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" what art thou good for? Thou art not worth to me, no, not the taking off of the ground. One of those knives is worth all this heap. I have no manner of use for thee. E'en remain where thou art and go to the bottom as a creature whose life is not worth... "
The Novels and Miscellaneous Works of Daniel Defoe - Page 43
de Daniel Defoe - 1868
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The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe ...: With an Account of ..., Volume 1

Daniel Defoe - 1790 - 304 pages
...eight, fome gold and fome filver. I fmiled to myfelf at the fight of this money. O drug ! faid I aloud, what art thou good for? Thou art not worth to me, no, not the taking off the ground ; one of thofe knives is worth all this heap ; I have no manner of ufe for thee ; e'en remain where thou art,...
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The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of ..., Volume 1

Daniel Defoe - 1790 - 436 pages
...eight, fome gold, fome filver. I fmiled to myfelf at the fight of this money. O Drug ! faid I, aloud, what art thou good for ? thou art not worth to me, no not the taking off of the ground ; one of thofe knives is worth all this heap ; I have no manner of ufe for thee, even...
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The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: Of York ...

Daniel Defoe - 1790 - 966 pages
...eight, fome gold, fome filver. I fmiled to myfelf at the fight of this money. O Drug ! faid I, aloud, what art thou good for ? thou art not worth to me, no not the taking off of the ground : one of thofe knives is worth all this heap : I have no manner of ufe for thee, even...
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The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe ...

Daniel Defoe - 1805 - 316 pages
...fome gold, and forne filver. 1 l'miled to myfelf at the fight of this money. Oh tlrug ! faid I aloud, what art thou good for ? Thou art not worth to me, no, not the taking off the ground ; one of thofe knives is worth all this heap ; I have no manner of ufe for thee ; e'en remain where thou art,...
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The Life and Aventures of Robinson Crusoe: To which is Prefixed a ...

Daniel Defoe - 1810 - 352 pages, some silver. I smiled to myself at the sight of this money. — " O drug !" said I, aloud, " what art thou good for ? thou art not worth to me, no not the taking off of the ground ; one of those knives is worth all this heap ; I have no manner of use for thee ; even...
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Crusoe, written by himself [by D. Defoe

Daniel Defoe - 1815 - 602 pages
...О <!rug ! I exclaimed, what art thou good for ? Tliou art not worth to me, no, not tlic taking oflf the ground ; one of those knives is worth all this...manner of use for thee; e'en remain where thou art, nnd со to the bottom, ns a thing not worth saving. However, upon second thoughts, I took it away,...
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The British Novelists: With an Essay, and Prefaces ..., Volume 16,Partie 1

1820 - 368 pages
...eight, some gold, and some silver. I smiled to myself at the sight of this money: 0 drug! said I aloud, what art thou good for? Thou art not worth to me, no, not the taking off G 2 But I was got home to my little tent, where I lay, with all my wealth about me very secure. It...
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The Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: With 22 Plates & a Life of the ...

Daniel Defoe, Henry Stebbing - 1838 - 562 pages
...some gold, some silver. I smiled to myself at the sight of this money. " O drug !" said I, aloud, " what art thou good for ? Thou art not worth to me,...worth all this heap. I have no manner of use for thee : even remain where thou art, and go to the bottom as a creature whose life is not worth saving!" However,...
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The works of Daniel De Foe [ed.] by W. Hazlitt, Volume 2

Daniel Defoe - 1840 - 1022 pages, and some silver. I smiled to myself at the sight of this money ; О drug I" said 1 aloud, '• what art thou good for? Thou art not worth to me, no, not the taking off of the ground ; one of these kni ves is worth all thii heap ; I have no manner of use for thee ; e'en...
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The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Volume 1

Daniel Defoe - 1840 - 416 pages, some silver. I smiled to myself at the sight of this money. — " 0 drug !" said I, aloud, " what art thou good for ? thou art not worth to me, no not the taking off of the ground ; one of those knives is worth all this heap ; I have no manner of use for thee ; even...
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