Man created for the Woman: but the Woman for

the Man

11 Neither is the Man without the Woman, neither the Woman without

the Man in the LORD.

12 For as the Woman is of the

Man, even fo is the Man also by the
Woman: but all things of GOD.

Ephef. v. 31 For this Cause shalt a Man leave his Father and Mother, and shall be joined unto his Wife, and they two thall be one Fleth.

24 Therefore shall a Man
leave his Father and his Mo-
ther, and shall cleave unto his
Wife: and they shall be one Flesh.

25 And they were both naked, the Man and his Wife, and were not afhamed.

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1 The Serpent deceiveth Eve. 6 Man's Fall. 9 God arraigneth them. 14 The Serpent is cursed. 15 The promised Sced.

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