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the subject of discourse, and if any had received special spiritual benefit.

During the night of Sunday, June the 8th, 1862, she was seized with that affliction which terminated her valuable life. From the first she had a conviction that it would prove fatal: but this produced no fear. She knew whom she had believed, and committed to Him the keeping of her soul, with unshaken confidence. She began to set her earthly house in order. Nothing necessary to be done seemed to escape her attention. Her sufferings night and day were in describable, so as to awaken the tenderest sympathy of her relatives and friends, But no murmur was heard. While others wept to witness what she was called to endure, she was calm, patient, and resigned. Addressing her kind medical attendant, she said, "Doctor, if I had to seek religion now, I could not do it. But I gave my heart to God more than forty years ago; and I have no dread. I am on the Rock." Her frequent prayer was, "Lord, allow me to depart," in which those who loved her most were constrained to join, that she might be freed from her intense sufferings. Repeatedly she expressed her desire in the language of the beautiful hymn,

"Jesu, Lover of my soul,

Let me to Thy bosom fly,-"

emphatically dwelling on the latter part of the verse, and adding, "The storm of life will soon be past; yes, soon be past." On the dawn of Sunday, the 13th, she expressed herself as being disappointed to find she was still in the body; observing, "I had hoped to spend this Sabbath in heaven. Lord, take me to Thyself." Through the night she was filled with holy joy. Her husband having retired to obtain a little sleep, she requested he might be called to witness her blessedness; and, when he entered the room, she said, "I want you to hear me. Praise-praise! glory-glory!" She then requested him to retire and seek repose. Thus, by the goodness of God, and the power of grace, could she joy in tribulation. One of her complicated pains was a distressing sense of suffocation. Passing through a violent paroxysm of this kind, she cried out, "Give me a drink of water. I want breath to praise the Lord."

Very early in the morning of the 16th, she desired to commemorate the death of her Saviour, and that her husband should administer the Sacrament to her. He did so; and it was a season of great

solemnity. The silence of the hour,-the feeling that we were "quite in the verge of heaven," - her fervent responses to the appropriate prayers, -all gave that scene a dignity, a glory, and an affecting interest, which language fails to express. Pausing for a moment, she inquired, "Is there nothing more?" She paused, and then, with distinct voice, added, "Put a shilling on the plate," showing that she did not consider the commemoration complete without an offering for the poor.

The following day, in answer to her prayer that she might for a season have ease, she sunk into quiet sleep, which lasted several hours. When she awoke, it was evident the final hour had arrived. Her husband, nurse, and servant knelt in solemn, silent prayer; and, without a sigh or struggle, her happy spirit left the suffering tabernacle, to enter the mansion where sickness and sorrow are unknown. The bereaved one, having closed her eyes, could not forbear from saying:

"Happy soul, thy days are ended,
All thy mourning days below;
Go, by angel-guards attended,

To the sight of Jesus, go!"

Thus departed the kind friend, the humble, devoted Christian, and one of the best of wives. From her youth she had served her Lord with a loving heart, fervent mind, and obedient life; and in death He was her strength, joy, and salvation. Her remains rest in the Brompton Cemetery, in the same grave with two sisters, who but a few months ago departed in the faith and peace of the Gospel. They began together the life of grace; and now they are united in the endless life of glory.

W. N.

MARY DICKINSON, whose maiden name was Leadley, was born at Nafferton, in the East-Riding of the county of York. She was brought to a saving acquaintance with Christ when twentytwo years of age, and afterwards made it her chief concern to adorn the doctrine of God her Saviour in all things. She was a firm believer in the doctrines taught by the Wesleyan Methodista. and for forty-eight years was a consistent member of their church; cheerfully availing herself of all opportunities of attending the means of grace. Though resid residing for twenty years at a con siderable distance from her own place of worship, her attendance was an example to others. Her humility of mind, and ber diligence in the things belonging to sal vation, made her profiting appear to all. Being the mother of a large family,

she deeply felt her responsibility, and wrestled hard for their salvation. And in this respect she was signally blessed, inasmuch as she lived to see several of her children converted to God, and some of them holding official positions in the church. Not only did she embrace and hold fast the doctrines of Methodism, but she also admired its polity. In the time of agitation, when some of her family, then young and inexperienced in the things of God, (having been but recently brought to a saving knowledge of the truth,) were pressed hard to make common cause with seceders who had met with them in class, the writer of these lines was unspeakably glad to find his efforts to keep them in the right way ably seconded by her who has now gone to her


