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CHAP. is often falling on it from God, and beareth herbage useful to the tillers 8 of it, receiveth praise; but when it bringeth forth thorns and briers, is disapproved and condemned, and at last burned up.


not to con

is no more any offering for sin 're- CHAP. quired.



may look

Having therefore, brethren; a Whatever the Jews high-priest over the family of God, expected let us come near with a true heart, from their in assured confidence, having hearts high-priest But, beloved, we are persuaded sprinkled from an evil concience, The apos- better things of you, and things and the body washed with clean for in tle meant which belong to salvation, though water: let us hold fast the steady Christ. demn, only we thus speak. For God is not un-profession of our hope (for he who to caution just, so as to forget that proof of hath promised is faithful), and let 24 the He- your love, which ye showed for us consider one another, that we his name's sake in having relieved may provoke each other to love the saints, and still relieving them. and to good works: not forsaking 25 11 Now we wish every one of you to the assembling of ourselves togeshow the same earnestness, accord-ther, as the manner of some is, but ing to the confidence of your hope encouraging each other, and so 12 unto the end, that ye be not sloth- much the more, as ye see the 'day ful, but imitators of them who of retribution approaching. through faith and patience inherit the promises.




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For if we sin wilfully after re- 26 ceiving the knowledge of the truth, The danNow under the law of Moses, there remaineth no more any sacri- ger of aposevery priest continueth serving fice for sins, but a fearful expecta- strongly Obedience daily, and offering the same sacri- tion of punishment, and a raging representis the best fices frequently, which can never fire, that will devour the adversaries. take away sins; but Christ, after He who despised the law of Moses, 28 offering for ever one sacrifice for died without mercy under two or sins, sat down at the right hand of three witnesses; how much sorer 29 13 God, waiting after this" until his punishment, think ye, will he reenemies be made his footstool:"ceive who treadeth under foot the 14 for one offering hath made those son of God, and regardeth as vile who are 'sanctified by it perfect for that blood of the covenant by which 15 ever. Now the holy spirit also bear- he was sanctified, and insulteth the eth testimony to us: for after the spirit of favour? For we know 30 scripture had said before, "This is who hath declared, " Vengeance is Deuter. the covenant which I will make with mine, I will repay, saith the xxxii. 35. them, 'After these days,' saith the Lord." And again," The Lord Psalm Lord, I will put my laws into will judge his people.' It is a fear- 4. their hearts, and on their minds, ful thing to fall into the hands of 171 will write them :" it saith also, the living God. "Their sins and their iniquities 18 I will remember no more." Now where remission of these is, there






CXXXV. 14.

But call to mind those days, 32 when ye were first enlightened, in which ye endured a great struggle

I The sacrifice of perfect obedience to the will of God, which whoever sincerely wishes and strives to offer, may be assured of the pardon of all his past sins.


Who become holy by making the offering of sincere obedience in imitation of Christ.

* As there is under the gospel to those

who comply with the terms of it.

4 As was the case under the law.
5 Being pure and holy both in body and

6 For public worship and instruction.
7 The destruction of Jerusalem.

8 So called, because it was given freely
and gratuitously to Christians.



minded of

had acted.


faith, Noah, having been warned CHAP
from heaven concerning things not
then seen, with pious reverence Genesis,
prepared an ark, by which he i. 13.
condemned the world, and ob-
tained the deliverance according
to his faith.


CHAP. of suffering; as well by a public exposure both to reproaches and Hebrews distresses, as by sharing with those who were so afflicted. For ye had the noble compassion on those who were in part they bonds, and took joyfully the seizure of your goods, knowing that ye have a better and a lasting By faith Abraham obeyed the call 8 35 substance. Cast not away there- to depart to that place which he was Genesis, fore your confidence which will afterwards to possess, and departed, xi. 31. 36 have a great reward. But ye must not knowing whither he was going. have patience in performing the By faith he sojourned in the pro- 9 will of God before ye gain the pro-mised land, like a stranger there, 37 mise. For yet a little while in- dwelling in tents, with Isaac and deed, "He who is coming will Jacob, joint-heirs of the same proii. 3, 4. come, and will not delay." And mise, and looking for that city 10 38 whoso trusteth to 'faith for deliver- which hath foundations, whose ance, will save his life: but if he framer and builder is God. By 11 withdraw himself, my soul will faith Sarah also received power to Genesis, 39 have no pleasure in him." But we conceive, and bare a child beyond are not they who withdraw unto de- her proper age; for she relied on struction, but who faithfully per-him who had made the promise. severe to the deliverance of our lives.



good effects of



xvii. 17.

