INDICATIONS OF THE RITE IN THE BIBLE. (1.) LIMITATIONS OF INQUIRY, 209. (2.) PRIMITIVE TEACHINGS OF BLOOD, 210. (3.) THE BLOOD COVENANT IN CIRCUMCISION, 215. (4.) THE BLOOD COVENANT Tested, 224. (5.) THE BLOOD Cove- NANT AND ITS TOKENS IN THE PASSOVER, 230. (6.) THE BLOOD COVENANT AT SINAI, 238. (7.) THE BLOOD COVENANT IN THE MOSAIC RITUAL, 240. (8.) THE PRIMITIVE RITE ILLUSTRATED, IMPORTANCE OF THIS RITE STRANGELY UNDERVALUED, 297. LIFE IN THE BLOOD, IN THE HEART, IN THE LIVER, 299. TRANSMIGRA- TION OF SOULS, 305. THE BLOOD-RITE IN BURMAH, 313. BLOOD- STAINED TREE OF THE COVENANT, 318. BLOOD-DRINKING, 320. COVENANT-CUTTING, 322. BLOOD-BATHING, 324. BLOOD-RANSOM- RECEPTION AND CRITICISMS OF FIRST EDITION, 345. VITAL UNION BY SUBSTITUTE BLOOD, 346. BLOOD MAKES UNITY; EAT- ING SHOWS UNION, 350. ETHNIC REACHINGS AFTER UNION WITH I. THE PRIMITIVE RITE ITSELF. I. SOURCES OF BIBLE STUDY. THOSE who are most familiar with the Bible, and who have already given most time to its study, have largest desire and largest expectation of more knowledge through its farther study. And, more and more, Bible study has come to include very much that is outside of the Bible. For a long time, the outside study of the Bible was directed chiefly to the languages in which the Bible was written, and to the archæology and the manners and customs of what are commonly known as the Lands of the Bible. Nor are these well-worked fields, by any means, yet exhausted. More still remains to be gleaned from them, each and all, than has been gathered thence by all searchers in their varied lore. But, latterly, it has been realized, that, while the Bible is an Oriental book, written primarily for Orientals, and therefore to be understood only through an understanding of Oriental modes of thought and speech, it is also a record of God's revelation to the whole human race; hence its inspired pages are to receive illumination from all disclosures of the primitive characteristics and customs of that race, everywhere. Not alone those who insist on the belief that there was a gradual development of the race from a barbarous beginning, but those also who believe that man started on a higher plane, and in his degradation retained perverted vestiges of God's original revelation to him, are finding profit in the study of primitive myths, and of aboriginal religious rites and ceremonies, all the world over. Here, also, what has been already gained, is but an earnest of what will yet be compassed in the realm of truest biblical research. 2. AN ANCIENT SEMITIC RITE. One of these primitive rites, which is deserving of more attention than it has yet received, as throwing light on many important phases of Bible teaching, is the rite of blood-covenanting: a form of mutual covenanting, by which two persons enter into the closest, the most enduring, and the most sacred of compacts, as friends and brothers, or as more than brothers, through the inter-commingling of their blood, by means of its mutual tasting, or of its inter |