FEBRUARY 24th, 1863. -At Bilston, Eliza beth, the beloved wife of Mr. G. E. Lambert. She was brought into the enjoyment of religion in early life, and for many years exhibited the beauty and consistency of the Christian character. She was a woman of "a meek and quiet spirit." Her devotion to Christ was sincere, and her attachment to His service unwavering. At her classmeeting she was invariably present when health permitted. For nearly eight years she suffered from partial paralysis; but she suffered without complaining. In her last illness she contemplated death with calmness, and spoke of her decease without reserve or fear. Firmly relying upon the atonement, and with a joyful hope of everlasting life, she "fell asleep," in the thirtysixth year of her age. G. C.

May 12th.At Littleport, in the Ely Circuit, aged sixty-one, Mr. Matthew Cheesewright; who had been a devoted follower of the Lord Jesus Christ about twenty-five years. He was a man of unaffected piety, unblemished reputation, and extensive usefulness. As a class-leader, a public speaker, a Circuit-steward, &c., he was faithful to God and His cause; manifesting strict integrity of character, and loyal attachment to Methodism, especially when circumstances rendered these qualities the more valuable and conspicuous. Many years the ministers of Christ had a hearty welcome at his hospitable dwelling. His last illness was severe, but he bore it with patience and resignation, until the Master said, "It is enough." He then went triumphant home, exclaiming, "Glory! glory!" W. S.

June 22d. At Carlisle, Thomas Taylor Hodgson, aged twenty-three; a young man of serious deportment and deep piety. At the age of sixteen he was converted, and began to teach in the Sunday-school, -to

everlasting reward. Those who honour God are honoured by Him. So it was with our departed sister: for, having honoured God by a life of obedience, she was honoured by Him with more than ordinary favours. She enjoyed a constant sense of her acceptance; and, experiencing much of His presence, was upheld in trials, supported in temptations; and, when she came to face her last foe, she had no slavish fear of death, but could calmly wait, through a severe and protracted affliction, for the appearing of her Lord. When the Master called, she cheerfully resigned her spirit into His hands, closing her earthly career with His praises on her lips, on the 31st of July, 1862.



which institution he ever afterwards felt a strong attachment. For a short time he laboured as a Local preacher, with diligence and fidelity. He had the prospect of serving for years to come in the Lord's vineyard; but the Master signed his discharge, and after a few days of severe suffering he was taken to His rest in heaven. He lived respected, and died lamented. G. R.

July 20th. At Hayfield, in the NewMills Circuit, Samuel Waterhouse, Esq. He was born in 1784. In youth he was known as of a reserved disposition, and of good moral character. His mind was brought under the influence of Divine truth in the Sabbath-school. The understanding was enlightened, and moral principle strengthened; but it was not till he was about twenty-eight years of age that he was deeply awakened to a sense of his guilt and danger as a sinner in the sight of God. He then fled from the wrath to come with a broken

heart and contrite spirit he trusted in Jesus as having made atonement for his transgressions, and obtained peace through believing. Through a long life, notwithstanding peculiarities of mental temperament, he gave evidence of the reality and power of religion, in his love of the means of grace, and in the purity and general rectitude of his conduct. When he became possessed of considerable property, he recognised the claims of the great Master, and showed his. regard for Wesleyan Methodism by various donations during his life-time, and still larger bequests to the various funds of the Connexion, as also to other charities. His end was sudden; but he had long had premonitory symptoms, and there is every reason to believe that he was found with his "loins girt," and his "lamp burning."

G. T.

August 4th. At Tuxford, in the Retford Circuit, Mrs. Cotton, aged fifty-eight. She

was convinced of sin under the Wesleyan
ministry, and became a member of the
church in 1834. In the midst of painful
opposition she perseveringly maintained her
holy profession, never shrinking from the
In the
performance of family-worship.
training of her only child, and in rebuking
evil-doers, the mildness and firmness of her
character beautifully appeared. For many
years her house was open to the ambassadors
of Christ; and one of her last labours of love
was in behalf of a larger chapel in Tuxford.
-She had long been feeble, and toward the
close of life she suffered much, but without
murmuring. Some of her last words were,
"I did not think that dying would be thus:
C. P.
all is light. I am on the Rock."