Wherefore even of one (Abraham) 12
and him too become as dead,
sprang as many as the stars of
heaven in multitude, and as sand
by the sea shore which cannot be

CHAP. Now faith is a confidence in things hoped for, a conviction of Nature and things not seen and for this our fathers were well spoken of. By faith we understand that the ages All these died in faith, not hav- 13 were so ordered by divine power, ing received the promises, but havthat the present state of things ing seen them afar off, and having arose not from what did then ap-hailed them, and having confessed pear. By faith Abel offered unto that they were strangers, and foiv. 4, 5 God a better sacrifice than Cain; reigners on the earth. Now they 14 4 through which he was declared to who speak thus, show plainly that be righteous by a testimony of God they are seeking their native counto his offerings; and through this, try. And indeed if they had borne 15 though dead, he is still spoken of. in mind that country whence they 5 By faith Enoch was translated, so came out, they might have had that he did not see death, and was opportunity to return; but now they 16 V. 22. not found because God translated desire a better country, that is, an him; for before this translation he heavenly; wherefore God is not was declared to have pleased God. ashamed to be called their God, 6 Now, without faith it is impossible for he had prepared for them a to please him; for he who cometh city. "unto God must first believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of 7 such as diligently seek him. By



By faith Abraham, when tried, 17 offered up Isaac, and though persuaded of the promises, offered in a


1 His belief of and obedience to the gospel. which the world rejected.
Believing that to be sufficient evidence,






iv. &c

i. &c.

CHAP. sacrifice that only son, of whom more examples, for time would CHAP. it had been declared, "A posterity fail me to tell of Gideon, and of will be derived to thee from Isaac ;" Barak, and of Samson, and of Judges 19 reasoning with himself, that God Jephtha; of David also, and of " was able even to raise him from the Samuel and the prophets; who Sam. dead and indeed from a like con- through faith subdued kingdoms, dition he at first received him. wrought deliverance, obtained pro- 33 20 By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and mises, stopped the mouths of lions, Genesis, Esau, concerning things to come. quenched the rage of fire, escaped 34 xvii. 27. By faith Jacob, when he was dy- the edge of the sword, became 21 ing, blest each of the sons of Joseph, strong from weakness, were mighty and worshipped God, leaning on in battle, put to flight the armies of 22 the top of his staff. By faith Joseph, their enemies, received for women 35 at the end of life, made mention of their dead children brought to life xii. 22. the departure of the children of again; and some were killed with Israel, and gave directions concern- clubs, not accepting deliverance ing his bones. when offered, that they might obtain a better restoration unto life : some moreover experienced mock- 36 ery and scourges, bonds also, and


Exodus, 16.


By faith Moses as soon as he was born, was hid three months by his parents, (for they saw that he was a promising child) in de-imprisonments. fiance of the order of the king. They were stoned, they were 37 24 By faith Moses after he was grown sawn asunder, they were thrust up, refused to call himself the son through with stakes, they were 25 of Pharoah's daughter, and chose slaughtered by the sword, they rather to suffer hardships with the went about clothed with sheeppeople of God, than to enjoy the skins and goat-skins, destitute, afpleasures of sin for a short time;flicted, cruelly treated; (of whom 38 26 and esteemed such reproach as the world was not worthy;) wanChrist endured greater riches than derers in wildernesses, and mounthe treasures of Egypt; for he was tains, and dens, and holes of the looking forward to his reward. earth. And all these thus celebrat- 39 27 By faith he left Egypt, in defiance ed for their trust in God, received of the anger of the king: for he not the promises; God having 40 remained firm, as if he had seen his long ago intended this advantage 28 invisible deliverer. By faith he for us, that these promises might xodus, observed the passover, and the not be performed before our days. sprinkling of blood, that the destroyer of the first-born might not 29 touch them. By faith the Israel-witnesses, let us lay aside every The exodus, ites passed through the Red Sea, weight, and the sin which easily amples of as on dry land, which the Egyp-entangleth us, and run with perse- should extians attempting, were drowned. verance, the race that is laid out cite us to 30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell for us, looking forwards unto Jesus, their good shua, down, after a procession round the guide and complete pattern of qualities. them for seven days. this faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross,



V. 21.

. 20.


And why should I mention any

Wherefore, since we are sur- CHAP. rounded with so great a cloud of




'Abraham's other son Ishmael, is passed over, as being born of a bond-woman.


Though this person and others here mentioned, were guilty of great faults and

follies, they are to be admired for the con-
fidence they had in the existence and good-
ness of God.



CHAP. despising the shame of it, and is holiness, without which no man CHAP, seated at the right hand of the shall see the Lord; keeping watch, 3 throne of God. Now consider with lest any one fall short of the favour 15 yourselves what a great opposition of of God; lest any root of bitterness sinners he endured, lest ye be wea-as gall, spring up, and by it many be defiled: lest there be any forni- 16 cator or profane person as Esau, who for one meal gave up his birth- Genesis, right; for ye know that he wished xxv. 33. afterwards indeed to obtain the 17 blessing, but was rejected for though he sought it earnestly with tears, he found no way of changing the purpose of his father.


v. 17. Prov.

iii. 11.



