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View of Fa-re Harbour, in Huahine

to face the Title.

page 221



Establishment of new stations at Mahapu and Maeva-Appearance of the lake and surrounding scenery-Increased desire for books-Applications from the blind-Account of Hiro, an idolatrous priest-Methods of distributing books-Dangerous voyages-Motives influencing to desire the Scriptures-Character of the translation-Cause of delay in baptizing native converts General view of the ordinance-Baptism of the king-Preparatory instructions-First baptism in Huahine-Mode of applying the waterIntroduction of Christian names-Baptism of infants-Views and feelings of the parents.

AN intelligent observer may, during a transient visit to a foreign land, become acquainted to a certain extent with the mental, moral, and spiritual necessities of its inhabitants; but it is only by a continued residence among them that these can be accurately known. Our daily intercourse with the people of Huahine strengthened the impression of their claims to our sympathy and exertions, which our earliest interviews had made. So long, however, as we remained unable to address them in their own tongue, we felt that exhibiting a good example was all that we could do; but as soon as we had acquired a sufficient knowledge of the native language to engage in public teaching, while we alternately performed the regular services at the settlement in Fa-re, we established branch stations in different parts of the island.

Two were commenced on the west and southern coasts, viz. one in the fertile and formerly populous valley of Mahapu, and the other in the extensive district of Parea. Schools were opened by approved native ma ters at each of these places. In the former, three hundred scholars were instructed by Narii, a wellqualified teacher. The inhabitants also erected neat places of worship. Mr. Barff performed divine service

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