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but in the midst of victory, hurried into the very grave they had dug for others ;* and here we see "the pestilence walking in darkness, and the sickness that destroyeth in the noon day," commencing the work of death. But shall we therefore say that the Judge of all the earth doeth not right? Shall we not. acknowledge, that although clouds and darkness are round about Him, righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne? Shall we not, rather, in all this, perceive that He has especial regard to the welfare and benefit of His church and people? Truly we must, for in these destructions we shall behold the destruction of the enemies of the saints, because they are God's enemies. We shall see the nominal and only professing Christian separated from the real and possessing Christian. And, lastly, an opportunity is afforded to the elect to make it clear to themselves, and to an astonished world, whose they are, and whom they serve. Indeed this season of affliction appears to be particularly called for, by the rents and divisions among the body of Christ, by the heresies and lying wonders wherewith she is assailed. Now, then, let all, in whom are any of the good ways of God remaining, stir themselves up, and rally round the standard of the Cross. Let the lukewarm and careless become zealous and well affected; let backsliders return; and, lastly, (with open arms) let us search after, and receive into the bosom of the Church the stray sheep yet scattered upon the dark mountains, that if many of the faithful servants of Christ be called to their eternal rest, fresh forces may be collected to fight the future battles of the Lord.

* Witness the awful scenes just taken place at Bristo!


THE last day of the year reminds me I have sailed through another period of time, and that I am now fast nearing the end of my earthly course. My vessel is crazy and weather-worn; it already leaks at many a pore; and I feel it will soon go down. What, then, shall I mourn and lament at this? I bless God I cannot; I have a bright and glorious prospect before me. He who has assured me of all this, has also assured me that near the wreck a life-boat shall be provided, which shall convey my soul safely, and land it securely on the shores of eternal blessedness.

With such feelings, let us, who are the children of the light, enter upon the New Year, and step aside for a moment from a vain world to view the prospect before us.

And here we behold, that with the New Year, new scenes are unfolding in God's Providence. The world, that is, that part of it which perisheth, is hung with deep and gloomy mourning. God has arisen to assert his right to govern the nations of the earth. He is warning them to bow to the sceptre of His Son, ere he dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. And who is there that believes his Bible?-Who is there that loves the holy God therein made known ?-Who is there that looks forward to the fulfilment of his promises, but must rejoice at all this? For, in the very confusion of the elements, behold! "The kingdoms of this world are becoming the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ." An especial summons is sent to our own highly-favoured, but guilty, land. Here we behold tumult and confusion; riot and bloodshed; wicked men triumphing over the laws;

but in the midst of victory, hurried into the very grave they had dug for others;* and here we see "the pestilence walking in darkness, and the sickness that destroyeth in the noon day," commencing the work of death. But shall we therefore say that the Judge of all the earth doeth not right? Shall we not. acknowledge, that although clouds and darkness are round about Him, righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne? Shall we not, rather, in all this, perceive that He has especial regard to the welfare and benefit of His church and people? Truly we must, for in these destructions we shall behold the destruction of the enemies of the saints, because they are God's enemies. We shall see the nominal and only professing Christian separated from the real and possessing Christian. And, lastly, an opportunity is afforded to the elect to make it clear to themselves, and to an astonished world, whose they Indeed this season of are, and whom they serve. affliction appears to be particularly called for, by the rents and divisions among the body of Christ, by the heresies and lying wonders wherewith she is assailed. Now, then, let all, in whom are any of the good ways of God remaining, stir themselves up, and rally round the standard of the Cross. Let the lukewarm and careless become zealous and well affected; let backsliders return; and, lastly, (with open arms) let us search after, and receive into the bosom of the Church the stray sheep yet scattered upon the dark mountains, that if many of the faithful servants of Christ be called to their eternal rest, fresh forces may be collected to fight the future battles of the Lord.

* Witness the awful scenes just taken place at Bristol.

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Though the New Year reminds us of a changing world, the counsels and purposes of God remain unchangeably fixed.-The end for which our Blessed Lord and Saviour died, was "that he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad." The end for which he is exalted is, "that at the name of Jesus every knee skall bow," in heaven, earth, and hell; "and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Neither of these ends do we yet see fully answered. But shall we therefore, with the scoffers, say, "Where is the promise of his coming?" No, beloved! we are persuaded, though Heaven and earth pass away, yet shall not God's word pass away. Moreover, it must be clear to those who read their bibles, and are observers of events, that the Church of Christ (for the most part) has hitherto been, and now is, a despised, suffering, and persecuted Church; but the promise is, she shall one day be glorious, and the little one become a thousand. The conclusion we would draw from this is, that the Church has brighter and better days in prospect; and that, far from desponding, she should even now lift up her head and rejoice, for her redemption draweth nigh. And are not the counsels and purposes of God for your present prosperity and eternal security unalterably fixed? Is it not said, "Nothing shall harm us if we be followers of that which is good?" that "All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose?" For your spiritual prosperity, and security, remember that God gives you in covenant preserving grace; "I will write my laws in their hearts, and


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