GUIDE THROUGH NORTH WALES IN THE ROUTE OF THE PRECEDING TOUR. At the inns marked with an afterisk *, post-chaises and horfes are kept. THE DISTANCE FROM CHESTER TO CAERNAR. VON, ALONG THE USUAL ROAD, (NOT GOING BY FLINT,) IS ABOUT 72 MILES. Ar Chester the tourist may find it worth his while to vifit and examine the caftle and walls, with the courts of juftice, the cathedral, St. John's church, and the rows. If he is an antiquarian, he will derive entertainment from examining the remains of the hypocaust, near the Feather's inn; and fome other relics of antiquity in the neighbourhood. FROM CHESTER TO FLINT, THE DISTANCE IS 15 MILES. About 2 miles from Chefter crofs the Ellesmere canal, and foon afterwards enter the county of Flint.-At 4 miles pass the little village of Bretton.-The mountain on the left is called Warren mountain.-At 7 miles, pafs Hawarden caftle, by the road fide, and then enter Hawar den, |