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know that it is every where spoken CHAP against.


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CHAP. after, a south wind sprang up, and we came on the second day to 14 Puteoli; where we found some breAccordingly, on a day which 23 thren, and were desired to remain they had appointed with him, ma- He convin with them seven days, and then we ny came to him at his lodgings; to 15 went towards Rome. And when whom he expounded, with much the brethren heard of us, they came earnestness of declaration, the king- moved. thence to meet us as far as Appii dom of God; endeavouring to conForum, and Three-taverns, at the vince them concerning Jesus, both sight of whom Paul thanked God, by the law of Moses, and the pro16 and took courage. And when we phets, from morning until evenwere come to Rome, the centurioning: and some were convinced by 24 delivered up the prisoners to the his words, but others disbelieved. captain of the guard; but Paul was So when they agreed not among 25 suffered to remain apart with a sol-themselves, they departed, after dier, who guarded him. Paul had said one thing more, Well did the holy spirit speak by Isaiah the prophet, concerning your fathers, saying, Go to this people 26 and say, Ye will hear plainly, but Isaiah, not understand, and see clearly, vi. 9. but not perceive: for the heart of 27 this people is become gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; so as not to see with their eyes, nor hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and turn that I may heal them.' Be it known 28 therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen to it." And 29 when he had thus spoken, the Jews went away, debating much among themselves.

the cause

ing to


Three days after, Paul called the He relates principal men of the Jews together to the Jews unto him, and when they were asof his com- sembled, he said to them, "Brethren, though I have committed nothing against my people, or the customs of our fathers, yet I was delivered a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans; 18 who, when they had examined me, would have released me, as there 19 was no cause of death in me. But when the Jews spake against this, I was compelled to appeal unto Cesar; not as having any thing to accuse my nation of before Cesar. 20 On this account, therefore, I have called you hither, that I might see, and talk with you; because for the hope of Israel I am bound with Now, Paul continued two whole 30 21 this chain." Then they said unto years in his own hired house, and Yet he him, "Neither any letters that we gladly received all who came to there twe have received from Judea concern-him, preaching the kingdom of years. ing thee, nor any of the brethren God, and teaching those things 31 who came hither, have related, or which concern the Lord Jesus 22 spoken any harm of thee; but we Christ, with all freedom of speech, desire to hear from thee what thou and without hindrance. thinkest; for as to this sect we



I The Christians.







presses his

desire to

them in

AUL, a servant of Jesus Christ, | you, that I may impart unto you CHAP. called to be an apostle, sepa- some spiritual gift for your estabtroduc- rated for the gospel of God, which lishment, and for our mutual com- 12 he promised aforetime by his pro- fort among you from the faith of 2 phets in the holy scriptures, even each other; even from your faith 3 the gospel concerning his son, and mine. who was of the race of David, ac4 cording to the flesh, but proved to be the son of God by the holy spirit, through a miraculous resurrection from the dead, even Jesus 5 Christ our Lord; from whom I received the favour of an apostleship for preaching obedience to the faith among all the Gentiles, for the 6 sake of spreading his name; among which Gentiles ye also have been 7 called unto Jesus Christ: To all the beloved brethren in Rome, called and made holy of God, favour be unto you, and peace from God our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ.


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In the first place, I thank my e fame God through Jesus Christ, on ace's faith, count of you all, that your faith subject is spoken of in all the world. oy and For God is my witness, whom I nkfulthe serve with my whole spirit in the gospel of his son; that I make men10 tion of you without ceasing in my prayers, requesting that I may by some means, at length, through the will of God, enjoy an opportunity 11 of coming to you; for I long to see


I This epistle was written from Corinth, the capital city of Achaia in Greece, A. D. 58, in the early part of the year, and is addressed to the Jewish and Gentile converts to Christianity in Rome. The principal design of the epistle is, to persuade the Romans to a steady perseverance in the profession of Christianity, by convincing them that God is the God of the Gentiles, as well as of the Jews; and that under the gospel there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles. The argumentative part of the


Now, I wish you to know, bre- 13
thren, that I have been hindered hi- He ex-
therto, when I had often purposed
to come unto you, that I might preach the
reap some fruit among you also, as gospel to
among the other Gentiles.
I am a
debtor both to Greeks and Barba-
rians, both to the learned and un- 14
learned: so that I am ready to 15
preach the gospel to you at Rome
also; for I am not ashamed of the 16
gospel, for it is the power of God,
for the salvation of every one that
believeth it, to the Jew first, and
also to the Greek; for thereby is 17
revealed God's method of justifica-
tion,from first embracing the faith
of the gospel, and then living
agreeably to that faith, as it is
written, "The just by faith shall Hab.
live." And severe punishment is
denounced from heaven against all 18
ungodliness, and unrighteousness
of men, who hinder the truth by
their wickedness, and show not in 19
their conduct that knowledge of
God, which is displayed to them by
God himself.


ii. 4.

