AARON his eating and drinking in covenant, 240.
Abayh, the rite in, 8.
Abel: his blood-giving, 210-212; his proffer of himself to God, 211 f.; voice of blood, 359 f.
Abihu his eating and drinking in covenant, 240.
Abimelech his covenant with Abra- ham, 264 f.; his relation to Ahuz- zath, 267 f; his covenant with Isaac, 267 f.
Abraham: his surrender of Isaac, 166;
the friend of God, 215-221; his blood- giving, 217-221; his faith-testing, 224-230; his covenant with Abime- lech, 265 f.
Abram his first covenant with indi- viduals, 264 f.
Abydos, inscription in temple at, 301 Abyssinia: the slayer's blood drunk by
relatives of the slain in, 262 f.; cut- tings of face in, 368. Acosta: cited, 176 f. Adams: cited, 92, 190. Adoption of children, form of, in India, 194-196.
Eschylus: cited, 297.
Africa: life through new blood in, 125 f.;
heart-eating in, 129; blood from legs in, 235; blood-cancelling in, 261; blood-bathing in, 324. "Agreement bottle," before a wedding, 199 f.
Ahab's blood licked by dogs, 312 f. Ahuzzath and Abimelech, 267 f. Akkadian: traces of substitute sacri-
fices, 166; sacrifice of first-born, 300.
Alcedo cited, 131 f. Aleppo, the rite in, 8. Allingham: cited, 332.
Altar: a table of blood-bought com-
munion, 167 f., 189, 292 f.; sprink- ling blood upon, 243, 292; true les- son of, 255.
America: traces of the rite in, 43, 54- 56, 90 f.
America, Central and South: substitute
blood in covenant sacrifice in, 173- 178; heart for life in, 301 f. American Indians: Oriental customs among, 127; their sacrificing and
Appianus: cited, 72.
Arabia: the rite in, 62, 351; legend of life
through blood in, 119 f.; substitute blood in, 227, 347-349; balancing a blood account in, 261 f.; signifi- cance of blood in, 357.
Arabs sacrifice and feasting among, 179; their conception of liver and spleen, 304.
Araucanians: vicarious sacrifice among,
131 f.; traces of the rite among, 334. Arctic regions, heart for life in, 301 f. Aristotle cited, 38, 80.
Armenia, survivals of the rite in, 90. Arm blood from, in the rite, 5 f, 16, 18, 26, 30-32, 36 f., 49-51, 60- 62, 79-83, 235, 316; lifting up of, in oath, 235.
Armlet. See Bracelet.
Armpit, blood drawn from, 174 f. Arrack as substitute for blood, 193. Arriaga: cited, 115.
Arthur, King, legends of life through blood, 120 f.
Ashantees, heart-eating among, 129. Assiratum a drink of covenanting, 63 f. Assyria, traces of the rite in, 64, 75, 115, 165-169.
Assyrian kings: their claim of union with gods, 356. Athenæus cited, 170, 320. Atonement through life, not through death, 245 f., 287 f.; meaning of
word, 352; only through shared blood, 355. Augustine: his condemnation of cove- nant tokens, 238; on meaning of sacrifice, 357.
Aulus Gellius: cited, 72. Australia: belief as to blood in, 129; vi- carious blood-yielding in, 133; ring of flesh in, 331; giving of new name in, 335 f.; brotherhoods in, 338. "Avenger," "goel" not an, 259.. Aztecs: their ideas of divine-human inter-communion, 183; cannibalism among, 190.
BAAL, priests of, illustrating the rite, 89 f. Baal-bereeth," Master of the covenant:" 218 f.; at Shechem, 218 f. Babylon, traces of the rite in, 115, 165- 167.
Bähr: on blood-shedding in covenants,
297; on significance of blood, 354. Balfour: cited, 66.
Bancroft, H. H.: cited, 55, 90 f., 105-
Baths of blood. See Blood-bathing. Beasts: sacrifice of, in China, 152 f.;
sacrifice of, in India, 161; blood of, made sacred, 242.
