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" Do we then eat the body of Christ ? No ; but we eat the bread which means his body : and, as we eat bread that our bodies may not die, so our souls love Jesus Christ, and receive him for their Saviour, that they may not die. "
Polynesian Researches: During a Residence of Nearly Eight Years in the ... - Page 44
de William Ellis - 1833
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Polynesian Researches: During a Residence of Nearly Six Years in ..., Volume 2

William Ellis - 1829 - 610 pages
...gave to save sinners. Do we then eat the body of Christ ? No; but we eat the bread which means his body: and, as we eat bread that our bodies may sinners. Do we, then, drink the blood of Christ ? No; but the wine signifies his blood, just as the holy bread signifies his body: and all those who...
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Polynesian Researches, During a Residence of Nearly Six Years in ..., Volume 2

William Ellis - 1829 - 606 pages the body of Christ ? No ; but we eat the bread which means his body : and, as we eat bread thajt our bodies may not die, so our souls love Jesus Christ, sinners. Do we, then, drink the blood of Christ ? No ; but the wine signifies his blood, just as the holy bread signifies his body : and all those...
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Polynesian Researches: During a Residence of Nearly Eight Years in ..., Volume 3

William Ellis - 1831 - 440 pages
...gave to save sinners. Do we then eat the body of Christ ? No ; but we eat the bread which means his body : and, as we eat bread that our bodies may sinners. Do we, then, drink the blood of Christ ? No ; but the wine signifies his blood, just as the holy bread signifies his body : and all those...
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Polynesian Researches: During a Residence of Nearly Eight Years in ..., Volume 3

William Ellis - 1832 - 456 pages
...gave to save sinners. Do we then eat the body of Christ ? No ; but we eat the bread which means his body : and, as we eat bread that our bodies may sinners. Do we, then, drink the blood of Christ ? No ; but the wine signifies his blood, just as the holy bread signifies his body : and all those...
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Polynesian Researches: During a Residence of Nearly Eight Years in ..., Volume 3

William Ellis - 1833 - 380 pages
...gave to'save shinersv Do we then eat the body of Christ ? No ; but we eat the bread which means his body : and, as we eat bread that our bodies may not...It is the blood of Christ, which he poured out on CaU vary, in Jerusalem in Judea, to save us sinners. Do we then drink the blood of Christ ?* No ; but...
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A Residence of Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands; Or, The Civil ...

Hiram Bingham - 1847 - 650 pages sinners." " Do we then eat the body of Christ ?" " No, but we eat the bread which represents his body ; and as we eat bread that our bodies may not...souls love Jesus Christ, and receive him for their Savior that they may not die." "What is the holy wine1?" " It is the blood of Christ, which he poured...
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A Residence of Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands: Or, The Civil ...

Hiram Bingham - 1848 - 644 pages
...bread that our bodies may not die, so our souls love Jesus Christ, and receive him for their Savior that they may not die." "What is the holy wine?" "...blood of Christ, which he poured out on Calvary, in the land of Judea, to save us sinners ?" " Do we then drink the blood of Christ?" " No, but the wine...
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A Residence of Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands

Hiram Bingham - 1848 - 637 pages sinners." " Do we then eat the body of Christ 7" " No, but we eat the bread which represents his body; and as we eat bread that our bodies may not...souls love Jesus Christ, and receive him for their Savior that they may not die." "What is the holy wine?" " It is the blood of Christ, which he poured...
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A Residence of Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands: Or, The Civil ...

Hiram Bingham - 1848 - 642 pages sinners." " Do we then eat the body of Christ V " No, but we eat the bread which represents his body ; and as we eat bread that our bodies may not...souls love Jesus Christ, and receive him for their Savior that they may not die." "What is the holy wine?" " It is the blood of Christ, which he poured...
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The Island World of the Pacific: Being ... Travel Through the Sandwich Or ...

Henry Theodore Cheever - 1851 - 382 pages sinners. Q. Do we, then, eat the body of Christ ? Ans. No, but we eat the bread which means his body ; and as we eat bread that our bodies may not...receive him for their Saviour, that they may not die. Q. What is the holy wine ? Ans. It is the blood of Christ, which he poured out Dn Calvary, in Jerusalem,...
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