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of God leads to the worst crimes.


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CHAP. world, the invisible properties of will be without distinction upon him, even his eternal power and them who commit such things; The know- godhead, are clearly manifest, being and thinkest thou this, O man! that 3 ledge of God was understood by the things which are judgest those who do such things, lost among made. So that men are without and doest them thyself, that thou men by excuse, because when they knew wilt escape the judgment of God? their own God, they glorified him not as or dost thou despise him for his 4 folly. 21 God, nor gave him thanks, but be- abundant gentleness and patience, came vain in their reasoning, and and forbearance; not considering their inconsiderate heart was dark- that this gentleness of God should 22 ened; professing to be wise they lead thee to repentance? And lay- 5 23 became fools, and changed the glo- est thou up in store for thyself, ry of the incorruptible God into an through thy hard and impenitent image, made like to corruptible heart, punishment against the day man, and to birds, and four-footed of punishment, and of the display beasts, and creeping things. of the righteous sentence of God? 24 Therefore, God on his part gave who will render to every one ac- 6 Ignorance them up to uncleanness, through cording to his works: everlasting 7 the lusts of their hearts,to dishonour life to them who by a patient contitheir bodies with each other, be- nuance in well doing seek for glocause they changed the true into a ry and honour, and incorruption; 25 false God, and paid religious reve- but to them that oppose and dis- S rence and service to the creature, obey the truth, and devote themand not to the Creator, who is selves to unrighteousness, he will 26 blessed for evermore! For this render indignation and punishcause I say God gave them up to ment, tribulation and distress, even 9 28 vile passions. And as they did not upon every soul of man that conapprove of retaining God in their tinueth to do evil, whether Jew knowledge, God gave them up to or Gentile; but glory, honour, and 10 29 an undiscerning mind; so that peace,to every one that doeth good, they committed the greatest crimes, whether Jew or Gentile; for there 11 and abounded in all unrighteous-is no respect of persons with God. ness, wickedness, extortion, ma- For as many as have sinned with- 12 lice; and were full of envy, mur-out a written law, will be sentenced Men will 30 der, strife, deceit, malignity; they to death without such a law; and be judged were whisperers, slanderers, haters whoever have sinned under a law, to the adof God, injurious, proud, boastful, they will be condemned by a law, vantages devisers of mischief, disobedient to in the day when God will judge the they pus31 parents; without consideration, secrets of men by Jesus Christ, acmorose, without natural affection, cording to my gospel. For not the 13 32 implacable, without pity: who mere hearers of any law will be knowing the righteous appoint-righteous before God, but the pracment of God, that they who com- tisers of the law will be justified ; mit such things, are worthy of for when nations, born without a 14 death, not only commit them, but law, perform the commandments approve them in others also. of the law, though they have no law, they are a law unto themselves, as they show the efficacy of the law to be written on their hearts; their conscience bearing testimony 15 with them, and their reasonings between themselves, accusing or excusing one another.


will be

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Therefore, thou art inexcusable, II. O man! whosoever thou art, that All the bad judgest, if thou art equally guilty punished for by judging the other, thou condemnest thyself; because thou, who respect of judgest doest the same things. Now persons. we know that the judgment of God'






ews as

vell as Gentiles.

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Behold! thou callest thyself al Jew, and restest on the law, and gloriest in God, and knowest his will, and art taught to distinguish the excellencies of the law; and 19 takest upon thyself to be a guide of the blind, a light to them that are in darkness, an instructor of the 20 ignorant, a teacher of babes; as possessing the form of knowledge 21 and truth in the law: dost thou then, who teachest another, neglect to teach thyself? Dost thou, who preachest against stealing, 22 thyself steal? Dost thou who forbiddest adultery, commit adultery thyself? Dost thou abhor idols, and yet profanely rob the temple? 23 Dost thou glory in the law, and by the transgression of the law dishonour God? for the name of God izek. is evil spoken of among the Genxxvi. 20. tiles, as it is written.


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25 For truly circumcision is of use, ircumci- if thou perform the law; but if on of thou be a transgressor of the law, ut obedi- thy circumcision is no better than uncircumcision; if therefore the 26 uncircumcised man keep the righteous precepts of the law, will not his uncircumcision be regarded as 27 circumcision? and will not he, who is born to uncircumcision, if he fulfil the law, condemn thee, who hast a written rule of circumcision, and yet transgressest thy 28 law? For he is not a Jew, who is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision which is outward in the 29 flesh; but he is a Jew, who is one inwardly, and that is genuine circumcision which is a circumcision of the heart, in the mind, not in precept only whose praise is not from men but, from God.