Bed'ween: their blood brotherhood, 9 f.;
their sacrificing and feasting, 179; marriage customs among, 192; their justification in eating liver, 304. Beecham cited, 129.
Beer with and for blood, 13; as a sub- stitute for blood, 193, 367f.
Beer sheba, covenant at, 265. "Believed in," root-meaning of, 221. Belts and necklaces: of wampum, 326-
328; of red feathers, a divine-royal emblem in Tahiti, 328 f. Benson: cited, 93 f., 145. Berosus: cited, 112. Bheels: blood-anointing among, 136 f.;
covenant-drinking among, 198. Bible study: its wide range, 3. Bible, the a book for Orientals, 3; the
earliest reference to blood in, 210; indications of the rite in, 290-293. Bible terminology, traces of the rite in, 349 f.
Biblical research, gain through, 4. Birch: cited, 79, 81, 83, 100, 102, 236. Birdwood: cited, 109, 164.
Bixby, Dr. H. M., on the rite among Karens, 316.
Bleeding hand, sign of, in Tunis, 342. Bleek: cited, 301 f.
Blood: from arm, 5 f., 16, 18, 26, 30-32, 36 f., 49-51, 60-62, 79-83, 235, 316; from tongue, 9 f., 124; from stom- ach, 13; from forehead, 13, 90, 232, 320, 366 f.; from bosom, 45; from fingers, 59, 62, 96; offered to gods, in Central and South America, 105-107; in China, in India, in Phoenicia, 109; burial of, 109, 243 f.; as life, 110, 147, 241; mingled with mandrake juice, 111; in Greek legend, 112; transfusion of, in Tas- mania, 126; as a means of inspira- tion, 139-147; bearing witness, 143- 147; not death, but life, 148, 244; on door-posts in China, 153; from ears, from armpits, from under the girdle, 174 f.; from elbows, 175; sharing of, gives common life, 182 f.; of grapes, 191; earliest reference to, in Bible, 210; primitive teachings of, 210-215; abstinence from, en- joined, 215; from cheek, 218; min- gled with wine, 218 f.; waters of Egypt turned into, 231; the pass- over sign, 231 f.; from legs, 235, 313 f.; from parties to covenant, 240; forbidden as food, 240 f.; of beasts deemed sacred, 242; friend- ship through, 243; pre-eminence of, in sacrifices, 245; milk or, in blood-cancelling, 261 f.; vivifying power of, 284-286, 306 f.; used in leprosy, 287 f.; hands or weapons of confederates dipped in, 297; les- sons of, in Borneo, 308 f.; in mar- riage ceremony in Borneo, 309; in Tahiti, 337 f.; and butter in cove- nanting, 338; sharing makes union, 350; Sabean views of, 357 f.; effect of eating, 357 f; from wrist, 370; signatures of mutual covenants made in, in Japan, 371. Blood-anointing: in Arabia, 11, 119 f., 268; in North and South America, 90 f.; in Arthurian romance, 120 f.; among the Bheels, 136 f.; among the Caribs, 137 f.; among the Chi- nese, 154 f.; among Arabs, 268; among British Columbia Indians, 307 f.; among the Karens, 313 f.; among the Australians, 337 f; sig- nificance of, among Zuñis, 305-307. See, also, Blood-bathing. Blood-balancing: in Arabia, 261 f. See, also, Blood-cancelling. Blood-bathing: among Egyptians, 116- 118; in Scandinavia, 121 f.; among Brahmans, 122 f.; among Kafirs, 139: among Bechuanas, 324.
