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eluding thy fond gray; vanishing at every turn; and leaving thee a prey to disappointment, dissatisfaction, and gloom. Look at His, brightening at every step; shining in upon the times of sorrow, bereavement, and pain; raising him above temporal things, and triumphing just when thine leaves thee for ever: and may God thus lead thee into a portion of true blessedness which shall give thee rejoicing indeed.

Believer! "Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say rejoice!" And why? Because "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are the called according to His purpose." Christ brightens them all; and He is their portion, which is more than all. Rejoice therefore in the Lord, because His love encircles and blesses thee; His presence delights and comforts thee: His righteousness clothes thee; His grace shall preserve thee; and His glory erown thee. Rejoice therefore in the Lord.--HOPEFUL.



I rejoice at the existence of such a Magazine as your's, and fully expect, that, by the Divine favor, it will be made a blessing to many. I am thankful to

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have it in my power to send you what I believe may be useful not only to Ministers of the Gospel, but to every one engaged in the truly delightful task' of instructing the young and ignorant in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and to all who love to hear of the triumphs of His Cross. It is, I know, with deep regret that Clergymen sometimes witness the indifference of their parishioners towards SundaySchools. They cannot always raise even the necessary means; they find difficulty in procuring willing teachers f both sexes; they observe parents do not feel the importance of having their children's minds early stored with Scripture truth; and they mourn too over the inattention und dulness of many of the scholars. Now I have strong hopes that what is to follow these remarks may, through God's mercy, rouse all such to exertion, and encourage the most timid labourer to 'go forward,' seeing that it is not by learning, or eloquence, success is obtained, but that the Holy Spirit will bless the efforts of the weakest servant, who in prayer and faith seeks the salvation of immortal souls. The following account was given last summer by an Irish Sunday-School Teacher, to a friend of mine, who had been many years before a teacher in the same school in the South of Ireland. My friend was by my bed side, aiming to comfort me in my affliction, when a letter was brought to him. I wish all teachers could have heard his expressions of thankfulness to God for so great a mercy, both to the teacher and the scholar! I will now give you an extract from the letter:-- The more particular reason of my writing at this time is to apprise you of what concerns the last hours of

Eliza H, of whose death you are aware. Her illness continued for three to four months, and terminated in a joyful entrance into the everlasting kingdom of that Saviour in whom she believed to the saving of her soul, and with whom she longed to be. Her path to this glorious kingdom was indeed the path of the just, it shone more and more unto the perfect day. It seemed as if a ray of glory shone around her dying bed. She often said,

"What is there here to court my stay,

Or keep me back from home;
While Angels beckon me away,
And Jesus bids me come!"

In the course of many conversations with her, she always attributed her conversion to the instrumentality of the instruction she received at the SundaySchool; and desired me emphatically, and more than once, to tell Mr.. she owed her first gracious impressions to his instruction and affectionate advice. When asked if she had any message to the teachers or children, she said, charge them to make religion their all. I have found Jesus a refuge and help, a hiding-place in this extremity. He is precious to my soul, and will be with me through the Jordan of death; tell them all to fly to Jesus! When asked if she had any particular request to make to God at that time, she replied with fervour-I long to be with Jesuspray that my stay may be short. She asked a friend who sat by her, if they thought her confidence too great; the reply was, whilst you rest on the Rock of Ages-solely on the foundation which God has laid in Zion-you cannot be too confident. She said, I rely on nothing else, and feel peace and joy in be

lieving. Under the pressure of extreme bodily pain, she seemed frequently to be restored to ease and quiet when portions of Scripture and hymns were read to her. She took great delight in repeating, "Jesus lover of my soul," &c.

and the bright evidence she enjoyed of her acceptance, and the earnest desire she felt to be with Jesus, never abated to the last moment. We have been favored with another instance of the value of Sunday-School instruction, which will not soon be forgotten.'

I am sure some of your readers will feel that this interesting fact urges to duty while we have opportunity; and inay I not add, that if, like my friend, we can go to our work in the spirit of prayer and love to souls, we may sow in hope, and wait for the early and latter rain, believing that even that which looks most unpromising and barren, may yet be as a garden which the Lord has blessed. Praying that you and your fellow-labourers may enjoy many tokens of the gracious presence of our God,

I remain, my dear Sir,

Your affectionate Friend,

J. N. C.

P. S. I just add, that my friend and his friend are not Clergy men; and I do this to excite persons in more obscure stations to assist in extending the kingdom of our Redeemer.


We arrived at Atui, one of the Hervey Islands on the South Sea, where native missionaries had been for some time. Here the first intelligence communicated to us was, that the whole population had

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