4 ried and faint in your minds. Ye
have not yet in your struggles re-
5 sisted sin unto blood; and have ye
forgotten that encouraging voice,
which talketh with you as with
sons, "My son, despise not the
chastening of the Lord, nor faint
under his reproof: for whom the
6 Lord loveth he chastiseth, and
Scourgeth every son whom he re-


of the gos

For ye are not come to a moun- 18 tain covered all over with burning Superiority fire, and to blackness and darkness, pel dispen. and tempest, and the blast of a sation to trumpet, and a noise of words; the law of which the hearers entreated might Moses. not be addressed unto them: (for 20 they could not endure that strict command, If even a beast touch 21 the mountain, it shall be stoned;" and so frightful was the appear- 22 ance, that Moses said, "I exceed

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Bear your chastisement with paPatience tience: God dealeth with you as with sons for what son is there whom his father chasteneth not? So 8 then if ye be without chastisement, of which all sons have partaken, then are ye a spurious race, and 9 not lawful sons. Besides, have our natural fathers chastised us, and we paid them reverence, and shall we not much more submit our-ingly fear and tremble") but ye are selves to our spiritual father, and come to Mount Sion, and to the 10 live for ever? For they inde. d, city of the living God, to the heawith a view to a short life, and af- venly Jerusalem, and the general ter their own humour, used to assembly of innumerable angels, chastise us, but he corrects us for and to a church of first-born sons, 23 our good, that we might be par- enrolled in heaven, and to God the 11 takers of his holiness. For the judge of all, and to spirits of just present indeed no chastisement ap-men made perfect; and to Jesus peareth to be joyous, but grievous; the mediator of the new covenant, 24 nevertheless afterwards it yieldeth and to a sprinkling of blood, peaceful fruits of righteousness to which speaketh better things than them who have been exercised by it. that of Abel. Wherefore lift up the hands Take care that ye refuse not 25 and zeal, which hang down, and strengthen him who now speaketh to you; the feeble knees, and make 'straight for if they escaped not who reject- deserve paths for your feet, that the lameed the earthly messenger, much the severest 13 and timid may not be turned out less shall we escape who reject the punishof the way, but rather be healed. "heavenly messenger of God, whose ment. 14 Follow after peace with all men, and voice then shook the earth; but he




peace, and purity.

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such sufferings as Christ endured, and which
will procure for us more glorious rewards
than what Abel had reason to expect.
5 Moses.

6 Christ, called heavenly in distinction
from Moses, on account of the superior ex
cellence of his doctrine.



CHAP. hath


ii. 6.



h now declared, "Once more it is better that the heart should be CHAP. I shake not the earth only, but established in the gracious gospel, heaven also." Now these words than in Jewish meats, by which 9 once more," signify the removal the followers of them have not 27 of those things which are shaken, been profited. as worn to decay, that the things not shaken may continue. Where28 fore let us who have received an unshaken kingdom have thankfulness, and pay religious service unto God, with reverence and pious 29 fear. For to the impious and irreverent our God is a consuming fire.


xviii. 1.

luties en


We have not here a continuing 14
city, but are looking for one here-
after. Through Christ, therefore, 15
let us offer up continually to God
a sacrifice of praise, that is, the
fruit of our lips, which render
thanks to his name.

for we trust we have a good con-
science, wishing to conduct our-
selves well in all things.

mission to


Moreover, forget not kind of- 16 fices, and to distribute to the poor; Beneficence Let brotherly love continue. For- for with such sacrifices God is well and subget not hospitality; for by this some pleased. Obey your guides, and superiors Genesis, have entertained angels unawares. yield to them; (for they are watch- recomRemember those that are in bonds ing for your souls, as having an acVarious as bound with them, and the dis- count to give) that they may pre- 17 tressed as being yourselves also in side over you with joy, and not the body. Let marriage be ho- with uneasiness, since this were unnourable among all, and the mar-profitable for you. Pray for us; 18 riage bed be undefiled: for whoremongers and adulterers God will 5 punish. Let your manner of life be without covetousness, and be content with your condition; for God hath said, "I will never leave · 5. thee, nor forsake thee;" so that we may boldly say, "The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man can do unto me." 7 Remember your guides, who spake unto you the word of God; whose faith imitate, considering the blessed end of their course of life.



vi. 4, 11.

[blocks in formation]


Now the God of peace, who 20
brought up from the dead, that Benediction
shepherd of the sheep, become and conclu-
great by the 'blood of an everlast-
ing covenant, even our Lord Jesus
Christ, make you complete in every 21
good work, to perform his will!
doing with you what is pleasing in
his own sight, through Jesus Christ;
to whom be glory for ever and ever.

Now I entreat you, brethren, 22
suffer the word of exhortation.
The favour of God be with you all. 25

By voluntarily submitting to death, in venant, which will never be annulled. defence and confirmation of that gospel co

2 H 2

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