them both; but as he was not able to run, they both got from him into the wood, where Friday purfued them, and killed one of them; but the other was too nimble for him; and though he was wounded, yet he plunged into the fea, and swam with all his might off to those who were left in the canoe, which three in the canoe, with one wounded who we know not whether he died or no, were all that escaped our hands of one and twenty. The account of the reft is as follows: 3 Killed at our fhot from the tree. 2 Killed at the next shot. 2 Killed by Friday in the boat. 2 Killed by ditto, of thofe at first wounded. 1 Killed by ditto, in the wood: 3 Killed by the Spaniard. 4 Killed, being found dropt here and there of their wounds, or killed by Friday in his chace of them." 4 Escaped in the boat, whereof one wounded, if not dead. 21 In all Thofe that were in the canoe, worked hard to get out of gun-fhot; and tho' Friday made two or three fhots at them, I did not find that he hit any of them: Friday would fain have had me take one of their canoes, and purfue them; and indeed I was very anxious about their efcape, left carrying the news home to their people, they fhould come back, perhaps, with two or three hundred of their canoes, and devour us by mere multitudes; fo I confented to purfue them by fea; and running to one of their canoes, I jumped in, and bade Friday follow me; but when I was in the canoe, I was furprised to find another poor creature lie there alive, bound hand and foot, as the Spaniard was, for the flaughter, and almost dead with fear, not knowing what the mat-ter was; for he had not been able to look up over the fide of the boat, he was tied fo hard, neck and heels, and had been tied fo long, that he had really little life in him. I immediately cut the twifted flags, or rushes, which they had bound him with, and would have help him up; but he could not ftand, or fpeak, but groaned most piteously, believing, it seems ftill, that he was only unbound in order to be killed. When Friday came to him, I bade him speak to him, and tell him of his deliverance; and pulling out my bottle, made him give the poor wretch a dram, which, with the news of his being delivered, revived him, and he fat up in the boat; but when Friday came to hear him speak, and looked in his face, it would have moved any one to tears, to have feen how Friday kiffed him, embraced him, hugged him, cried, laughed, hallooed, jumped about, danced, fung, then cried again, wrung his hands, beat his own face and head, and then fung and jumped about again, like a distracted creature. I was a good while, before I could inake him fpeak to me, or tell me what was the matter, but when he came a little to himself, he told me, that it was his father. It was not eafy for me to exprefs how it moved me, to fee what extacy and filial affection had worked in this poor favage, at the fight of his father, and of his being delivered from death; nor indeed can I defcribe half the extravagancies of his affection after this; for he went into the boat and out of the boat a great many times: when he went into him, he would fit down by him, open his breast, and hold his father's head close to his bofom, half an hour together, to nourish it: then he took his arms and ankles, which were numbed and ftiff with the binding, and chafed and rubbed them with his hands; and I, perceiving what the cafe was, gave him fome rum out of my bottle to rub them with, which did them a great deal of good. This action put an end to our pursuit of the canoe with the other favages, who were now gotten almost out of fight; and it was happy for us, that we did not; for it blew fo hard within two hours after, and before they could be gotten a quarter of their way, and continued blowing fo hard all night, and that from the northweft, which was again them, that I could not fuppofe their boat could live, or that they ever reached to their own coaft. But Bnt to return to Friday; he was fo bufy about his father, that I could not find in my heart to take him off for fome time: but after I thought he could leave him a little, I called him to me, and he came jumping and laughing, and pleased to the higheft extreme. Then I afked him, if he had given his father any bread? He shook his head, and faid, None: ugly dog eat all up felf. So I gave him a cake of bread out of a little pouch I carried on purpose; I also gave him a dram for himfelf, but he would not tafte it, but carried it to his father: I had in my pocket alfo two or three bunches of my raisins, so I gave him a handful of them for his father. He had no fooner given his father these raifins, but I faw him come out of the boat and run away as if he had been bewitched. He ran at fuch a rate (for he was the fwifteft fellow of his feet that ever I faw) I fay, he ran at fuch a rate, that he was out of fight, as it were in a inftant; and tho' I called and hallooed too after him, it was all one; away he went, and in a quarter of an hour I faw him come back again, tho' not fo faft as he went; and as he came nearer, I found his pace was flacker, because he had fomething in his hand. When he came up to me, I found he had been quite home for an earthen jug, or pot, to bring his father fome fresh water; and that he had got two more cakes or loaves of bread. The bread he gave me, but the water he carried to his father: however, as I was very thirty too, I took a little