| George Fox - 1694 - 536 pages
...suffering, is another testimony peculiar to this people : they affirm that Christianity teacheth people to beat their swords into plough-shares, and their spears into pruning-hooks, and to learn war no more, so that the wolf may lie down with the lamb, and the lion with the calf, and... | |
 | William Ellis - 1831 - 440 pages
...power of God accompanying his gospel, is the only antidote in existence for the moral maladies of die human race. Nothing but this can induce the fallen...of the earth will learn war no more." END OF VOL. III. London : Fisher, Son, and Jackson, • -. , • •'. • ' f, & a '•• m Hi » i • ' . i... | |
 | William Ellis - 1832 - 456 pages
...exchanged our presents, &c., to visit them in ten or twelve months' time, and that, rf they had attended to the instructions of the teachers, we would then...of the earth will learn war no more." END OF VOL. iir. London: Usher, Son, ind Jackson, Prii.'.trn. 2 71 699X *C 55 n 2 THE BORROWER WILL BE CHARGED... | |
 | William Ellis - 1832 - 434 pages
...instructions of the teachers, we would then assure them that European Missionaries would come arid settle with them as soon as possible. One thing affected...the earth will learn war no more." END OF VOL. in. London: Fisher, Son, and Jacksou, Primers. '0 391 A* A 30 ... | |
 | William Ellis - 1833 - 380 pages
...exchanged our presents, &c., to visit them in ten or twelve months' time, and that, if they had attended to the instructions of the teachers, we would then...the earth will learn war no more." END OF VOL. in. • 1 1 1955 ... | |
 | William Penn - 1834 - 98 pages
...suffering, is another testimony peculiar to this people : they affirm that Christianity teacheth people to beat their swords into plough-shares, and their spears into pruning-hooks, and to learn war no more ; that so the wolf may lie down with the lamb, and the lion with the calf, and... | |
 | George Fox - 1836 - 578 pages
...suffering, is another testimony peculiar to this people : they affirm that Christianity teacheth people " to beat their swords into plough-shares, and their spears into pruning-hooks, and to learn war no more, so that the wolf may lie down with the lamb, and the lion with the calf, and... | |
 | George Thompson - 1837 - 150 pages
...can use, and neglect to employ our moral and spiritual weapons in their behalf? Shall we tell them to beat their ' swords into ploughshares,' and their ' spears into pruning-hooks,' and neglect to give them the ' sword of the spirit, which is the word of God?' Let us be consistent. The... | |
 | London city mission - 1840 - 620 pages
...others as he would that they should do unto him. It had long ago settled, that it was far better for men to beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks, and learn war no more, than by violence and blood to destroy each other. The same principles were carried... | |
 | William Evans, Thomas Evans - 1841 - 496 pages
...suffering, is another testimony peculiar to this people; they affirm that Christianity teacheih people to beat their swords into plough-shares, and their spears ! into pruning-hooks, and to learn war no more ; that so the wolf may lie down with the lamb, and the lion with the calf, and... | |
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