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N this BOOK is contained a REPETITION of the Law that was delivered to MOSES upon Mount SINAI, who with great ELOQUENCE represents the many BLESSINGS and Felicities that the Hebrews should enjoy while they continued in their OBEDIENCE; and the TERRIBLE VENGEANCE that should come upon the whole NATION upon their TRANSGRESSIONS and DISOBEDIENCE.

It ought to be confidered, that these PROMISES and THREATNINGS were not RECORDED for the Instruction of the Ifraelites only, but for Those also to whom the last DISPENSATION that God has given to Mankind is RE


Ром. XV.


FOR whatsoever Things WRITTEN afore

Ver.4 time were WRITTEN for our LEARNING, that we through PATIENCE and COMFORT of the Scriptures might have HOPE.

As our SAVIOUR came not to destroy, but to fulfil the Law; and as his PRECEPTS contain the Perfection of it: So the REWARDS promised, and the THREATNINGS denounced in the Gospel, far exceed those of the Law.

Most of the Promises delivered by Mofes, were the Affurances of a TEMPORAL FELICITY to be enjoyed in the Land of Canaan.


The PROMISES made to those that BELIEVE and OBEY the GOSPEL are of a much SUBLIMER Nature, not confined to a fhort and very uncertain Life, but extending to that which is UNALTERABLE and ETERNAL; where is prepared for those that LOVE and SERVE the ALMIGHTY, such REWARDS which EYE hath not SEEN, nor EAR HEARD, nor hath it ENTRED into the HEART of Man to


The THREATNINGS also of the GOSPEL, so far exceed thofe of the Law, as the Vengeance denounced by the one is TEMPORAL, and that by the other ETERNAL; MOSES to enforce his PERSWĄSIONS, reminds the Ifraelites of the TREMENDOUS Appearance of the DIVINE MAJESTY upon Mount Sinai, from whence the Law was given; which by the Apostle to the Hebrews is most elegantly expressed in the following Words:


Ver. 18 Y


E are not come unto the MOUNT that might be touched, and that BURNED with FIRE, nor

unto BLACKNness, and Darkness, and TEMPEST.

19 And the Sound of a TRUMPET, and the VOICE Of Words, which VOICE they that heard, intreated that the WORD should not be spoken to them any more :

20 (For they could not ENDURE that which was comMANDED. And if so much as a Beast touch the Mountain, it shall he stoned, or thrust through with a Dart.

21 And so TERRIBLE was the SIGHT, that Moses said, I exceedingly Fear and QUAKE.)

22 But ye are come unto Mount SION, and unto the CITY of the LIVING Gop, the HEAVENLY JERUSALEM, and to an innumerable Company of ANGELS,

23 To the General Afsembly and CHURCH of the FIRSTBORN, which are written in HEAVEN, and to God the JUDGE of all, and to the SPIRITS of JUST Men made PER


24 And to JESUS the MEDIATOR of the NEW COVE NANT, and to the BLOOD of Sprinkling, that speaketh BETTER THINGS than that of Abel.

From which Representation the Apostle draws the following Conclufion:

25 See that ye REFUSE not him that SPEAKETH: for if they ESCAPED not who REFUSED him that SPAKE on EARTH, much more shall not we ESCAPE if we Turn away from HIM that SPEAKETH from HEAVEN.

26 Whose VOICE then SHOOK the EARTH : but now he hath promifed, faying, Yet once more I SHAKE not the EARTH only, but also HEAVEN.

27 And this Word, Yet once more fignifieth the REMOVING of those Things that are SHAKEN, as of Things that are made, that those Things which cannot be SHAKEN, may REMAIN.

28 Wherefore we RECEiving a KiNGDOM which cannot be moved, let us have Grace, whereby we may SERVE GOD ACCEPTABLY, with REVERENCE and GODLY FEAR. 29 For our God is a CONSUMING FIRE.

It may not here be improper to add the MAGNIFICENT Representation of the GLORY, MAJESTY, and TERROR with which our SAVIOUR shall appear when he comes to JUDGE the World.

Ver. 31 W


HEN the SON OF MAN shall COME in his
GLORY, and all the holy ANGELS with him,

then shall he sIT upon the THRONE of his GLORY.

32 And BEFORE him shall be GATHERED all NATIONS; and he shall SEPARATE them one from another, as a Shepherd divideth his Sheep from the Goats.

33 And he shall SET the SHEEP on his RIGHT HAND, but the Goats on the LEFT.

34 Then shall the KING say unto them on his RIGHT HAND, COME YE BLESSED of my Father, INHERIT the KINGDOM prepared for you from the FOUNDATION of the WORLD.

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the Left Hand, DEPART from me ye CURSED, into EVERLASTING FIRE, prepared for the DEVIL and his Angels.

46 And these shall go away into EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT, but the Righteous into LIFE ETERNAL.

Ver. 31 GODI


OD hath appointed a Day, in the which he will JUDGE the WORLD in Righteousness, by that MAN whom he hath ORDAINED; whereof he hath given ASSURANCE unto all Men, in that he hath RAISED him from the DEAD.


Ver. 7 THE LORD JESUS shall be REVEALED from Hea


8 In FLAMING FIRE, taking VENGEANCE on them that KNOW not God, and obey not the GOSPEL of our LorD JESUS CHRIST.

9 Who shall be PUNISHED with an EVERLASTING DESTRUCTION from the PRESENCE of the LORD, and from the GLORY of his POWER;

10 When he shall COME to be GLORIFIED in his SAINTS, and to be ADMIRED in all them that BELIEVE.



Ver. 28 H

E that DESPISED Moses's Law, DIED without
Mercy under two or three Witnesses.

29 Of how much SORER PUNISHMENT suppose ye shall he be thought worthy, who hath TRODDEN under Foor the Son of God, and hath COUNTED the Blood of the COVENANT wherewith he was fanctified an UNHOLY Thing, and hath done DESPITE unto the SPIRIT of GracE.

30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompenfe, faith the Lord. And again, the Lord shall JUDGE his PEOPLE.

Ver. 52 T


Ver. 16


HE TRUMPET shall found, and the DEAD shall be RAISED incorruptible, and we shall be


HE LORD himself shall DESCEND from HEA

T VEN with a Shout, with the Voice of the

Archangel, and with the TRUMP of God, and the Dead in CHRIST shall rise first.


17 Then we which are alive and remain, shall be CAUGHT up together with them in the Clouds, to MEET the LORD in the Air: and so shall we EVER be with the LORD.



Ver.11 NDI faw a great wHITE THRONE, and him that sat on it, from whose FACE the EARTH and the HEAVEN Fled away, and there was found no Place for them.

12 And I Saw the Dead, SMALL and GREAT, STAND before GoD; and the Books were OPENED : and another Book was opened which is the Book of LIFE : and the DEAD were JUDGED out of those Things which were written in the Books according to their Works.

13 And the SEA gave up the DEAD which were in it, and DEATH and HELL gave up the DEAD which were in them: and they were JUDGED évery Man according to their WORKS.

14 And DEATH and HELL were cast into the LAKE of FIRE: This is the SECOND DEATH.

15 And whosoever was not found written in the Book

of LIFE, was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE.



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