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fining some in prison, and procuring others is hard for thee to kick against the pricks." to be put to death.

As if the blessed Jesus had said, "All thy attempts to extirpate the faith in me will prove abortive; and like kicking against the spikes, wound and torment

Saul was sufficiently convinced of his folly in having acted against Jesus, whom he was now assured to be the true Messiah, and asked, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" On which the blessed Jesus replied, "Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do."

Nor could Jerusalem and the adjacent parts confine his fiery zeal; he applied to the Sanhedrim, and procured a commission | thyself." from that court to extend his persecution to Damascus. How infernally insatiable is the fury of a misguided zeal! How restless and unwearied in its designs of cruelty! It had already sufficiently harrassed the poor christians at Jerusalem ; but not content with this, it persecuted them even to strange cities, even to Damascus itself, whither many of them had fled for shelter, resolving to bring them back to Jerusalem, in order to their punishment and execution.

It may not be improper here to observe, that the Jewish Sanhedrim had not only the power of seizing and scourging offenders against their law within the bounds of their own country, but by the connivance and favour of the Romans, might send into other countries, where there were any synagogues that acknowledged a dependance in religious affairs upon the council of Jerusalem, to apprehened them: and accordingly Saul was sent to Damascus to apprehend what christians he could find in that city, and bring them bound to Jerusalem.

But it was the will of Providence he should be employed in a work of a very different nature, and accordingly he was stopped in his journey. For as he was travelling between Jerusalem and Damascus, to execute the commission of the Jewish Sanhedrim, arefulgent light, far exceeding the brightness of the sun, darted upon him; at which both him and his companions were terribly amazed and confounded, and immediately fell prostrate on the ground. While they lay in this state, a voice was heard in the Hebrew language, saying, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?” To which Saul replied, "Who art thou, Lord?" And was immediately answered, "I am Jesus, whom thou persecutest: It

The company which were with him heard the voice, but did not see the person who spake from heaven. In all probability they were ignorant of the Hebrew language, and therefore only heard a confused sound: for the apostle himself tells, that they heard not the voice of him that spake ; that is, they did not understand what was spoken.

The apostle now arose from the earth, but found himself deprived of sight, the resplendent brightness of the vision being too intense for mortal eyes to behold. His companions, therefore, led him by the hand to the city of Damascus, where he entered the house of Judas, and remained there three days without sight, nor did he either eat or drink, but spent his time in prayer to the Almighty, beseeching him to pardon the sins of his ignorance and blinded zeal.

In the mean time our blessed Saviour ap peared in a vision to Ananias, a very devout and religious man, highly esteemed by all the inhabitants of Damascus, though he professed the religion of the crucified Jesus, commanding him to go into such a street in the city, and inquire in the house of Judas for one Saul of Tarsus, then offering up the most fervent prayers to the throne of grace. "And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the street, which is called straight, and inquire in the house of Judas, for one called Saul of Tarsus: for behold he prayeth,

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and hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight."

Ananias, who was ever ready to obey the commands of the Most High, startled at the name, having heard of the bloody practices of Saul at Jerusalem, and what commission he was now come to execute in Damascus. He, therefore, suspected that his conversion was nothing more than a snare artfully laid by him against the christians.

But our blessed Saviour soon removed his apprehensions, by telling him that his suspicions were entirely destitute of foundation; and that he had now taken him as a chosen vessel to preach the gospel both to the Jews and Gentiles, and even before the greatest monarchs of the earth. "Go thy way, said he, for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to hear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel." At the same time he acquainted him with the great persecutions he should undergo for the sake of the gospel : "For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake."

This quieted the fears of Ananias, who immediately obeyed the heavenly vision, repaired to the house of Judas, and, laying his hands upon Saul, addressed him in words to this effect: - " That Jesus, said he, who appeared to thee in the way, hath sent me to restore thy sight, and by the infusion of his spirit to give thee the knowledge of those truths, which thou hast blindly and ignorantly persecuted; but who now is willing to receive thee by baptism into his church, and make thee a member of his body."

the Gospel to those Christians he came with an intention to destroy, at the same time boldly asserting, that Jesus was the Christ the Son of God; and proving it to the Jews, with such demonstrative evidence, that they were confounded, and found it impossible to answer him.


