tents around our habitation, and we fhall be free from danger. Let our fleep be eafy and refreshing, to fit us for the duties of the following day. O teach us to commune with our own hearts upon our beds, and to meditate on thy wondrous, works in the night feason. Let our everlasting state never escape from our minds; and from the fweetnefs of our reft on our beds, let us reflect on that which will be far fweeter, our eternal rest in thy bofom. Banish from our minds all foolish and vain imaginations, and let us always think ourlves moft happy, when we meditate on thee,:: thou great Preferver of the children of men : Thou art our only hope; our fure rock of defence in the time of trouble. O vifit us with the favour thou beareft to thine own people; and infpire us all with fuch fteady refolutions to ferve thee, that we may never be faint or weary, in thy fervice. Make us, moft gracious God, fenfible, that thou art prefent every where: that our most fecret thoughts are open before thee; and that thou wilt reward every man according to his works. Send down thy bleffings, great Author of mankind, upon our governors both in church and flate. Grant that they may all, in their feveral ftations, promote happiness and peace among the people committed to their care, and and study the welfare of this Church and Kingdom. Let all our relations & friends, O God be partakers of thy bleffings, both fpiritual and temporal do good to thofe who have either done or wifhed us evil: & vouchfafe to grant us whatever thou knoweft to be beft, either for our present or eternal welfare, Extend, O heavenly Father, thy comfort to all those who are afflicted. or diftreffed, in mind body or eftate: give them patience and fubmiffion in their troubles; and an happy iflue out of all their afflictions: Grant thefe petitions, O God of our falvation, for the merits of thy dear Son, Jefus Chrift our Lord, in whofe bleffed name and words we conclude our imperfect Prayers. Our Father, &c. This may be read alone or added on Sunday Evening. G REAT and glorious Lord God, whofe ▼ throne is everlasting, thy power infinite, and thy mercies unbounded; accept the imperfect fervices we have this day performed. Pardon, we beseech thee, the imperfections thou haft this day feen in our devotions cover them with the unfpotted righteoufnefs of our dear Redeemer, and blot them out of the book of thy remembrance with his bloo O caft us not away from thy prefence nor takę take thy Holy Spirit from us. Make us more careful and circumfpect for the future; but do not reject our fervices, however imperfect. And grant O heavenly Father, that the words we have heard or read this day, may be fo ingrafted in our hearts, that they may bring forth in us the fruits of good living; and give us thy grace to do according to this rule, and conftantly walk in the paths of truth and holinefs, through Jesus Christ, our great and glorious Redeemer. AMEN. EJACULATION. merciful Father, that defpifeft not the fighing of a contrite heart, nor the defire of fuch as be forrowful; give us true repentance, and forgive us all our fins, negligences, and ignorances, and endue us with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, to amend our lives according to thy Holy Word. MONDAY MORNING, Lord God of our falvation, who alone ruleft over the defigns and counfels of and determineft their iffue by thy Almighty Power; thou who waft once manifefted in the flesh to deftroy the works of the De vil, vil, and didft make thine appearance in the world to put away fin, by the facrifice of thyfelf; fulfil in me this great defign of thy coming; bring near thy cross to my heart, and bruise in me whatever is ferpentine and diabolical; make me to know by experience the effectual workings of thine Almighty Power in fubduing thine and my fpiritual enemies; let me ftand a monument of thy grace on earth, and bring me as a trophy of thy victory to heaven: when fhall it be that my weary, heavy. laden foul fhall find in thee eternal repofe? Hide me in the cleft of the rock, in thy bleeding fide; there may I find a safe retreat till the ftorms of fin, till the billows of temptation are entirely overpaft; give me the wings of faith, that I may now fly to the hope fet before me in the Gofpel; and when this clog of earth that now weigheth down my fpirit fhall be shaken off in the duft, and my foul difimprifoned from its burdenfome tenement, then may the wings of love waft me to the haven where I would be, and bid an adieu to fin and forrow for ever. Hear me, O Lord God, of our falvation, fave thy people that truft in thee for the fake of Jefus Chrift our bleffed Lord and Saviour. AMEN, Our Father, &c T HE peace minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son, Jefus Chrift our Lord; & the bleffing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, be amongst us, and remain with us now and evermore. AMEN. EJACULATION. LESSED Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning; grant that we may in fuch wife hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digeft them, that by patience and comfort of thy holy word, we may embrace, and ever hold fast the bleffed hope of everlasting life, which thou haft given us in our Saviour Jefus Chrift. MONDAY EVENING. God of all grace, the Father of my fpirit, the Author of my being, the God in whom I live & move; hear my fupplications; liften to my requests: I am thine, fave me, for I have fought thy precepts; I am not my own, but bought with the ineftimable price of the death of the Son of thy bofom; forbid. it therefore that I should henceforth ferve any other Lord; without thee I can do nothing acceptable in thy fight; fave me from myfe f, from |