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" RUNNELS was one of the finest men it has ever been my privilege to know. "
Memorial Services Held in the House of Representatives and Senate of the ... - Page 8
1980 - 55 pages
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Memorial Services Held in the House of Representatives of the United States ...

United States. 82d Cong., 1st sess., 1951. House - 1951 - 100 pages
...served his day and generation. His was a good and kindly soul, one of the finest and most patriotic men it has ever been my privilege to know. He was a statesman of the first order. With his loved ones we shall miss him always. To his family goes my deepest...
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Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Iowa ..., Volumes 31 à 35

Iowa Engineering Society - 1919 - 996 pages
...CM FAWCETT* i ... My first duty to you this morning is to express the greetings and the regrets of one of the finest men it has ever been my privilege to know, that he couldn't be with you today and take the place to which you have assigned him on your program....
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