ROBINSON CRUSOE THE Life and strange surprising adventures of ROBINSON CRUSOE Of York mariner who lived eight-and-twenty years all-alone in an uninhabited island on the coast of America near the mouth of the great river Oroonoque having been cast on shore by shipwreck wherein all the men perished but himself-With an account how he was at last as strangely delivered by pirates-Also the farther adventures of ROBINSON CRUSOE and the strange surprising account of his travels round three parts of the globe - To which is added a Map of the World in which is delineated the voyages of ROBINSON CRUSOE Written by Himself A NEW EDITION REVISED AND CORRECTED FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF NAUTICAL EDUCATION ILLUSTRATED BY TECHNICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL ANNOTATION AND EMBELLISHED WITH MAPS AND ENGRAVINGS PRINTED BY J. GOLD NAVAL-CHRONICLE OFFICE SHOE-LANE FLEET-STREET AND PUBLISHED BY JOSEPH MAWMAN 39 LUDGATE-STREET THERE can be no risk in afirming, that "the Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe " possesses an intrinsic merit so excellent, so superlative, and, in it's kind, so various, as to constitute this book one of those rare productions which may appeal with unrivalled pretensions, to the favor of persons of all conditions, and minds of every construction and taste. The original manuscript, it is authentically known, was purchased in the year 1719, by one TAYLOR, after almost every bookseller had declined the offer;-a circumstance, less demonstrative, perhaps, of the superior discernment of that individual, than bespeaking a marvellous lack of judgment and taste elsewhere. It was published in two separate parts, successively. The first part* was ushered into the world by a preface, chiefly remarkable for it's brevity and simplicity. The original editor, DE FOE, anticipating, it seems, with the consciousness of desert, and also with that modesty which attends it, the approbation of the public, in his announcement says: "If ever the story of any private man's adventures in the world were worth making public, and were acceptable when published, the Editor of this account • Entered at Stationer's-hall for W. TAYLOR, the 23d April 1719. |