No man will be justified in the CHAP. sight of God, by the works of any law under which he has been here- Free offer tofore put, for so far from per- to all who of pardon forming the works of it, he has embrace, gained only a conviction of his and obey sin; but now, independently of any the gospel. former law, God's method of justi- 21 fication is manifested; being attested by the law and the prophets; even God's method of justification 22 through faith in Jesus Christ, to all believers (for there is no distinc- 23 tion, inasmuch as all have sinned, and come short of that glory which God designed for them), being jus- 24 tified of free bounty, even by his favour, through the deliverance which is by Christ Jesus; whom 25 God hath set forth to be a mercyseat through faith in his blood, for the remission of former sins, by means of the forbearance of God, to show his mercy at this time, 26 by the gracious justification of the believer in Jesus.




Where then is the boasting of the 27 Jew? It is excluded. By what The Jew law? A law of works? Nay; but by has no su a law of faith, which deals with all, periority both Jews and Gentiles alike: for over the we conclude that man is justified by faith, without the works of any former law. Is God the God of 29 the Jews only is he not of the Gentiles also? inasmuch as one 30 is the God of all, who will justify the circumcised by faith, and the uncircumcised through the same faith. Do we then destroy law by 31 this faith? By no means, we rather establish law.

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The draught or outline.

Or believing him to be the Christ who died and rose again, which belief was the condition of persons being acknowledged Christians, and obtaining a pardon of all

past sins.

3 That is, we urge the necessity of abedience to all the laws of the gospel, after admission into its privileges.


was to re

to God.


CHAP. faith in whom we have access also into this gracious gospel, wherein Design of we stand; and we boast in our the gospe hope of the glory of God. (And concile man not only so, but we boast also in afflictions, knowing that affliction 4 worketh patience, and patience 5 proof, and proof, hope. And hope will not disappoint us, an earnest of which is, that the love of God has been poured out into our hearts by a holy spirit, which is 6 given us.) For though we were weak in goodness, Christ died at an appointed time, for the benefit 7 of the ungodly. Now, scarcely will any one die for a righteous man, (though indeed some may possibly venture even to die for a good man who has conferred very great favours upon them); but 8 God displayeth his love for us, in that Christ died for us, while we 9 were yet sinners; much more, therefore, having been justified by faith in him who shed his blood for us, we shall be saved through 10 him from punishment. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by faith in the death of his son, how much more, after reconciliation shall we be saved by 11 his life. Moreover we boast also in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by faith in whom we have now received this reconciliation.

20 Those under the law had the




abound? By no means: how shall we CHAP. who have died to sin, by vowing to renounce it, live any longer there- God's fa in? Do ye not know then, that as your no many of us as were baptized unto ment to Jesus Christ, were baptized unto sin; his death. By this baptism, there- 4 fore, unto his death we were buried with him; that as Christ was raised from the dead by the power of the Father, so we also should walk in newness of life. Since then we 5 have conformed to the likeness of his death, let us conform to the likeness of his resurrection also; considering this, that our old man 6 hath been crucified with him, that the sinful body might be destroyed, and we no longer be slaves to sin; for as he who is dead, is set free 7 from sin, so should we be, as having died to sin.

But, if we have 8 died with Christ, we are persuaded that we shall also live with him: knowing that Christ being raised 9 from the dead, dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him; for when he died, he died with re- 10 gard to sin once, but in that he liveth, he liveth with regard to God; in like manner reckon ye 11 yourselves to be once and for ever dead indeed with regard to sin, but alive with regard to God, through your obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord.

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Now, by the coming in of a Let not sin therefore reign in 12 law, sin abounded, but where sin your mortal bodies, that ye should but to the abounded, favour did much more obey it, nor yield your members to first offer abound, that as sin reigned so al- sin for instruments of unrighteous- of it; of the gos- so favour might reign by justifica-ness, but give up yourselves to God, 13 tion unto eternal life, through Je- as those that are alive from the dead, sus Christ our Lord. and your members also for instruments of righteousness unto God; for sin must not have dominion 14



What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that favour may

1 Of our real sincerity.

Who being induced by the example of Christ, which he set both in life, and at death, and by the promises of that gospel which he ratified by his blood, to turn from their evil ways, may become truly blessed. 3 By believing in his return to life.

4 The law of Moses was adapted to the exigencies of the Hebrews, but was not an essential part of the divine dispensations, the Abrahamic covenant, not requiring such a ritual, but the introduction of a perfect law. 5 Our former corrupt state of mind.

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