Blood brotherhood: by proxy, 13, 28; in China, in Burmah, in Madagascar,
in Borneo, in North and South America, in Brazil, in South Sea Islands, in Syria, among Malays, 43-58; in Persia, 370 f. Blood-cancelling: tariffs for, 260 f.; in Arabia, in Syria, 260-264; Bible references to, 263; in Africa, 261, 264. Blood covenant: a primitive Semitic rite, 4; still observed in the East, 5; description of, 5; in Syria, Aleppo, Hâsbayya, Abayh, among Koords, near Tyre and Sidon, 5-8; a perma- nent bond, 6 f.; among Arabs, 12; in Central África, 12-38; in Europe, 39, 40; in Borneo, 49-54; in Malay Archipelago, 52 f.; in Yucatan, 54 ; among American Indians, 54-56; in Brazil, 55; references to, in the classics, 58 65; in Scythia, 58 f.; in Armenia, 59 f.; traces of, in Hin- dostan, 67; traces of, in Egypt, 70, 75, 77-85, 99-105, 110 f.; traces of, in China, 153 f., 364; in ancient Guate- mala, 174; in the passover, 230-238; at Sinai, 238-240; in the Mosaic ritual, 240-263; in the Gospels, 271- 293; its application in Jesus Christ, 286-293; among Karens in Burmah, 313-316; among Shans, 316; traces of, in Scotland, 318-320; in ancient Germany, 320; in Australia, 335 f.; among Sclavic races, 366 f.; traces of, in modern Germany, 366-368; various modes of, combined in Per- sia, 370 f.
Blood-drinking: in covenant, 5 f., 9, 18,
41, 44-48, 50 f., 53, 58 f, 60, 126, 161 f., 200, 267; in the classics, 113 f.; for life, in France, 124; by Scythians,126,267; among fellâheen in Palestine, 130; in the Nibelungen Lied, 130; in Nubia, 131 f.; in Abys- sinia, 132 f; among the Hallenga, 132; in Masâi Land, 135 f.; in Himalayan districts, 141 f; in marriage, 191-193; prohibited in the Bible, 213 f., 240, 251; in Ab- yssinia, 262 f.; among American Indians, 304 f.; among Zuñis, 306; in Burmah, 314; among Shans, 316; in ancient Germany, 320; charged against Jews and Christians, 321; among Persians, 321, 365 f., 370: in Australia, 336; in the New Heb- rides, 371; between allies, in West- ern Asia, 371.
Blood friendship, divine-human, 245. See, also, Friendship. Blood-giving is life-giving, 96, 149; on Calvary, 285 f.
Blood-letting in love or sorrow, 85-89. Blood-lickers: among Arabs, 11;
Blood-money in Arabia, Palestine, Africa, 261 f.; among Bed'ween, 262; refusal to receive, 262 f. Blood-ransoming in various places, 324- 326. Blood-shedding in making covenants, 297. See, also, Human Sacrifice. Blood-sprinkling: in China, 152 f.; in Central America, 175; at Sinai, 239; upon altar, 243; rules observed by the priest in, 246. Blood-testifying, 143-147, 359 f. Blood transfusion: as a means of life, 115-126, 242; in Germany, 125; in New South Wales, 336 f.; in Per- sia, 370.
Blood-union, hints of, 332-342. Bloody Hand, 247, 304, 342. Blood-yielding vicariously in Australia, 133.
Bloody sweat of Jesus, 279. Bock, Carl: cited, 73, 129. Body of substitute sacrifice represents divine nature, 204. Boechler: cited, 96. Bonwick: cited, 126.
Book of the Dead, Egyptian : references to the rite in, 78-83, 111; traces of the rite in, 99-101; gleam of divine- human inter-union in, 156; hints of the rite in, 333.
Borneo friendship in, 49, 53; blood brotherhood in, 52; wedding cere- mony in, 73; head-hunting in, 129; marriage customs among the Dayaks in, 192; lessons of blood in, 308 f.; cutting of covenant in, 322 f.
Bosom, blood from, in the rite, 45. Boyle, Robert: his inquiries in this field, 134.
Bracelet: a covenant symbol, 64-68; or armlet, on Oriental kings, 75. Brahmanic recognition of divine-human inter-communion, 160.
Brazil, the rite in, 55; office of goel in,
Bread and wine, covenant in, 281 f. Bread: covenant of, temporary, 293; blood or, 293.
Brébeuf, Jean de, martyrdom of, 127 f. Brewer: cited, 72.
Bridegroom: root meaning of word, 222 f.
