Encyclopaedia Perthensis; or, Universal dictionary of Knowledge. [With] Supp, Volume 22 |
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Encyclopaedia Perthensis; or, Universal dictionary of Knowledge ..., Volume 21 Encyclopaedia Perthensis Affichage du livre entier - 1816 |
Encyclopaedia Perthensis; or, Universal dictionary of Knowledge ..., Volume 10 Encyclopaedia Perthensis Affichage du livre entier - 1816 |
Encyclopaedia Perthensis; or, Universal dictionary of Knowledge ..., Volume 18 Encyclopaedia Perthensis Affichage du livre entier - 1816 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
againſt Agathocles alfo almoft alſo ancient army Bacon becauſe body cafe called caufe Chrift Chriftian coaft colour confequence confiderable confifts death diftance Dryd Dryden earth faid fame fays feated fecond feems feen fenfe fent Ferro feven feveral fhall fhould fide filk fince firft fituation fmall fome fometimes foon fpecies French French empire ftate ftill ftone fubject fuch fuppofe furface glafs greateſt Guftavus himſelf houfe Hudibras increaſe inftrument iſland king laft lefs meaſure miles SW Milton moft MONGULS Morocco moſt mountains muft neceffary obferved pafs perfon pofitive prefent province purpoſe reafon refraction reft rifes river Ruffia Saxon Scotland Shak Sicily ſmall Spain Spenfer ſtate Strabo Sweden Syria Tartars thefe themſelves thermometer theſe thing thofe thoſe thou tide tion town of China town of France town of Sweden ufed uſed whofe
Fréquemment cités
Page 275 - duft (halt thou eat all the days of thy life ; and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy feed and her feed ; it
Page 453 - the earth or other private place, the owner thereof being unknown ; in which cafe the treafure belongs to the king : but if he that hid it be known, or afterwards found out, the owner and not the king is intitled to it.
Page 452 - of high treafon in general is very folemn and terrible, i. That the offender be drawn to the gallows, and not be carried or walk; though ufually (by connivance, at length ripened by humanity into law) a fledge or hurdle is allowed, to preferve the offender from the
Page 467 - been held, that if the jurors do not agree in their verdict before the judges are about to leave the town, though they are not to be threatened or imprifoned, the judges are not bound to wait for them, but may carry them round the circuit from town to town in a cart.
Page 451 - our lord the king in his realm." And this may be done by taking arms, not only to dethrone the king, but under pretence to reform religion, or the laws, or to remove evil counsellors, or other grievances whether real or pretended. 4. •' If a man be adherent to the king's enemies in his realm, giving to them aid and comfort in the realm or elfewhere,
Page 465 - And this the faid A prays may be inquired of by the country ;" or, '• And of this he puts himfelf upon the country, and the faid B does the like ; the court awards a writ of venire
Page 468 - in court ; wherein the jury may, if they pleafe, vary from their privy verdict. So that the privy verdict is indeed a mere nullity ; and yet it is a dangerous practice, allowing time for the parties to tamper with the jury, and therefore very feldom indulged. But the only effectual and legal verdict is the
Page 284 - (Phil. ii. 6, 7. Gal. iv. 4, 5.) and that " the WORD who was in the beginning with God, and was God, by whom all things were made, was made
Page 394 - in work and labour, as that the parfon fhall have only the twelfth cock of hay, and not the tenth, in confideration of the owner's making it for him : fometimes, in lieu of a large quantity of crude or
Page 299 - the world began ; and prophecy came not at any time by the will of man, but holy men of God fpake as they were moved by the Holy Ghoft.