— LYCOPODIUM SELAGINOIDES. Prickly Club-mofs. With, 757.-P. June-September. On the higher parts of the mountains about Llanberis, common. LYCOPODIUM INUNDATUM. Marf Club-rufb.- With. 758.-Eng, Bot. 233.-P. June-September, On moift heaths, and turfy bogs, near Capel Curig, Caernarvonshire, LYCOPODIUM SELAGO. Fir-leaved Club-moss.—With. 758. Eng. Bot. 233.-P. April -October. In moist places on nearly all the mountains about Llanberis ;-on Snowdon ;-and on Cader Idris. LYCOPODIUM ANNOTINUM. Welf Club-mofs.-With. 759. -P. June-September.. Mr. Griffith of Garn, near Denbigh, found this plant in great abundance about ten years ago, near Llyn y Cwn, growing along with Juniperus communis: but, although he has often fought for it fince, he has never been able to find it. LYCOFODIUM ALPINUM. Alpine Club-moss.—With. 759.— Eng. Bot. 234.-P. July-October. On all the mountains of Caernarvonfhire, common. PILULARIA GLOBULIFERA. Pill-wort.-With. 759.-Eng, Bot. 521.-P. June-September. In wet places about two miles from Mold, on the north fide of the road leading from thence to Chefter, near Watt's Dyke. ISOETES LACUSTRIS. Quill-wort.-With. 760.-P. May- In Ffynnon Frech, a small pool in the mountains betwixt CRYP CRYPTOGAMIA.-FILICES. OPHIOGLOSSUM VULGATUM. Adder's Tongue.—With. 761. Eng. Bot. 108.-P. May, June. In moist places in Maes y Porth wood, near Newborough, Anglefea. OSMUNDA LUNARIA. Moonwort.-With. 762. Eng. Bot. 318.-P. May-July, In old pastures in various parts of Anglesea. OSMUNDA REGALIS. Flowering Fern.-With. 763.-Eng. Bot. 209.-P. June-August. In watery places about Pont Aberglâsllyn;-and on the fides of ponds in Anglesea. ACROSTICHUM SEPTENTRIONALE. Forked Maiden Hair. -With. 764.-P. July. In fiffures of the rocks near the fummit of Carnedd Llewelyn. PTERIS CRISPA. Stone Fern.-With. 764.-Ofmunda crispa. Hudí. 450.-P. Auguft-September. On the rocks of almost all the high mountains of Caernarvonshire and Merionethfhire. BLECHNUM SPICANT. Rough Spleenwort. With. 765.Ofmunda fpicant. Hudf. 450.-P. July-September. On the heaths betwixt Caernarvon and Llanberis. ASPLENIUM SCOLOPENDRIUM. Hart's Tongue. With. 766. -P. Auguft, September. In fhady places about Conwy caftle ;-under the rocks, among the bushes, by the fide of the river, betwixt Caernarvon caftle and Pont Seiont. VOL. II. EE Variety. Variety. With the leaves jagged at the edge, and curled Near a petrifying fpring by the fide of a rivulet, at the bottom of Garn Dingle, three miles from Denbigh. ASPLENIUM CETERACH. Common Spleenwort.-With. 767. -P. May-October. On moift rocks on the north-weft coafts of Caernarvonshire and Anglefea. ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES. Common Maiden Hair.—With. 763.-Eng. Bot. 576.-P. May-October. On old walls and rocks, common. ASPLENIUM VIRIDE. Green-ribbed Maiden Hair.-With. 768.-P. June-September. On the moift rocks in the cleft of Tull Du, above Llyn ASPLENIUM MARINUM. Sea Spleenwort.-With. 769.— On the Llanddwyn rocks, Anglefea;-and on the rocks of Priestholme ifland. ASPLENIUM RUTA MURARIA. Wall Rue. With. 769.— Eng. Bot. 150.-P. June-September. On old walls throughout North Wales. ASPLENIUM ADIANTUM NIGRUM. Black Maiden Hair.With. 770.-P. April-October. On walls and fhady places about Caernarvon and Bangor, very luxuriantly. POLYPODIUM VULGARE.-Var. CAMBRICUM. Welfb Polypody.-With. 773.-P. June-October. Near Gloddaeth, Caernarvonshire. POLY POLYPODIUM LONCHITIS. Spleenwort Polypody.-Witb. 773.-Eng. Bot. 797.-P. May-September. 2 In clefts of rocks on the higher parts of Clogwyn y Gar nedd. POLYPODIUM ILVENSE. With. 774.-P. July-September. Among the higheft rocks of Clogwyn y Garnedd. POLYPODIUM ARVONICUM.With. 774.-Acroftichum ilvenfe.-Hudf. 451.-P. July-September. The habitat of this uncommon plant is thus defcribed in Ray's Synopfis:-"It grows on a moift black rock, almost at the top of Clogwyn y Garnedh, facing the north-weft, directly above the lower lake."-I fought for it feveral times, but in vain. W. B. POLYPODIUM PHEGOPTERIS. P. June-October. Wood Polypody-With. 775 In the clefts of moift rocks, near Tull Dû. With. POLYPODIUM OREOPTERIS. Heath Polypody-With. 775 -P. thelypteris. Hudf. 457.-P. July-October. On the heaths betwixt Caernarvon and Llanberis, common. POLYPODIUM THELYPTeris. 776.—P. July-October. Marh Polypody.-With. In a moist dell near the village of Llanberis. POLYPODIUM ACULEATUM. Prickly Polypody.-With. 777. -P. June-October. Amongst the bushes by the river fide betwixt Caernarvon caftle and Pont Seiont. POLYPODIUM FILIX FÆMINA. Female Polypody.-With. 778.-P. June-September. In fhady hedges, not uncommon. POLYPODIUM CRISTATUM. Crested Polypody.With. 778. P. June-September. In fhady places, and on old walls, not uncommon. POLYPODIUM RHETICUM. P. June-September. Stone Polypody.-With. 780.- On rocks near Ffynnon Velen, above Llanberis;—and CYATHEA FRagile. Cup Fern.-Polypodium fragile.- With. 779.-Hudf. 459.-P. June-September. In clefts of the rocks of the highest mountains of Caer- CYATHEA INCISA. Laciniated Cup Fern.-Eng. Bot. 163. P. trifidum. With. 779. On the rocks about Tull Dů. HYMENOPHYLLUM TUNBRIDGENSE. Tunbridge Goldilocks. In a fhady dell in the vale of Llanberis. |