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heart; let me be filled with meeknefs and humility, and ever conformable to thy heavenly precepts. Aflift me, O bleffed Lord God of my falvation, thou art ready to forgive, and plentcous in mercy to all thofe who call upon thee, be thou, O Father of mercies, my guide and fupport through the awful valley of the fhadow of death, to the glorious manfions of liberty and joy. Grant thefe petitions, O heavenly Father, through the merits and mediation of thy Son, Jefus Chrift, our bleffed Lord and Saviour. Amen. Our Father.' &c.



OOK up my foul! Behold the last feeble beams of departing day blush faintly in the western skies; put thy trust in the Almighty, and thou shalt be fafe; trust in the Lord, and thou fhalt be free from danger. He will defend thee during the gloomy feafon of the night; he will change the darknefs to noon-day.


thou benevolent Parent of the univerfe, who regardeft the falling of a fparrow,


and haft provided for the fafety and happiness of the children of men. Take me, thou watchful Shepherd of Ifrael, into thy protection, during the gloomy feafon of the night. Folded in the arms of thy mercy, I shall be fafe; furrounded by thy fatherly protection, I fhall be free from danger. Let fincerity and juftice, mercy and humility, charity and forgivenefs diftinguish my character, that thy name may be honoured and glorified amongít men: hearken to my prayer, O Lord, and grant that I may perfift in my religious course, with courage and alacrity.

O Lord, protect me in every temptation, that when the mighty and potent enemies within and without would affail my virtue, I may keep my eye fixed on the never failing promife, that thou wilt defend those who put their trust in thee. Accept my endeavours and pardon my defects through the merits of Jefus Chrift, our mediator and advocate. Amen. Our Father, &c


EHOLD the chambers of the Eaft are adorned with glowing purple, and the dark fhadows of the night are flying before the lovely blushes of the morning. Remember, O my foul, that the benevolent Creator

of the univerfe, hath defended thee from the dangers and perils of the night, from the peftilence that walketh in darkness, and from the rage of blood-thirfty and cruel men. O, therefore praise the Lord for his goodness, and declare the wonders that he doth for the children of men!

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thou Creator of all things and fupreme Governor of the world, accept my morning facrifice of praife and thanksgiving for his fake who died for finners. Thanks be to thy name for the returning light, and for the measure of health and ftrength I now enjoy; but above all, for the capacity I have of knowing and ferving thee in every good word and work; thou art the fource of my happinefs, and the centre of my joys, my almighty and never failing portion! Yet, as my mortal nature is too weak to perform any good thing without thy affiftance, grant me, O Lord, fuch a portion of thy grace, that all my actions this day, may tend to promote thy glory, and the falvation of my own foul. Illuminate my mind with the lamp of heavenly wifdom, that I may perfectly know my duty, and the things that belong to my place; and aflift me with thy holy fpirit, that I may diligently

gently perform the one, and prudently chufe the other. Grant this, O merciful Father, for the merits of thy dear Son, Jefus Chrift, who, in compaffion to the innumerable frailties of human nature, has taught and commanded us, when we offer our prayers to the throne of grace, to fay; Our Father which art in Heaven, &c.



REAT is the Lord, and great is his power; his wifdom is infinite. He is about my path, and about my bed, and fpies out all my ways. To whom wilt thou fly for fafety from the dangers that furround thee! I will fly to God my Saviour; the rock of my Salvation, my streng tower, and my refuge.


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Lord God Almighty, whofe beneficence extends to all thy creatures, and whose tender mercies are over all thy works, I adore and magnify thy name for all the bleffings of thy providence, but above all, that there is a way of accefs opened by the death and paffion of thy bleffed Son; who was made manifeft

in the flesh, in order to bring finnners unto God, and finally to crown them with everlafting felicity. O let not thy mercies now come to and end; let me pass under the shadow of thy wings, through the darkness of the night, in comfort and in peace.

While I fleep, let my heart continue wakeful; preferve me from the difmal fleep of fin; and quench the fiery darts of the great enemy of mankind, fo artfully aimed against me. And whatever days thou fhalt please to add to my life, let them be devoted to thy honour and fervice, and employed in actions of kindnefs, beneficence, charity, and peace. Extend thy accustomed goodnefs, O thou great lover of mankind, to all that labour under affictions either in body or mind; give them ftrength and patience to bear the oppreflive weight of their forrows, or a speedy deliverance out of all their troubles, as thou in thy great wisdom fhall think beft for them. Grant this, O merciful Father, for the fake of thy dear Son, Jefus Chrift, the great Redeemer and Saviour of ioft mankind. Aemn. Aemn. Our Father, &c.



OOK down with pity, eternal God, on thy penitent fervant, proftrate at the


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