Continuation of the Life of St. Paul, from the Time of his Conversion, till the Council was held at Jerusalem.

THE miraculous convert, at the instance

of the divine command, retired into Arabia Petræa, where he received a full revelation of all the mysteries of christianity; for he himself declares that he conversed not with flesh and blood. Having preached in several parts of that country some time, he returned again to Damascus, applying himself, with the utmost assiduity to the great work of the ministry, frequenting the synagogues there, powerfully confuting the objections commonly made by the descendants of Jacob against Jesus of Nazareth, and converting great numbers of Jews and Gentiles.

He was, indeed, remarkably zealous in his preaching, and blessed with a very extraordinary method of reasoning, whereby he proved the fundamental points of christianity beyond exception. This irritated the Jews to the highest degree; and at length, after two or three years continuance in those parts, they found means to prevail on the governor of Damascus to have him put to death. But they knew it would be difficult to take him, as he had so many friends in the city; they, therefore, kept themselves in a continual watch, searched all the houses where they supposed he might conceal himself, and also obtained a guard from the governor to observe the gates, in order to

This speech was no sooner pronounced, than there fell from his eyes thick films resembling scales, and he received his sight; and after baptism conversed with the christians of Damascus. Nor did he only converse with them; he, also, to the great astonishment of the whole church, preached ❘ prevent his escaping from them.

In this distress his christian friends were far from deserting him; they tried every method that offered to procure his escape; but finding it impossible for him to pass thro' either of the gates of the city, they let him down from one of their houses through a

lation soon prevailed all over the world; and the latter was in a few ages almost entirely forgotten.

About this time'a terrible famine, foretold by Agabus, happened in several parts of the

window in a basket over the wall, by which | Roman empire, particularly Judea, which

means the cruel designs of his enemies were rendered abortive.

Having thus escaped from his malicious persecutors, he repaired to Jerusalem, and on his arrival, addressed himself to the church. But they knowing well the former temper and principles of the great persecutor, shunned his company, till Barnabas brought him to Peter, who was not yet cast into prison, and to James, bishop of Jerusalem, informing them of his miraculous conversion, and that he had preached the gospel with the greatest boldness to the synagogues of Damascus; upon which they gladly received him, and familiarly entertained him fifteen days.

During this interval, he was remarkably assiduous in preaching the gospel of the Son of God, and confuting the Hellenest Jews with the greatest courage and resolution. But snares were laid for him, as malice can as easily cease to be, as to remain inactive. Being warned by God in a vision, that his testimony would not be received at Jerusalem, he thought proper to depart, and preach the gospel to the Gentiles. Accordingly, being conducted by his brethren to CæsareaPhilippi, he set sail for Tarsus, his native city; from whence he was soon after brought by Barnabas to Antioch, to assist him in propagating christianity in that city.

In this employment he spent one whole

induced the christians at Antioch to compassionate the miseries of their brethren at Jerusalem. They accordingly raised considerable contributions for their relief, which they sent to the capital of Judea, by the hands of Barnabas and Saul, who immediately after executing their commission, returned to Antioch. But while they were performing the public exercises of religion, it was revealed to them by the Holy Ghost, that they should "set apart Barnabas and Saul," to preach the gospel in other places : which was accordingly done, and they were immediately deputed for that service by prayer, fasting, and imposition of hands.

The first place they visited was Saleucia, where they did not continue long, but sailed for Cyprus; and at Salamis, a great city in that island, they preached in the synagogue of the Jews. From hence they removed to Phaos, the residence of Serigus Paulus, the pro-consul of the island, a man of great wisdom and prudence, but miserably seduced by the wicked artifices of Bar Jesus, a Jewish impostor, who stiled himself Elymas, or the magician, vehemently opposed the apostles, and kept the pro-consul from embracing the faith.

The pro-consul, however, called for the apostles, who, after severely checking Elymas for his malicious opposition to the truth, told him the divine vengeance was now

year, and had the satisfaction of seeing ❘ ready to seize upon him; and immediately

the gospel flourish in a very remarkable


It was in this city that the disciples first acquired the name of christians, before which they were stiled Nazarenes; but this appel

he was deprived of his sight. The vengeance of the Almighty was remarkably displayed in this punishment, by depriving him of his bodily eyes, who had so wilfully and maliciously shut those of his mind against the light of the gospel, and

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