August 10th.-At Bolton, Mary Anne, the beloved wife of Thomas Taylor, Esq. Very early in life she was brought to the knowledge of her Saviour; and was thus prepared for a life of Christian activity, and patient endurance of suffering. From the first she was a decided and consistent Christian; displaying much of the meekness and lowliness of her Lord. She was a fine instance of combined liberality of sentiment and strict rectitude, of womanly gentleness and strength. Her Christian fortitude, daily renewed at the throne of grace, comforted the hearts of those who watched her decline; until, in answer to her last and earnest prayer, "patience" had "her perfect work." The last few weeks of her life were passed in a state of unconsciousness; which became so complete as to prevent all intercourse with friends, and was broken only by her entrance into the "fulness of life," and perfect "communion of saints." "The heart of her husband did safely trust in her;" and "her children arise up, and call her blessed." J. M.

August 15th. Near Spalding, aged

many. The nature of his last affliction pre-
vented much conversation; but his friends
are cheered by the assurance that he had
long been maturing for the heavenly state,
and that he now shares the blessedness of
the servant whom the Lord when He cometh
shall find watching. His latest testimony
was, "All is right-all is well.-I am going
to heaven!"
J. P. L.

August 27th.-At Pendleton, in the
Irwell-street Circuit, Manchester, Florence
Appleyard, who was born in the village of
Balcarry, Somersetshire, May, 1788. When
seventeen years old, she obtained salvation
through faith in Jesus Christ, under the
teaching of the Methodist ministry. In 1813
she became the wife of the Rev. John Apple-
yard, with whom she lived lovingly until
1826, when he died. Many years of her
widowhood were spent at Frome, where she
was "well reported of for good works." She
"brought up children," among whom is the
Rev. J. W. Appleyard of Mount Coke,
South Africa; she "relieved the afflicted,"
and "diligently followed every good work."
On her removal from Frome, much of her
opportunity for active work in the church
ceased; but in more private life she attained
by the grace of God a sweet maturity of
Christian gentleness, and trust, and purity.
The months of her last sickness were bright-
ened with much thankfulness, and with
delight in God. Her life closed with cheerful
anticipations of the better life beyond death,
wherein "He that sitteth on the throne"
makes "all things new."
G. O. B.

September 20th. -At Bramley, the Rev. James Allen, 1st. An early conversion to God was the commencement of a religious career which increased in beauty and power to the close of life. He received an early

appointment as class-leader; an office well

eighty-one, Mrs. Cotton. Forty-three years ago, under the ministry of the Rev. John Lewis, who had just returned from NovaScotia, her heart was fixed to serve the Lord. Having found peace with God through faith in Christ, she pursued a course of humble and obedient love to the end. In age and feebleness, she fell down in her bed-room, about fifteen weeks before her death, and broke her leg. She bore patiently the consequent sufferings, and submissively longed for her release, that she might "go home, and dwell with Jesus." She died in peace, and passed to the land of the blessed.

R. T.

August 25th. -At Bramley, Mr. John Lupton, aged seventy. Converted to God in early life, he was for more than half a century a member of the Methodist Society, and for forty years a gifted and useful leader; during which period he frequently sustained other offices of trust and responsibility. By unbending integrity in his commercial transactions, and by virtues in the domestic circle, and in the church, he won the esteem of

sustained by his grave and consistent bearing. He entered the ministry in 1806, and for forty-eight years discharged its duties with fidelity, acceptance, and success. Among the fruit of his labours are several now occupying important stations in the church of Christ. In 1854 indications of failing health rendered retirement from full work expedient; and during the last eight years he resided at Bramley, delighting to render such services as his remaining strength allowed: services which were performed with a zeal and efficiency most remarkable. Fidelity to Christ, and uncompromising attachment to the church of his choice, in combination with true catholicity of spirit, were prominent traits in his character. He had for some years consistently testified that "the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin;" and the last messenger found him calmly waiting, with girt loins and sandalled feet, for the coming of the Lord.-The few utterances which exhausted nature allowed were full of confidence and joy. His death was in beautiful keeping with a life of purity J. P. L and love.


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