Brinton, D. G.: cited, 112, 141. British Columbia, customs among In- dian girls in, 307 f.
British Guiana, heart-eating in, 128 Brotherhood, Covenant of, 10. Brothers of the Covenant, 6. Bruce cited, 368.
Bruce, King Robert, heart of, 107 f. Brugsch cited, 79, 82 f., 110 f. Bruy cited, 125.
Bull, blood of, in consecrating priest of Cybele, 362 f.
Bunsen: cited, 78, 80-83, 99-101, 236. Burckhardt: cited, 132, 192, 223, 260. Burder: cited, 363, 369.
Burial of blood: in the rite, 41 f., 243 f.; in Mauritius, among Jews, among Christians, among Muhammadans, 244.
Burmah: friendship in, 44; marriage customs in, 193; the rite in, 313-316; blood-drinking in, 314. Burnt-offering: blood in
with, 213; whole, its symbolism, 248 f
Burton cited, 55 f., 128, 218, 262, 304; on cutting the cheek, 218; on bal- ancing a blood account, 261 f.
Butter with blood, in covenanting, 338. Buxtorf: cited, 219, 237.
CAFFRES. See Kafirs.
Cain: his blood-withholding, 219-221. Cameron, Commander, makes blood covenant in Africa, 15-18 Cancelling of blood. See Blood-can- celling.
Cannibalism: in Africa, 22; among
American Indians, 127 f., 187 f.; basis of, 183-190; in ancient India, 185 f.; in Feejee Islands, 187; in Central America, 189; in Orissa, 190; in Sumatra, 190; in the New Hebrides, 371 f.
Caribs heart-eating among, 128; blood- anointing among, 137 f.
Casama, as covenant rite in Arabia, 351. Castell: cited, 65.
Castor: cited, 171. Castren cited, 301.
Catacombs, covenant tokens found in, 238.
Catiline and his fellow-conspirators, 60,
Ceylon, form of marriage in, 71. Chaldean legend of creation, 112. Chambers: cited, 367 Chardin: cited, 71.
Cheek, blood from, in the rite, 13, 218. Chest, stamping the, 218
Chica as substitute for blood, 197 f. Children: sacred food for, among In- dians, 181.
China traces of the rite in, 43 f., 109, 364 f.; thought of blood as life-giv- ing in, 123 f.; primitive worship in, 148-152, horse sacrifice in, 152 f.; sacrificing of cock in, 153; sacrifice and feasting in, 181; wedding cere- monies in, 197 f.; significance of
red thread in, 236; heart-eating in, 363 f.
Chinese character for "sacrifice," 357. Christ life and nourishment in, 276; union of life in, 342.
Christian and Jew in covenant, 7. Christian Fathers, testimony of, 354 f. Christians: use of covenant tokens among, 238; charged with blood- drinking, 321.
Chrysostom: condemns use of covenant tokens, 238.
Cicero: cited, 108 f.
Cigar-smoking in marriage ceremony among Dayaks, 309.
Circassians, wedding customs among,
198. Circumcision: blood covenant in, 79, 215-224; its estimate by rabbis, 221; its significance, 351 f. Clark: cited, 180 f., 339.
Clasping of hands in blood, 234-236. Classics light from the, 58-65; refer- ence to blood-drinking in the, 113 f. Clavigero cited, 90, 106.
Clement of Alexandria on life in sacra- mental cup, 354.
Clement of Rome on red cord of Ra- hab, 355.
Cobbett: cited, 145. Cocceius cited, 264.
Cock sacrifice of, in China, 153; blood of, at wedding in Scotland, 199 f. Coffee: a substitute for blood, 192; in the rite, in Persia, 370 f.
Common life through common blood, 7,
10, 54-57, 60, 75, 77 f., 147-190. Communion feasts in India, 161 f.;
sacrifices in ancient Egypt, 171 f. Constantine, the emperor, legend of, 117. Copts: traces of the rite among, 72; marriage customs among, 192. Corner, Lieut.: cited, 56 f. Coronation ring, in Great Britain, and in ancient times, 74.