fup of it: this water revived his fa ther more than all the rum or fpirits. I had given him, for he was just fainting with thirft. When his father had drank, I called him, to know if there was any water left; he faid, yes; and I bade him give it to the poor Spaniard, who was in as much want of it as his father; and I fent one of the cakes, that Friday brought, to the Spaniard, too, who was indeed very weak, and was repofing himfelf upon a green place, under the fhade of a tree, and whofe limbs were alfo very ftiff, and very much fwelled with the rude bandage he had been tied with. when I faw that upon Friday's coming to him with the water, he fat up and drank, and took the bread, and began to eat, I went to him, anl gave him an handful of raifins; he looked up in my face with all the tokens of gratitude and thankfulness that could K S appear appear in any countenance; but was fo weak, notwithftanding he had fo exerted himself in the fight, that he could not stand up upon his feet; he tried to do it twoor three times, but was really not able, his ankles were fo fwelled and fo painful to him; fo I'bade him fit ftill, and caufed Friday to rub his ankles, and bathe them with rum, as he had done his father's. I obferved the poor affectionate creature every two minutes, or perhaps lefs, all the while he was here, turned his head about, to fee if his father was in the fame place and posture as he left him fitting; and at laft he found he was not to be feen; at which he started up, and without fpeaking a word, flew with that swiftnefs to him, that one could fcarce perceive his feet to touch the ground as he went but when he came, he only found he had laid himself down to ease his limbs: fo Friday came back to me prefently, and I then fpoke to the Spaniard to let Friday help him up, if he could, and lead him to the boat, and then he should carry him to our dwelling, where I would take care of him: but Friday, a lufty young fel. low, took the Spaniard quite up upon his back, and carried him away to the boat, and fet him down foftly upon the fide or gunnel of the canoe, with his feet in the infide of it, and then lifted them quite in, and fet him clofe to his father, and prefently stepping out again, launched the boat off, and paddled it along the shore faster than I could walk, tho' the wind blew pretty hard too; fo he brought them both fafe into our creek; and leaving them in the boat, runs away to fetch the other canoe. As he paffed me, I fpoke to him, and asked him, whither he went? He told me, Go, fetch more boat; fo away he went, like the wind; for fure never man or horse ran like him, and he had the other canoe in the creek, almost as foon as I got to it by land; fo he wafted me over, and then went to help our new guefts out of the boat, which he did; but they were neither of them able to walk; so that poor Friday knew not what to do. To remedy this, I went to work in my thought, and calling to Friday to bid them fit down on the bank while he came to me, I foon made a kind of handbarrow to lay them on, and Friday and I carried them up both together upon it between us: but when we got ther them to the outside of our wall or fortification, we were at a worse lofs than before; for it was impoffible to get them over; and I was refolved not to break it down: fo I fet to work again; and Friday and I, in about two hours time, made a very handsome tent, covered with old fails, and above that with boughs of trees, being in the fpace without our outward fence, and between that and the grove of young wood which I had planted: and here we made two beds of fuch things as I had; viz. of good rice-ftraw, with blankets laid upon it to lie on, and another to cover them on each bed. My ifland was now peopled, and I thought myself very rich in fubjects; and it was a merry reflection which I frequently made, how like a king I looked: First of all the whole country was my own mere property; fo 'that I had an undoubted right of dominion: 2dly, My people were perfectly fubjected; I was abfolute lord and lawgiver; they all owed their lives to me, and were ready to lay down their lives, if there had been occafion for it, for me: It was remarkable too, I had but three fubjects, and they were of three different religions. My man Friday was a proteftant; his father a pagan and a canibal; and the Spaniard was a papift: however, I allowed liberty of confcience throughout my dominions but this by the way. As foon as I had fecured my two weak refcued prifon-ers, and given them shelter, and a place to reft them upon, I began to think of making fome provision for them; and the first thing I did, I ordered Friday to take a yearling goat, betwixt a kid and a goat, out of my particular ftock, to be killed; then I cut off the hinder quarter, and, chopping it into fmall pieces, I fet Friday to work, to boiling and ftewing, and made them a very good difh, I affure you, of flesh and broth; having put fome bar ley and rice alfo into the broth; and as I cooked it without doors (for I made ne fire within my inner wall) fo I carried it all into the new tent; and having fet a table there for them, I fat down and eat my dinner alfo with them; and, as well as I could, cheared them and encouraged them, Friday being my interpreter, efpecially to bis father, and indeed to the Spaniard too; for the Spaniard fpoke the language of the favages pretty well. K6 After |