him the victory over all his enemies; replenifh him with the grace of thy holy fpirit, that he may always incline to thy will, and walk in thy way; and finally, after a long and glorious reign here, grant, that he may be numbered with thy faints in glory everlafting. O thou that art the hope of all the ends of the earth, illuminate, with the chearful beams of thy heavenly grace, the dark corners of the world, that have not yet known thy name. Remove the dark veil of ignorance and error from Jews, Heathens, and Hereticks; open their understandings, that they may know thee the only true God; that, with the reft of mankind who live in thy faith and fear, they may be partakers of that Crown of Glory reserved for them in thy heavenly kingdom. Grant thefe petitions, O heavenly father, thro' the merits and meditation of thy dear Son, Jefus Christ our Lord, in whofe bleffed name and words we continue thefe our imperfe&t prayers. Our Father, &c., This may be read alone or added on Sunday Father of all mercies, without whofe affiftance all our labours are vain. prepare our hearts this day for thy worship and fervice with fervent zeal & fincere devotion; that we may enter into thy gates with thansgiving, and into thy courts with praife: that no vain imagination imaginations may disturb our minds; no worldly bufinefs may divert our thoughts: that our prayers may be like incenfe acceptable to thee, through the interceffion of Jefus · Chrift. Affift us, O Lord, to attend diligently to the precepts and inftructions of thy holy word, that we may retain them in our minds, and that they may have a due influence on our lives and actions. So fhall we not be hearers only of thy word, but doers of thy will; and thence obtain the bleffing thou haft promised to all thy faithful fervants, Vouchsafe, we humbly befeech thee, O Lord, to hearken graciously to the prayers, and deign to accept the praifes, which this day are offered to thee by the holy Catholic Church; and all other divine. and religious affemblies throughout the world. Pour down thy bleffings, O heavenly father, that all who profefs and call themfelves Chriftians may be brought out of heresy and error; may be delivered from all errors, dangers and calamities; may depart from all iniquity, and devoutly ferve thee in. all manner of good works; till thou fhalt please to take them to thyfelf, and give them an inheritance in thine eternal kingdom. Hear our prayers, moft merciful Father, and grant the requests of our lips. Conduct us fafely through all the changes and chances of this mortal life; and, after this painful painful pilgrimage is over, receive us into thy heavenly kingdom, for the fake of thy beloved Son Jefus Chrift, our dear and only Saviour; who, in compaffion to the numerous infirmities of the children of men, hath taught and commanded us, when we offer our petitions to the throne of grace, to fay, Our Father, &c. R EJACULATION. EMEMBER not Lord, our offences, nor the offences of our forefathers, neither take thou vengeance upon us; fpare us, good Lord, fpare thy people, whom thou haft redeemed with thy precious blood, and be not angry with us forever. PRAYER FOR SUNDAY EVENING. GR NRE AT and glorious Lord God of hofts, how excellent is thy name in all the. world! The whole creation difplays thy pow er, thy wifdom, and thy goodness. We have often experienced thy mercies and gracious providences; and now render thee our most humble and hearty thanks for thefe unmerited bleffings. O God, who is like unto thee! Thou dwelleft in the higheft heavens, and yet humbleft B tents around our habitation, and we fhall be free from danger. Let our fleep be eafy and refreshing, to fit us for the duties of the following day. O teach us to commune with our own hearts upon our beds, and to meditate on thy wondrous, works in the night season, Let our everlasting state never escape from our minds; and from the fweetnefs of our reft on our beds, let us reflect on that which will be far fweeter, our eternal rest in thy bofom. Banifh from our minds all foolish and vain imaginations, and let us always think ourlves moft happy, when we meditate on thee, thou great Preferver of the children of men: Thou art our only hope; our fure rock of defence in the time of trouble. O vifit us with the favour thou beareft to thine own people; and infpire us all with fuch fteady refolutions to ferve thee, that we may never be faint or weary, in thy fervice. Make us, moft gracious God, fenfible, that thou art prefent every where: that our most fecret thoughts are open before thee; and that thou wilt reward every man according to his works. Send down thy bleffings, great Author of mankind, upon our governors both in church and state. Grant that they may all, in their feveral ftations, promote happiness and peace among the people committed to their care, and thefe ftupendous inftances of his loving kindnefs, and our voices be always declaring these wonderful acts of his bounty and mercy! O give us willing minds, and chearful hearts, to obey all thy commandments; and enable us to walk as become the fervants of the meek and holy Jefus. O guide our feet in the paths of righteoufnefs, and let us never think any condition of life, in which thou fhalt think fit to place us, unpleafant or uneafy. Let ns never murmur when we feel thy chaftifing hand; but always confider afflictions as intended for our advantage. Let us never grow impatient whenever we are exercifed by temptations, but reft in an humble and chearful refignation to thy will. And, O Father of mercies, and God of all confolation, fit and prepare us for the awful hour of death; let us never delay our repentance to the time of fickness and distress, when all the powers of nature fhall fail; when reafon fhall be thrown from her feat, and the faculty of recollection be no more. But let our thoughts be ever fixed on this great and tremendous event, that we may be always prepared for thy coming. Take us into thy protection this night, O thou great Shepherd of Ifrael who neither flumbereft nor fleeps: fpread thy wings over us, and we shall be fafe; command thy angels to pitch their |