Cory: cited, 109, 112, 174. Covenant: tokens of, found in cata-
combs, 238; meaning of the word, 264; of Abram, Mamre, and others at Hebron, 264 f.; at Beer-sheba, 264 f.; between individuals, first Bible reference to, 264 f; at Well of the Seven, 267 f; oath of, in Su- matra, 268 f.; of blood, the true, 280 f.; of bread, and of blood, dis- tinct, 293; the eternal, 293; cutting in, 322 f. reminder of, 326-332; among Feejees, 338 f.; among Paw- nees, 339 f.
Covenant token. See Tokens of Cove- nant.
Cow sacrifices in India, 157.
Cox and Jones: cited, 121 f., 130, 140,
Dead, blood-drinking by, 114 f. Death of victim, a means toward an end, 246; atonement not made by, 287 f.
De Bergmann: cited, 110 f. Delitzsch, Friedrich cited, 65. Denmark, blood-testifying in, 144 f. Devil-worshipers in Peru, 115.. De Wette; cited, 40. Diodorus cited, 170. Discerning the divine presence essen- tial in Hindoo sacrament, 164. Divine-human: inter-union by blood,
148-190; inter-communion in Egypt, 173; blood friendship, 245. Divine nature represented in substitute blood, 203 f.
Divorce-ring in Borneo, 330. Dodge, Col., on Indian brotherhoods,
Dog sacrificed in the rite in Western
Asia, 371. Doolittle: cited, 197.
Doorga, the blood-craving goddess, 157 f.
Door-posts and lintels blood-sprinkled in China, 153.
Dorman: cited, 174, 177, 188 f. Double life in the rite, 7.
Douglas cited, 151, 197. Drake: cited, 95.
Drinking blood in covenant. See Blood- drinking.
Drinking inspiration in blood, 92 f.; of healths, a survival of the rite, 201 f.; and eating together in covenant, 240, 267-271; of coffee, in connec- tion with the rite, 370 Druzes covenanting with those of another religion, 7; sucking-cove. nant among, II.
Dubois: cited, 77, 155, 158, 161 f., 174, 185, 196, 218.
EARS blood from, in the rite, 90 f., 174 f.
Earth, outpoured blood buried in the, 180. See, also, Burial of Blood. Eating of blood prohibited, 102 f., 240 f.; the sacrament a duty, among In- dians, 181; and drinking together in covenant, 240, 267-271 f.; on wit- ness-heap, 268 f.; as mode of cove- nanting, 313; together indicates union, 350; blood, effect of, 357. Ebers: cited, 40, 79, 84, 100 f., 170 f. Edersheim on sacrifices of the Mosaic ritual, 246-251.
Edible animals alone used for sacrifice, 181.
Edkins cited, 109, 148-151, 181 f., 220. Edwards: cited, 138.
Egypt: traces of the rite in, 70, 75, 77-
85, 99-105, 110 f.; ancient, sacra- ment of communion in, 170; waters of, turned to blood, 231; ancient, red amulet in, 233; heart for life in, 301 f.; ancient, hints of the rite in, 333. Egyptian: word for "red" and 'blood," 236; sacrifice, resem- blance to that of the Jews, 300; kings, their claims of union with gods, 356.
El-A'asha: cited, 11.
Elbows, blood from, 175.
Elephant sacrifices in India, 161. Elliott and Roberts: cited, 67.
Ellis cited, 44, 48 f., 87 f., 337 f., 346 f. England, blood-testifying in, 146 f. Esarhaddon, inscription of, 168. Eschwege: cited, 325.
Eshcol, Mamre, and Aner: their cove- nant, 264 f.
Ethnic reachings after union with God, 356-359.
Evolution or deterioration, 4; of sub-
stitute sacrifice in India, 157. Exceptions to points in first edition, 345. Exchange of gifts, 14, 16, 20-22, 25-
28, 32; of garments, 14, 270; of arms, 270; of wampum belts, 327 f.; of names, 334.
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